School of Computer Science

Image of Glenn McGarry

Glenn McGarry

Research Fellow, Faculty of Science



Dr Glenn McGarry is a Research Fellow in the School of Computer Science's Mixed Reality Lab, working in the interdisciplinary field of Human-Computer Interaction. His research interests centre on music technologies and his work in this area has been published in a leading international design conference CSCW. He is the Faculty of science representative for the University's Staff Research Group Subcommittee which works to support and communicate career development opportunities for research staff. He is experienced in conducting fieldwork and analyzing the data gathered using an ethnomethodological approach, as well as other qualitative methods appropriate to addressing the research questions at hand. He is also experienced in working with systems designers, which involves presenting field study findings, working through their implications for design, and formulating design specifications.

ORCID Profile:


Research Summary

Hybrid Relics - This thought-provoking research project explores experimental approaches to the design of hybrid products that co-exist in physical and digital domains. The project is based on… read more

School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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