Refereed articles in Academic Journals
Turnpenny, J. and Alexander, M. (2024) Addressing risks to mental health from climate change: a policy capacity analysis of England. Climate Policy.
Pétillon, J., McKinley, E., Alexander, M. et al. (2023) Top ten priorities for global saltmarsh restoration, conservation and ecosystem service research. Science of The Total Environment. 898, 165544.
Groen, L., Alexander, M., King, J.P., Jager, N.W. and Huitema, D. (2022) Re-examining policy stability in climate adaptation through a lock-in perspective. Journal of European Public Policy.
McKinley, E., Pages, J., Alexander, M., et al. (2020) Uses and management of saltmarshes: A Global Survey. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 243.106840
Hegger, D., Alexander, M., Raadgever, T., Priest, S. and Bruzzone, S. (2020) Shaping flood risk governance through science-policy interfaces: insights from England, France and The Netherlands. Environmental Science & Policy. 106. 157-165.
Rendon, O.R., Garbutt, A., Skov, M., Möller, I., Alexander, M., Ballinger, R., Wyles, k., Smith, G., McKinley, E., Griffin, J., Thomas, M., Davidson, K., Pagès, J., Read, S., and Beaumont, N. (2019) A framework linking ecosystem services and human well-being: an application to saltmarsh. People and Nature. 1 (4). 486-496. DOI: 10.1002/pan3.10050
Alexander, M. and Dessai, S. (2019) What can climate services learn from the broader services literature? Climatic Change. 10.1007/s10584-019-02388-8
Mees, H., Alexander, M., Matczak, P., Gralepois, M., and Mees H.L.P. (2018) Typologies of citizen co-production in flood risk governance. Environmental Science and Policy. 89. 330-339
Alexander, M., Priest, S. and Penning-Rowsell, E.C. (2017) The risk of ill-informed reform: the future for English flood risk management. Area. DOI: 10.1111/area.12393
Pettersson, M., van Rijswick, M., Suykens, C., Alexander, M., Beyers, J-C., Priest, S. and Ek, K. (2017) Assessing the legitimacy of flood risk governance arrangements in Europe: insights from intra-country evaluations. Water International. 42(8). 929-944. DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2017.1393716
Alexander, M., Doorn, N. and Priest, S. (2017) Bridging the legitimacy gap -Translating theory into practical signposts for legitimate flood risk governance. Regional Environmental Change. 18(2). 397-408. DOI 10.1007/s10113-017-1195-4
Bruno Soares, M., Alexander, M. and Dessai, S. (2017) Sectoral use of climate information in Europe: a synoptic overview. Climate Services. http://dx.
Fournier, M., Larrue, C., Alexander, M., Hegger, D., Bakker, M., Pettersson, M., Crabbé, A., Mees, H. and Chorynski, A. (2016) Flood risk mitigation in Europe - how far are we from desired forms of adaptive governance? Ecology and Society. 21(4): 49
Gilissen, H.K., Alexander, M., Matczak, P., Pettersson, M. and Bruzzone, S. (2016) A framework for evaluating the effectiveness of flood emergency management systems in Europe. Ecology and Society. 21(4): 27
Alexander, M., Priest, S. and Mees, H. (2016) A framework for evaluating flood risk governance. Environmental Science and Policy. 64. 38-47
Gilissen, H.K., Alexander, M., Beyers, J-C., Chmielewski, P., Matczak, P., Schellenberger, T. and Suykens, C. (2016) Bridges over Troubled Water - Towards an Interdisciplinary Framework for Evaluating the Interconnectedness within Fragmented Domestic Flood Risk Management Systems. Journal of Water Law. 25 (1). 12-26
Mees, H., Crabbe, A., Alexander, M., Bruzzone, S., Kaufmann, M., Levy, L. and Lewandowski, J. (2016) Coproducing flood risk management through citizen involvement -Insights from cross-country comparisons in Europe. Journal of Ecology and Society. 21(3): 7
Alexander, M., Viavattene, C., Faulkner, H. and Priest, S. (2013) Translating the complexities of flood risk science using KEEPER - A Knowledge exchange exploratory tool for professionals in emergency management, Journal of Flood Risk Management. 7(3).
Articles and chapters in edited Books
Alexander, M. and Priest, S. (2019) A House of Cards: The challenge of establishing societal resilience to flooding through multi-layered governance in England. [In] Jeunesse, I.L. and Larrue, C. (eds) Facing Hydrometeorological Extreme Events: A Governance Issue. Wiley. p101-111
Raadgever, T. and Hegger, D. (eds) (2018) (contributing author) [In] Flood risk management strategies and governance. Springer e-book. ISBB: 978-3-319-67699-9
Faulkner H., Alexander M. & Leedal D. (2014) Translating uncertainty in flood risk science. In: Beven, K. And Hall, J. (Eds). Applied uncertainty analysis for flood risk management. World Scientific. ISBN: 978-1-84816-270-9.
Official/Research Reports
Jackson, B., Weir, E., Mead, J., DiPreta, A., Tucker, M., Sebastian, M., Hutchison, K., Olatunbosun, J., Bengtsen, P., Brotherton, V., Boyd, D.S., and Alexander, M. (2024). Realigning modern slavery and climate change policies for equitable governance and action. Modern Slavery & Human Rights Policy & Evidence Centre, London.
Alexander, M., Priest, S., Penning-Rowsell, E., and Cobbing, P. (2021) Evaluating the Effectiveness of Flood & Coastal Erosion Risk Governance in England and Wales. FRS17186. FCERM R&D Programme. Environment Agency: Bristol.
Priest, S., Alexander, M., McCarthy, S., et al. (2021) Supporting FCERM through Partnerships - Key Lessons. FRS17186. FCERM R&D Programme. Environment Agency: Bristol.
Alexander, M., McKinley, E. and Ballinger, R. (2019) Aligning Flood & Coastal Erosion Risk Management and Well-being in Wales: An analysis and evaluation of FCERM governance. A report published as part of the CoastWEB project under the Valuing Nature Programme. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26567.85926.
Alexander, M., Smith, H., Healy, A., Giardina, G., Petetin, L., Poole, R. and Xie, Z. (2019) The Resilience Games - Creating resilient societies for the future: Exploring the opportunities for Game-Based Learning in childhood education. Research funded via the GW4 Crucible Programme. Final Project Report published June 2019. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32456.06406
Alexander, M., Bruno Soares, M. and Dessai, S. (2017) Multi-sector requirements of climate information and impact indicators across Europe: Summary report of key findings from the SECTEUR survey. May 2017. Deliverable 2.3 (Part II) for the "SECTEUR" project: Sector Engagement for the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) - Translating European User Requirements. Available on request.
Alexander, M., Bruno Soares, M. and Dessai, S. (2017) Guidelines for interaction and engagement with (potential) users in SECTEUR Work Package 3: Part II - Second round of workshops and development of use cases. Deliverable 2.2 for the "SECTEUR" project: Sector Engagement for the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) - Translating European User Requirements. Available on request.
Alexander, M., Bruno Soares, M. and Dessai, S. (2016) Multi-sector requirements of climate information and impact indicators across Europe: Findings from the SECTEUR survey - Part 1. Deliverable 2.3 for the "SECTEUR" project: Sector Engagement for the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) - Translating European User Requirements. Available on request.
Alexander, M., Bruno Soares, M. and Dessai, S. (2016) Ascertaining multi-sector requirements of climate information and impact indicators across Europe: summary of the online multi-lingual survey questions, rationale and dissemination. Deliverable 2.1 for the "SECTEUR" project: Sector Engagement for the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) - Translating European User Requirements. Available on request.
Alexander, M., Priest, S., Micou, A.P., Tapsell, S., Green, C., Parker, D., and Homewood, S. (2016) Analysing and evaluating flood risk governance in England - Enhancing societal resilience through comprehensive and aligned flood risk governance. STAR-FLOOD Consortium. Flood Hazard Research Centre, Middlesex University.
Ek, K. Pettersson, M., Alexander, M., Beyers, J-C., Pardoe, J., Priest, S., Suykens, C., and van Rijswick, H.F.M.W. (2016) Design principles for resilient, efficient and legitimate flood risk governance; Lessons from cross-country comparisons. STAR-FLOOD deliverable report (Report No. D5.2). Awaiting final approval from the European Commission.
Hegger, D., Driessen, P. and Bakker, M. (eds) (2016) A view on more resilient flood risk governance: key conclusions of the STAR-FLOOD project. STAR-FLOOD deliverable report (Report No. D6.4).
Alexander, M., Priest, S. and Mees, H. (2015) Practical guidelines for evaluating flood risk governance. [In] Larrue, C., Hegger, D., Trémorin, J-B (Eds). Researching flood risk governance in Europe: A framework and methodology for assessing flood risk governance. STAR-FLOOD deliverable report (Report No. D2.2.1).
Priest, S., Alexander, M., Green, C., Buijze, A. and Van Doorn-Hoekveld, W. (2013) Chapter 5: Evaluation Framework [In] Larrue, C., Hegger, D., Trémorin, J-B (Eds). Researching flood risk governance in Europe: A framework and methodology for assessing flood risk governance. STAR-FLOOD deliverable report (D2.2.1
Priest, S., Alexander, M., Green, C., Buijze, A. and Van Doorn-Hoekveld, W. (2013) Theoretical background to the evaluation framework. [In] Larrue, C., Hegger, D., Trémorin, J-B (Eds). Researching flood risk governance in Europe: Background theories. STAR-FLOOD deliverable report (D2.2.2).
Alexander M., Viavattene C., Faulkner H., Priest S. (2011). A GIS- based flood risk management tool: supporting flood incident management at the local scale. FRMRC report SWP3.2. London: FHRC.
Tapsell, S., McCarthy, S., Faulkner, H. and Alexander, M. (2010) CapHaz-Net: WP4 Social Vulnerability. Submitted to CapHaz-Net: Social capacity building for natural hazards, towards more resilient societies.