School of Computer Science

Image of Armaghan (Magan) Moemeni

Armaghan (Magan) Moemeni

Assistant Professor in Computer Science, Faculty of Science



Armaghan is a senior fellow of higher education academy (SFHEA) and holds a BEng (Hons) degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, MSc in Multimedia Computing and PhD in Computer Vision (Hybrid Motion Tracking Systems). She joined Nottingham's School of Computer Science, following her experience as Senior/Principal Lecturer at De Montfort University (DMU) for 17 years. Prior to her academic career, Armaghan worked in industry for a number of years where she held the position of developer and senior software architect.

Her current research work is in applied machine learning ( personalised health and medical image understanding and diagnosis), ambient intelligence for assisted living as well as human computer/machine/robot interaction.

At School of Computer Science,she currently holds the role of Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) which is to operationalise EDI strategic objectives as well as representing school on Faculty and University EDI boards and activities.

Teaching Summary

COMP4124 - Big Data Learning and Technologies - L3 UG and L4 PGT COMP2005 Introduction to Image Processing - L2 UG COMP3010 Communication and Collaboration Technologies - L3 UG and L4… read more

Research Summary

Armaghan's research expertise are in applied machine learning, computer vision, and multimodal human machine/computer interaction in virtual and physical environments. She has led projects with the… read more

Selected Publications

School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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