School of Computer Science

Image of Chris Greenhalgh

Chris Greenhalgh

Professor of Computer Science, Faculty of Science



Chris Greenhalgh is a Professor of Computer Science in the School of Computer Science at the University of Nottingham, where he is a co-leader of the Mixed Reality Laboratory and a member of Horizon Digital Economy Research Institute. He gained a first class BA (with distinction) in Electrical and Information Sciences from Cambridge University in 1991. He then worked in the data communications group at the GEC Hirst Research Centre for two years before moving to Nottingham, where he gained a PhD for his work with large scale collaborative virtual environments in 1997. His thesis was a winner of the 1998 BCS/CPHC Distinguished Dissertations in Computer Science competition. He has been a member of academic staff in the School of Computer Science since 1996. He has served as Senior Tutor and Director of Taught Programmes for the School, and contributed to the University's adoption and use of Moodle, an open-source virtual learning environment.

Research Summary

Professor Greenhalgh's research interests centre on interactive and multi-user applications and the technical platforms and tools that support them. In common with the Mixed Reality Lab as a whole,… read more

Recent Publications

Current Research

Professor Greenhalgh's research interests centre on interactive and multi-user applications and the technical platforms and tools that support them. In common with the Mixed Reality Lab as a whole, his focus is on supporting everyday activities and situations (including home, work, leisure and entertainment) with networked, mobile and embedded devices and systems. His particular concern is with software infrastructure, the development of deployable systems and empowering "ordinary" people to use and appropriate complicated technologies. He is currently involved in research on managing personal data and interactive music-based experiences.

Past Research

Within the EPSRC-funded FAST IMPACt programme grant Professor Greenhalgh has created the Muzicodes interactive musical control system which underpins Climb!, an interactive multimedia work for Disklavier piano and electronics. He has also supported a number of adaptive mobile music experiences through the daoplayer app. As a co-investigator on the Databox project, he is developing and promoting new approaches to personal data management for research and for mental health. As a co-investigator in the Horizon Digital Economy Research Hub Professor Greenhalgh has worked on Personal Data Stores (PDSs), enhancing travel experiences and urban games. He led the development of the Equator Integrated Platform (EQUIP), the Equator IRC's adaptive software architecture for ubiquitous computing and mobile applications. This was used to support high-profile public events and performances, including collaborations with performance artists Blast Theory (Rider Spoke, Day of the Figurines) and Active Ingredient (Love City, Exploding Places). He was technical director of the Digital Records for e-Social Science node of the National Centre for e-Social Science, with overall responsibility for the Digital Replay System (DRS) analysis tool (formerly known as Replaytool). He was the primary architect of three generations of the MASSIVE Collaborative Virtual Environment system, which underpinned many EPSRC and European projects. He has contributed to the architecture and development of the EPSRC funded myGRID e-science pilot project and to a range of e-science infrastructures that link mobile and ubiquitous devices with underlying grid architectures.

  • MCGARRY, GLENN, TOLMIE, PETER, BENFORD, STEVE, GREENHALGH, CHRIS and CHAMBERLAIN, ALAN, 2017. 'They're all going out to something weird' In: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing - CSCW '17. 995-1008
  • FISCHER, JOEL E., GREENHALGH, CHRIS, JIANG, WENCHAO, RAMCHURN, SARVAPALI D., WU, FENG and RODDEN, TOM, 2017. In-the-loop or on-the-loop? Interactional arrangements to support team coordination with a planning agent Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. e4082-n/a
  • SPENCE, JOCELYN, HAZZARD, ADRIAN, MCGRATH, SEAN, GREENHALGH, CHRIS and BENFORD, STEVE, 2017. The Rough Mile: Testing a Framework of Immersive Practice In: Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. 877-888
  • ANDY CRABTREE, TOM LODGE, JAMES COLLEY, CHRIS GREENHALGH and RICHARD MORTIER, 2017. Accountable IoT?: Outline of the Databox model In: International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile, and Multimedia Networks. 1-6
  • GREENHALGH, CHRIS, BENFORD, STEVE, HAZZARD, ADRIAN and CHAMBERLAIN, ALAN, 2017. Playing Fast and Loose with Music Recognition In: Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 4302-4313
  • BENFORD, STEVE, HAZZARD, ADRIAN, CHAMBERLAIN, ALAN, GLOVER, KEVIN, GREENHALGH, CHRIS, XU, LIMING, HOARE, MICHAELA and DARZENTAS, DIMITRIOS, 2016. Accountable Artefacts: The Case of the Carolan Guitar In: Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1163-1175
  • CHRIS GREENHALGH, STEVE BENFORD and ADRIAN HAZZARD, 2016. ^ muzicode$: composing and performing musical codes In: Audio Mostly 2016. 1-8
  • GREENHALGH, CHRIS, HAZZARD, ADRIAN, MCGRATH, SEAN and BENFORD, STEVE, 2016. GeoTracks: Adaptive Music for Everyday Journeys In: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Multimedia Conference. 42-46
  • BENFORD, STEVE, HAZZARD, ADRIAN, CHAMBERLAIN, ALAN, GLOVER, KEVIN, GREENHALGH, CHRIS, XU, LIMING, HOARE, MICHAELA and DARZENTAS, DIMITRIOS, 2016. Experiencing the Carolan Guitar In: Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 3651-3654
  • ANDY CRABTREE, TOM LODGE, JAMES COLLEY, CHRIS GREENHALGH, RICHARD MORTIER and HAMED HADDADI, 2016. Enabling the new economic actor: Data protection, the digital economy, and the Databox Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 20(6), 947-957
  • RICHARD MORTIER, JIANXIN ZHAO, JON CROWCROFT, QI LI, LIANG WANG, HAMED HADDADI, YOUSEF AMAR, ANDY CRABTREE, JAMES COLLEY, TOM LODGE, ANTHONY BROWN, DEREK MCAULEY and CHRIS GREENHALGH, 2016. Personal data management with the Databox: What’s inside the box? In: Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Cloud-Assisted Networking. 49-54
  • PRICE, DOMINIC, MCAULEY, DEREK, MORTIER, RICHARD, GREENHALGH, CHRIS, BROWN, MICHAEL and ANGELOPOULOS, SPYROS, 2015. Inter-Social-Networking: Accounting for Multiple Identities. In: MEISELWITZ, GABRIELE, ed., Social Computing and Social Media Springer International Publishing. 242-252
  • ANDY CRABTREE, ALAN CHAMBERLAIN, STELA VALCHOVSKA, MARK DAVIES, KEVIN GLOVER and CHRIS GREENHALGH, 2015. I've Got a Sheep with Three Legs if Anybody Wants It?: Re-visioning the Rural Economy Personal Ubiquitous Computing. 19(8), 1247-1258
  • ADRIAN HAZZARD, STEVE BENFORD, ALAN CHAMBERLAIN and CHRIS GREENHALGH, 2015. Considering Musical Structure in Location-Based Experiences In: 15th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2015), Louisiana, USA.
  • CHAMBERLAIN, A., RAGHUNANDAN, D., KUMAR, S. and GREENHALGH, C., 2015. Design In Context, from India to Wales: appropriate approaches to the development of socio-technical solutions to support indigenous knowledge. In: At the Intersection of Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge and Technology Design (BOOK) Informing Science Press. 436 pages
  • BEDWELL, BEN, SLACK, PETER and GREENHALGH, CHRIS, 2015. Learning from the Experts: Enabling and Studying DIY Development of Location-based Visitor Experiences In: Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. 755-766
  • RAMCHURN, SARVAPALI D., WU, FENG, JIANG, WENCHAO, FISCHER, JOEL E., REECE, STEVE, ROBERTS, STEPHEN, RODDEN, TOM, GREENHALGH, CHRIS and JENNINGS, NICHOLAS R., 2015. Human-agent collaboration for disaster response Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. 30(1), 82-111
  • CHAMBERLAIN, ALAN, PAXTON, MARK, GLOVER, KEVIN, FLINTHAM, MARTIN, PRICE, DOMINIC, GREENHALGH, CHRIS, BENFORD, STEVE, TOLMIE, PETER, KANJO, EIMAN, GOWER, AMANDA and OTHERS, 2014. Understanding mass participatory pervasive computing systems for environmental campaigns Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 18(7), 1775-1792
  • WENCHAO JIANG, FISCHER, J.E., GREENHALGH, C., RAMCHURN, S.D., FENG WU, JENNINGS, N.R. and RODDEN, T., 2014. Social implications of agent-based planning support for human teams In: Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS), 2014 International Conference on. 310-317
  • CHRIS GREENHALGH, ALAN CHAMBERLAIN, MARK DAVIES, KEVIN GLOVER, STELA VALCHOVSKA and ANDY CRABTREE, 2014. Displaying locality: connecting with customers and visitors in situ via their mobile devices In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Pervasive Displays. 62-67
  • RAMCHURN, SARVAPALI D., WU, FENG, JIANG, WENCHAO, FISCHER, JOEL E., REECE, STEVE, GREENHALGH, CHRIS, RODDEN, TOM, JENNINGS, NICHOLAS R. and ROBERTS, STEPHEN, 2014. AtomicOrchid: Human-agent Collectives to the Rescue In: Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems. 1693-1694
  • FISCHER, JOELE., JIANG, WENCHAO, KERNE, ANDRUID, GREENHALGH, CHRIS, RAMCHURN, SARVAPALID., REECE, STEVEN, PANTIDI, NADIA and RODDEN, TOM, 2014. Supporting Team Coordination on the Ground: Requirements from a Mixed Reality Game. In: ROSSITTO, CHIARA, CIOLFI, LUIGINA, MARTIN, DAVID and CONEIN, BERNARD, eds., COOP 2014 - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems, 27-30 May 2014, Nice (France) Springer International Publishing. 49-67
  • TOLMIE, PETER, BENFORD, STEVE, GREENHALGH, CHRIS, RODDEN, TOM and REEVES, STUART, 2014. Supporting group interactions in museum visiting In: Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work & social computing. 1049-1059
  • JOEL E. FISCHER, STUART REEVES, STEVE BENFORD and CHRIS GREENHALGH, 2013. First International Workshop on Designing Mobile Face-to-Face Group Interactions In: European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW '13).
  • FISCHER, J., REEVES, S., MORAN, S., GREENHALGH, C., BENFORD, S. and RENNICK EGGLESTONE, S., 2013. Understanding mobile notification management in collocated groups. In: Proceedings of ECSCW 2013 Springer London. 21-44
  • CHAMBERLAIN, ALAN, PRICE, DOMINIC, FLINTHAM, MARTIN, GLOVER, KEVIN, GREENHALGH, CHRIS, BENFORD, STEVE, GOWER, ANDY and GOWER, AMANDA, 2013. Participate: Pervasive Computing for Environmental Campaigns In: HCI International 2013, Springer Verlag. 374. 633-637
  • BENFORD, S., GREENHALGH, C., CRABTREE, A., FLINTHAM, M., WALKER, B., MARSHALL, J., KOLEVA, B., RENNICK EGGLESTONE, S., GIANNACHI, G., ADAMS, M., TANDAVANITJ, N. and ROW FARR, J., 2013. Performance-led research in the wild ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction. 20(3), 14
  • GALATI, ADRIANO, DJEMAME, KARIM and GREENHALGH, CHRIS, 2012. A mobility model for shopping mall environments founded on real traces Networking Science.
  • BENFORD, S., GREENHALGH, C., GIANNACHI, G., WALKER, B., MARSHALL, J. and RODDEN, T., 2012. Uncomfortable interactions In: CHI '12: SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Austin, May 5-12, ACM. 2005-2014
  • FLINTHAM, M., GREENHALGH, C., LODGE, T., CHAMBERLAIN, A., PAXTON, M., JACOBS, R., WATKINS, M. and SHACKFORD, R., 2011. A case study of exploding places, a mobile location-based game In: ACE '11: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology. n/a
  • FLINTHAM, M., REEVES, S., BRUNDELL, P., GLOVER, T., BENFORD, S., ROWLAND, D., KOLEVA, B., GREENHALGH, C., ADAMS, M. and TANDAVANITJ, N., 2011. Flypad: Designing trajectories in a large-scale permanent augmented reality installation In: ECSCW 2011: Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work. 233-252
  • OPPERMANN, LEIF, FLINTHAM, MARTIN, REEVES, STUART, BENFORD, STEVE, GREENHALGH, CHRIS, MARSHALL, JOE, ADAMS, MATT, FARR, JU ROW and TANDAVANITJ, NICK, 2011. Lessons from touring a location-based experience In: Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Pervasive computing. 232-249
  • BENFORD, S., CRABTREE, A., FLINTHAM, M., GREENHALGH, C., KOLEVA, B., ADAMS, M., TANDAVANITJ, N., FARR, J.R., GIANNACHI, G. and LINDT, I., 2011. Creating the spectacle: designing interactional trajectories through spectator interfaces ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 18(3), 11
  • FISCHER, J.E., GREENHALGH, C. and BENFORD, S., 2011. Investigating episodes of mobile phone activity as indicators of opportune moments to deliver notifications In: MobileHCI '11: proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. 181-190
  • TOLMIE, P., CRABTREE, A., EGGLESTONE, S., HUMBLE, J., GREENHALGH, C. and RODDEN, T., 2010. Digital plumbing: the mundane work of deploying Ubicomp in the home Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 14(3), 181-196
  • GALATI, ADRIANO and GREENHALGH, CHRIS, 2010. Human mobility in shopping mall environments In: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Mobile Opportunistic Networking. 1-7
  • FISCHER, J.E., YEE, N., BELLOTTI, V., GOOD, N., BENFORD, S. and GREENHALGH, C., 2010. Effects of content and time of delivery on receptivity to mobile interruptions In: MobileHCI '10: proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. 103-112
  • SHAO, JIANHUA and GREENHALGH, CHRIS, 2010. DC2S: a dynamic car sharing system In: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Location Based Social Networks. 51-59
  • RENNICK EGGLESTONE, STEFAN, BOUCHER, ANDY, RODDEN, TOM, LAW, ANDY, HUMBLE, JAN and GREENHALGH, CHRIS, 2009. Supporting the design of network-spanning applications In: Proceedings of the 27th international conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. 2987-3002
  • GRINTER, R.E., EDWARDS, W.K., CHETTY, M., POOLE, E.S., SUNG, J.-Y., YANG, J., CRABTREE, A., TOLMIE, P., RODDEN, T., GREENHALGH, C. and BENFORD, S., 2009. The ins and outs of home networking: the case for useful and usable domestic networking ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 16(2), 8
  • KOLEVA, B., RENNICK EGGLESTONE, S., SCHNÄDELBACH, H., GLOVER, K., GREENHALGH, C., RODDEN, T. and DADE-ROBERTSON, M., 2009. Supporting the creation of hybrid museum experiences In: CHI '09: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1973-1982
  • BRUNDELL, P, TENNENT, P, GREENHALGH, C, KNIGHT, D, CRABTREE, A, O’MALLEY, C, AINSWORTH, S, CLARKE, D and CARTER, R. & ADOLPHS, S., 2008. Digital Replay system (DRS): A Tool for Interaction Analysis In: Proceedings of the International Conference for the Learning Sciences 2008 (ICLS).
  • GREENHALGH, C., BENFORD, S., DROZD, A., FLINTHAM, M., HAMPSHIRE, A., OPPERMANN, L., SMITH, K. and VON TYCOWICZ, C., 2007. Addressing mobile phone diversity in Ubicomp experience development In: UbiComp 2007. 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, Innsbruck, Austria, 16-19 September 2007. 447-464
  • CHAMBERLAIN, ALAN, BENFORD, STEVE, GREENHALGH, CHRIS, HAMPSHIRE, ALASTAIR, TANDAVANITJ, NICK, ADAMS, MATT, OLDROYD, AMANDA and SUTTON, JON, 2007. Professor Tanda: greener gaming & pervasive play In: Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Designing for User eXperiences. 26:1-26:16
  • GRANT, LYNDSAY, DAANEN, HANS, BENFORD, STEVE, HAMPSHIRE, ALASTAIR, DROZD, ADAM and GREENHALGH, CHRIS, 2007. MobiMissions: the game of missions for mobile phones In: ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 educators program.
  • WRIGHT, M., CHAMBERLAIN, A., GREENHALGH, C., BENFORD, S., TANDAVANITJ, N., OLDROYD, A. and SUTTON, J., 2007. `Guess A Who, Why, Where, When?': The Visualization of Context Data to Aid the Authoring and Orchestration of a Mobile Pervasive Game LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. NUMB 4805, 203-210
  • TOLMIE, P., CRABTREE, A., RODDEN, T., GREENHALGH, C. and BENFORD, S., 2007. Making the home network at home: Digital housekeeping ECSCW -PROCEEDINGS ; NO 10 2007. 10th CONF, 331-350
  • GREENHALGH, C., FRENCH, A., TENNENT, P., HUMBLE, J. and CRABTREE, A., 2007. From ReplayTool to Digital Replay System In: Online Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on e-Social Science, October 7-9, Ann Arbor, Michigan: ESRC/NSF.. (In Press.)
  • GREENHALGH, C, BENFORD, S, DROZD, A, FLINTHAM, M, HAMPSHIRE, A, OPPERMANN, L, SMITH, K and VON TYCOWICZ, C., 2007. EQUIP2: A Platform for Mobile Phone-based Game Development. In: MAGERKURTH, C and RÖCKER, C., eds., A Reader for Pervasive Gaming Research: Concepts and Technologies for Pervasive Games 1. Shaker. 153-178
  • OPPERMANN, L, JACOBS, R, WATKINS, M, SHACKFORD, R, VON TYCOWICZ, C, WRIGHT, M, CAPRA, M, GREENHALGH, C and BENFORD, S., 2007. Love City: A Text-Driven, Location-Based Mobile Phone Game Played Between 3 Cities. In: MAGERKURTH, C and RÖCKER, C., eds., A Reader for Pervasive Gaming Research: Pervasive Gaming Applications 2. Shaker. 285-312
  • GREENHALGH, C., FRENCH, A., HUMBLE, J. and TENNENT, P., 2007. Engineering a replay application based on RDF and OWL In: Online Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2007, September 10-13, Nottingham. (In Press.)
  • GREENHALGH, C., BENFORD, S., DROZD, A., FLINTHAM, M., HAMPSHIRE, A., OPPERMANN, L., SMITH, K. and VON TYCOWICZ, C., 2007. Addressing Mobile Phone Diversity in Ubicomp Experience Development LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. NUMB 4717, 447-464
  • NIRAMITRANON, J., SHARPLES, M., GREENHALGH, C. and LIN, C.-P., 2007. SceDer and COML: Toolsets for Learning Design and Facilitation in One-to-One Technology Classroom FRONTIERS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND APPLICATIONS. VOL 162, 385-394
  • WANG, P., BECKER, A.A., JONES, I.A., GLOVER, A.T., BENFORD, S.D., GREENHALGH, C.M. and VLOEBERGHS, M., 2007. Virtual reality simulation of surgery with haptic feedback based on the boundary element method Computers & Structures. 85(7-8), 331-339
  • WANG, P., BECKER, A. A., JONES, I. A., GLOVER, A. T., BENFORD, S. D., GREENHALGH, C. M. and VLOEBERGHS, M., 2006. A virtual reality surgery simulation of cutting and retraction in neurosurgery with force-feedback COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE. VOL 84(NUMBER 1), 11-18
  • CRABTREE, A., BENFORD, S., GREENHALGH, C., TENNENT, P., CHALMERS, M. and BROWN, B., 2006. Supporting ethnographic studies of ubiquitous computing in the wild In: 6th ACM conference on Designing Interactive systems. 60-69
  • FRENCH, A., GREENHALGH, C., CRABTREE, A., WRIGHT, M., BRUNDELL, P., HAMPSHIRE, A. and RODDEN, T., 2006. Software Replay Tools for Time-Based Social Science Data In: Second International Conference on e-Social Science.
  • FRASER, M., HINDMARSH, J., BEST, K., HEATH, C., BIEGEL, G., GREENHALGH, C. and REEVES, S., 2006. Remote Collaboration Over Video Data: Towards Real-Time e-Social Science COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK. VOL 15(NUMBER 4), 257-279
  • CRABTREE, A., FRENCH, A., GREENHALGH, C., BENFORD, S., CHEVERST, K., FITTON, D., ROUNCEFIELD, M. and GRAHAM, C., 2006. Developing digital records: early experiences of record and replay Computer Supported Cooperative Work. 15(4), 281-319
  • BENFORD, S., SCHNÄDELBACH, H., KOLEVA, B., ANASTASI, R., GREENHALGH, C., RODDEN, T., GREEN, J., GHALI, A., PRIDMORE, T., GAVER, B., BOUCHER, A., WALKER, B., PENNINGTON, S., SCHMIDT, A., GELLERSON, H. and STEED, A., 2005. Expected, sensed, and desired: a framework for designing sensing-based interaction ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 12(1), 3-30
  • HERRERO, P., GREENHALGH, C. and ANTONIO, A. L., 2005. Modelling the Sensory Abilities of Intelligent Virtual Agents AUTONOMOUS AGENTS AND MULTI AGENT SYSTEMS. VOL 11(NUMBER 3), 361-385
  • EGGLESTONE, S.R., ALPDEMIR, M.N., GREENHALGH, C., MUKHERJEE A. and ROBERTS, I., 2005. A Portal Interface to myGrid Workflow Technology In: NETTAB 2005 Workshop on Workflow Management.
  • ALPDEMIR, M. N., MUKHERJEE, A., PATON, N. W., FERNANDES, A. A. A., WATSON, P., GLOVER, K., GREENHALGH, C., OINN, T. and TIPNEY, H., 2005. Contextualised Workflow Execution in MyGrid LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. ISSU 3470, 444-453
  • HERRERO, P., GREENHALGH, C. and DE ANTONIO, A., 2005. Being on Guard: Intelligent Virtual Agents Reporting Information from Collaborative Virtual Environments PRESENCE -CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS-. VOL 14(NUMB 4), 423-433
  • FRASER, M., BIEGEL, G., BEST, K., HINDMARSH, J., HEATH, C., GREENHALGH, C. and REEVES, S., 2005. Distributing Data Sessions: Supporting remote collaboration with video data In: First International Conference on e-Social Science.
  • HAMPSHIRE, A. and GREENHALGH, C., 2005. Supporting OGSI and WSRF Specific Functionality in Intermittently Available Network Environments In: UK eScience All Hands.
  • HAMPSHIRE, A. and GREENHALGH, C., 2005. Extending the MIAS-Equator Toolkit to Intermittently Available Network Environments In: Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing and e-Research.
  • PALETHORPE, B., HAYES-GILL, B., CROWE, J., SUMNER, M., CROUT, N., FOSTER, M., REID, T., BENFORD, S., GREENHALGH, C. and LAYBOURN-PARRY, J., 2004. Real-time physical data acquisition through a remote sensing platform on a polar lake Limnology and Oceanography-Methods. 2, 191-201
  • UNDERWOOD, J., LUCKIN, R., FITZPATRICK, G., STEED, A., SPINELLO, S., GREENHALGH, C.M., EGGLESTONE, S. and HAMPSHIRE, A., 2004. From e-Science for Children to e-Services for Educators In: Grid Learning Services (GLS04) Workshop at ITS2004.
  • HUMBLE,J., GREENHALGH,C.M., HAMPSHIRE,A., MULLER,H. and RENNICKEGGLESTON,S., 2004. A Generic Architecture for Sensor Data Integration with the GRID In: First International Workshop on Scientific Applictions of Grid Computing: SAG04, Beijing, China, September 20-24, 2004. 99-107
  • CROWE, J., HAYES-GILL, B., SUMNER, N., BARRATT, C., PALETHORPE, B., GREENHALGH, C.M., STORZ, O., FRIDAY, A., HUMBLE, J., SETCHELL, C., RANDELL, C. and MULLER, H., 2004. Modular Sensor Architecture for Unobtrusive Routine Clinical Diagnosis In: International Workshop on Smart Appliances and Wearable Computing.
  • GREENHALGH, C.M., IZADI, S., MATHRICK, J., HUMBLE, J. and TAYLOR, I., 2004. ECT - A Toolkit to Support Rapid Construction on Ubicomp Environments In: System Support for Ubiquitous Computing Workshop - UbiSys04.
  • STEED, A., MACCOLL, I., RANDELL, C., BROWN, B., CHALMERS, M. and GREENHALGH, C.M., 2004. Models of Space in a Mixed Reality System In: 8th International Conference on Information Visualisation.
  • GUTWIN, C., BENFORD, S., DYCK, J., FRASER, M., VAGHI, I. and GREENHALGH, C., 2004. Revealing Delay in Collaborative Environments CHI -CONFERENCE-. YEAR 2004, 503-510
  • CRABTREE, A., BENFORD, S.D., RODDEN, T.A., GREENHALGH, C.M., FLINTHAM, M., ANASTASI, R., DROZD, A., ADAMS, M., ROW-FARR, J., TANDAVANITJ, N. and STEED, A., 2004. Orchestrating a mixed reality game 'on the ground' In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Vienna, Austria, 24-29 April 2004. 391-398
  • FLINTHAM, M., BENFORD, S., ANASTASI, R., HEMMINGS, T., CRABTREE, A., GREENHALGH, C., RODDEN, T.A., TANDAVANITJ, N., ADAMS, M. and ROW-FARR, J., 2003. Where on-line meets on the streets: experiences with mobile mixed reality games In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 5-10 April 2003.. 569-576
  • GOBLE, C., PETTIFER, S., STEVENS, R. and GREENHALGH, C.M., 2003. Knowledge Integration - In Silico Experiments in Bioinformatics The Grid - Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure Second Edition.
  • BENFORD, S., ANASTASI, R., FLINTHAM, M., DROZD, A., CRABTREE, A. and GREENHALGH, C., 2003. Coping with Uncertainty in a Location-Based Game PERVASIVE computing. 2(3), 34 – 41
  • RADENKOVIC, M. and GREENHALGH, C., 2003. Emerging Infrastructures and Platforms: Science and Collaboration In: Proceedings of IEEE Telsiks 2003. 395- 398
  • PURBRICK, J. and GREENHALGH, C., 2003. An Extensible Event-Based Infrastructure for Networked Virtual Worlds Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. VOL 12(PART 1), 68-84
  • SCHNÄDELBACH, H., KOLEVA, B., FLINTHAM, M., FRASER, M.C., IZADI, S., CHANDLER, P., FOSTER, M., BENFORD, S.D., GREENHALGH, C.M. and RODDEN, T.A., 2002. The augurscope: a mixed reality interface for outdoors In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 20-25 April 2002. 9-16
  • IZADI, S., FRASER, M., BENFORD, S., FLINTHAM, M., GREENHALGH, C., RODDEN, T. and SCHNADELBACH, H., 2002. Citywide: supporting interactive digital experiences across physical space Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 6(4), 290-298
  • MOREAU, L., MILES, S., GOBLE, C., GREENWOOD, M., DIALANI, V., ADDIS, M., ALPDEMIR, N., CAWLEY, R., DE ROURE, D.C., FERRIS, J., GAIZAUSKAS, R., GLOVER, K., GREENHALGH, C., GREENWOOD, M., LI, P. and LIU, X, 2002. On the Use of Agents in a BioInformatics Grid In: Network Tools and Applications in Biology (NETTAB'2002) - Agents in Bioinformatics.. (In Press.)
  • BROLL , W., GREENHALGH, C. and CHURCHILL, E., eds., 2002. Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Collaborative virtual environments New York: ACM Press. (In Press.)
  • GREENHALGH, C.M., 2002. EQUIP: An Extensible Platform for Distributed Collaboration In: The second workshop on Advances Collaborative Environments.
  • HERRERO, P., DE ANTONIO, A., BENFORD, S.D. and GREENHALGH, C.M., 2002. Increasing the coherence between human beings and virtual agents In: Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.
  • RADENKOVIC, M. and GREENHALGH, C.M., 2002. Supporting Collaborative Audio in the Internet In: 2nd WSEAS International Conference on MULTIMEDI, INTERNET and VIDEO TECHNOLOGIES - WSEAS ICOMIV 2002.
  • PURBRICK, J. and GREENHALGH, C.M., 2002. An Extensible Event-Based Infrastructure for Networked Virtual Worlds In: In Proceedings IEEE Virtual Reality, VR2002.
  • STEED, A., BENFORD, S.D., DALTON, N., GREENHALGH, C.M., MACCOLL, I., RANDELL, C. and SCHNADELBACH, H., 2002. Mixed-reality interfaces to immersive projection systems In: 7th Annual Immersive Projection Technology Symposium.
  • BAYON, V., RODDEN, T.A., GREENHALGH, C.M. and BENFORD, S.D., 2002. Going back to school: putting a pervasive environment into the real world In: Proceedings of Pervasive 2002.
  • RADENKOVIC, M., GREENHALGH, C.M. and BENFORD, S.D., 2002. Deployment issues in multi-party audio for CVEs In: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium of Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST).
  • RADENKOVIC, M., GREENHALGH, C.M. and BENFORD, S.D., 2002. Scaleable and adaptable audio service for supporting collaborative work and entertainment over the Internet In: Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Infrastructures for e-Business, e-Educati.
  • LOGAN, B.S., FRASER, M.C., FIELDING, D., BENFORD, S.D., GREENHALGH, C.M. and HERRERO, P., 2002. Keeping in touch: agents reporting from collaborative virtual environments In: Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Entertainment: Papers from the 2002 AAAI Symposium.
  • GREENHALGH, C.M., FLINTHAM, M., PURBRICK, J. and BENFORD, S.D., 2002. Applications of temporal links: recording and replaying virtual environments In: In Proceedings IEEE VR2002, Virtual Reality.
  • MACCOLL, I., MILLARD, D., RANDELL, C., STEED, A., BROWN, B., BENFORD, S.D., CHALMERS, M., CONROY, R., DALTON, N., GALANI, A., GREENHALGH, C.M., MICHAELIDES, D., RODDEN, T.A. and TAYLOR, I., 2002. Shared visiting in Equator City In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Collaborative Virtual Environments.
  • RADENKOVIC, M. and GREENHALGH, C.M., 2002. Multi-party distributed audio service with TCP fairness In: Proceedings of the tenth ACM international conference on Multimedia. 11-20
  • CRAVEN, M., TAYLOR, I., DROZD, A., PURBRICK, J., GREENHALGH, C., BENFORD, S., FRASER, M., BOWERS, J., JÄÄ-ARO, K., LINTERMANN, B. and HOCH, M., 2001. Exploiting interactivity, influence, space and time to explore non-linear drama in virtual worlds In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Seattle, United States, 31 March - 5 April. 30-37
  • KOLEVA, B., TAYLOR, I., BENFORD, S.D., FRASER, M.C., GREENHALGH, C.M., SCHNÄDELBACH, H., VOM LEHN, D., HEATH, C., ROW-FARR, J. and ADAMS, M., 2001. Orchestrating a mixed reality performance In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Seattle, Washington, 31 March- 5 April 2001. 38-45
  • GREENHALGH, C., BENFORD, S. and CRAVEN, M., 2001. Patterns of network and user activity in an inhabited television event Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 10(1), 35-50
  • BENFORD, S., GREENHALGH, C., RODDEN, T. and PYCOCK, J., 2001. Collaborative virtual environments Communications of the ACM. 44(7), 79-86
  • GREENHALGH, C.M., 2001. Understanding the Network Requirements of Collaborative Virtual Environments. In: CHURCHILL, E.F., MUNRO, A.J. and SNOWDON, D.N., eds., Collaborative Virtual Environments London : Springer. 55-74
  • PURBRICK, J. and GREENHALGH, C.M., 2001. Collaborative Creation of a Persistent Virtual World In: Proceedings INTERACT 2001.
  • RADENKOVIC, M., GREENHALGH, C.M. and BENFORD, S.D., 2001. A scaleable audio service for the Internet In: Proceedings Fifth International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services.
  • RADENKOVIC, M., GREENHALGH, C.M. and BENFORD, S.D., 2001. A scaleable audio service for the Internet In: Proceedings Fifth International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services.
  • HINDMARSH, J., HEATH, C., FRASER, M.C., BENFORD, S.D. and GREENHALGH, C.M., 2001. Research alerts: object-focused interaction in collaborative virtual environments Interacting with Computers. 8, 11-13
  • DROZD, A., BOWERS, J., BENFORD, S.D., GREENHALGH, C.M. and FRASER, M.C., 2001. Collaboratively improvising magic: an approach to managing participation in an on-line drama In: Proceedings ECSCW'01.
  • KOLEVA, B., SCHNADELBACH, H., BENFORD, S.D. and GREENHALGH, C.M., 2001. Experiencing a presentation through a mixed reality boundary In: Proceedings ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP'01).
  • HALL, T., CIOLFI, L., BANNON, L., FRASER, M.C., BENFORD, S.D., BOWERS, J., GREENHALGH, C.M., HELLSTROM, S.O., IZADI, S. and SCHNADELBACH, H., 2001. The visitor as virtual archaeologist - using mixed reality technology to enhance educational and social interaction in the museum In: Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (VAST01).
  • IZADI, S., BENFORD, S.D., CHEVERST, K., COUTINHO, P., FLINTHAM, M., FRASER, M.C., GREENHALGH, C.M., MITCHELL, K. and RODDEN, T.A., 2001. A citywide mixed reality performance: initial findings In: Proceedings Moving Between the Physical and Digital: Exploring and Developing New Forms of Mixed Reality User Experience.
  • IZADI, S., FRASER, M.C., BENFORD, S.D., FLINTHAM, M., GREENHALGH, C.M. and SCHNADELBACH, H., 2001. Citywide: supporting interactive digital experiences across physical space In: Proceedings Mobile HCI'01.
  • BENFORD, S.D., BOWERS, J., CHANDLER, P., CIOLFI, L., FLINTHAM, M., FRASER, M.C., GREENHALGH, C.M., HALL, T., HELLSTROM, S.O., IZADI, S., RODDEN, T.A., SCHNADELBACH, H. and TAYLOR, I., 2001. Unearthing virtual history: using diverse interfaces to reveal hidden virtual worlds In: Proceedings UBICOMP/01.
  • GREENHALGH, C., BULLOCK, A., FRECON, E., LLOYD, D. and STEED, A., 2001. Making Networked Virtual Environments Work Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. VOL 10(PART 2), 142-159
  • GREENHALGH, C.M., PURBRICK,J ., BENFORD, S.D., CRAVEN, M.P., DROZD, A. and TAYLOR, I.M., 2000. Temporal links: recording and replaying virtual environments In: International Multimedia Conference. 67-74
  • BENFORD, S., GREENHALGH, C., CRAVEN, M., WALKER, G., REGAN, T., MORPHETT, J. and WYVER, J., 2000. Inhabited television: broadcasting interaction from within collaborative virtual environments ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 7(4), 510-547
  • HINDMARSH, J., FRASER, M., HEATH, C., BENFORD, S. and GREENHALGH, C., 2000. Object-focused interaction in collaborative virtual environments ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 7(4), 477-509
  • CRAVEN, M.P., BENFORD, S.D., GREENHALGH, C.M., WYVER, J., BRAZIER, C., OLROYD, A. and REGAN, T., 2000. Ages of avatar: community building for inhabited television In: Proceedings of the third international conference on collaborative virtual environments. 189-194
  • BENFORD, S., REYNARD, G., GREENHALGH, C., SNOWDON, D. and BULLOCK, A., 2000. A poetry performance in a collaborative virtual environment IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. 20(3), 66-75
  • BENFORD, S.D., TAYLOR, I.M., BRAILSFORD, D.F., KOLEVA-HOPKIN, B., CRAVEN, M.P., FRASER, M., REYNARD, G.T. and GREENHALGH, C.M., 1999. Three dimensional visualization of the World Wide Web ACM Computing Surveys. 31(4es), Article 25
  • GREENHALGH, C.M., BULLOCK, A., TROMP, J. and BENFORD, S.D., 1999. Evaluating the network and usability characteristics of virtual reality conferencing BT Telecommunications Series. 16, 170-207
  • GREENHALGH, C. and BENFORD, S., 1999. Supporting rich and dynamic communication in large-scale collaborative virtual environments Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 8(1), 14-35
  • GREENHALGH, C.M., 1999. Large Scale Collaborative Virtual Environments Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.
  • BENFORD, S.D., GREENHALGH, C.M., CRAVEN, M.P., WALKER, G., REGAN, T., WYVER, J. and BOWERS, J., 1999. Broadcasting on-line social interaction as inhabited television In: Proceedings of 6th European Conference on Computer Supported Co-operative Work (ECSCW '99).
  • BENFORD, S., GREENHALGH, C., REYNARD, G., BROWN, C. and KOLEVA, B., 1998. Understanding and constructing shared spaces with mixed-reality boundaries ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 5(3), 185-223
  • GREENHALGH, C., BENFORD, S., BULLOCK, A., KUIJPERS, N. and DONKERS, K., 1998. Predicting network traffic for collaborative virtual environments Computer Networks and ISDN Systems. 30(16-18), 1677-1685
  • GREENHALGH, C., 1998. Awareness-based communication management in the MASSIVE systems Distributed Systems Engineering. VOL 5(NUMBER 3), 129-137
  • GREENHALGH, C.M., FAHLEN, L.E., BENFORD, S.D. and BOWERS, J., 1997. Embodiments, avatars, clones and agents for multi-user, multi-sensory virtual worlds Multimedia Systems. 5(2), 93-104

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