recommended amounts of active
therapy? Findings from the ReAcT
study, a mixed-methods case-study
evaluation in eight stroke units Clinical Rehabilitation. 1-14 DRUMMOND A, HAWKINS L, SPRIGG N, WARD NS, MISTRI A, TYRELL P, MEAD G, WORTHINGTON E and LINCOLN NB, 2017. The Nottingham Fatigue After Stroke (NotFAST) study: Factors associated with severity in stroke patients without depression Clinical Rehabilitation. RACHAEL L TUCKER, FIONA MOFFATT and AVRIL DRUMMOND, 2017. Constraint Induced Movement Therapy in hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy: a national survey of its use by physiotherapists in the UK International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. (In Press.)
KLEIN O, DRUMMOND A, MHIZHA-MURIRA J, MANSFORD L and DASNAIR R, 2017. Effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation for people with MS; a meta-synthesis of patient perspectives. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. HAWKINS L, LINCOLN NB, SPRIGG N, WARD NS, MISTRI A, TYRELL P and WORTHINGTON E, 2017. The Nottingham Fatigue After Stroke (NotFAST) study: Results from follow up 6 months after stroke Topics in Stroke Rehabalitation. (In Press.)
DRUMMOND A, 2017. Feasibility and Pilot studies: Why are they important? British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 80(6), 335-336 LEGG LA, LEWIS SR, SCHOFIELD-ROBINSON OJ, DRUMMOND A and LANGHORNE P, 2017. Occupational therapy for adults with problems in activities of daily living after stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. THREAPLETON K,, NEWBERRY K,, SUTON G,, WORTHINGTON E, and DRUMMOND A,, 2016. Virtually Home: Exploring the potential of virtual reality to support patient discharge after stroke: British Journal of Occupational Therapy British Journal of Occupational Therapy. In press,
ROWE F, CONROY E, BEDSON E, CWIKLINSKI E, DRUMMOND A, GARCÍA- FIÑANA M, HOWARD C, POLLOCK A, SHIPMAN T,, DODRIDGE C, MACINTOSH C,, JOHNSON S, NOONAN C, BARTON G and SACKLEY C, 2016. A pilot RCT comparing effectiveness of prism glasses, visual search training and standard care in hemianopia Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. 00, 1-12 DAS NAIR ROSHAN, LINCOLN NB, DEBORAH FITZSIMMONS, NICOLA BRAIN, ALAN MONTGOMERY, AVRIL DRUMMOND, AVRIL DRUMMOND, CATHERINE SACKLEY, GAVIN NEWBY, JIMTHORNTON and SANDIP STAPLETON, 2015. .Rehabilitation of Memory following Brain Injury: A phase III randomised controlled trial (ReMemBrIn Study). Trials. 16(6), BARNES, J., MORRIS, A., WELSH, R., SUMMERSKILL, S., MARSHALL, R., KENDRICK, D., LOGAN, P., DRUMMOND, A., CONROY, S., FILDES, B. and BELL, J., 2015. Injuries to older users of buses in the UK Public Transport. First Published Online: 13 October 2015, 1-14 LEGG, L, GLADMAN, JRF, DRUMMOND, A and DAVIDSON, A, 2015. A systematic review of home care reablement services. Clinical Rehabilitation. LINCOLN, NADINA B., DAS NAIR, ROSHAN, BRADSHAW, LUCY, CONSTANTINESCU, CRIS S., DRUMMOND, AVRIL E. R., ERVEN, ALEXANDRA, EVANS, AMY L., FITZSIMMONS, DEBORAH, MONTGOMERY, ALAN A. and MORGAN, MIRIAM, 2015. Cognitive Rehabilitation for Attention and Memory in people with Multiple Sclerosis: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (CRAMMS) TRIALS. 16, COOLE C and DRUMMOND A, 2015. Fit note turns five years old- but is it ready to leave the nursery? Occupational Health & Wellbeing. 67(11), 24-25
VASS C, EDWARDS C, SMITH A, SAHOTA O and DRUMMOND A, 2015. What do patients wear on their feet? A Service evaluation of fooTtwear in Elderly Patients (STEP). Int J of Ther & Rehab.. 22(5), 225-232
COOLE C, NOURI F, POTGIETER I,, WATSON P, THOMSON L, HAMPTON R and DRUMMOND A., 2015. Recommendations to facilitate the ideal fit note: are they achievable in practice? BMC Family Practice. 16, 138 COOLE C, DRUMMOND A, WATSON PJ and NOURI F, 2015. Getting the Best from the Fit Note:: Investigating the Use of the Statement of Fitness for Work Wigston.
CLARKE DJ,, TYSON S,, RODGERS H,, DRUMMOND A,, PALMER R,, PRESCOTT M,, TYRELL P,, BURTON L,, GRENFELL K,, BRKIC L, and FORSTER A,, 2015. Why do patients with stroke not receive the recommended amount of active therapy (ReAcT)? Study protocol for a multisite case study investigation: BMJ Open BMJ Open. 5(e008443), COOLE C,, NOURI F,, POTGIETER I, and DRUMMOND A,, 2015. Completion of fit notes by GPs: a mixed methods study.: Perspectives in Public Health Perspectives in Public Health. 135(5), 233-242 COOLE C,, POTGIETER I,, NOURI F,, WORTHINGTON E, and DRUMMOND A,, 2015. Return-to-work outcomes and usefulness of actual fit notes received by employers.: Family Practice Family Practice. 32(5), 551-556 RADFORD KA, PHILLIPS J, JONES T, GIBSON A, SUTTON C, WATKINS C, SACH T, DULEY L, WAKER M, DRUMMOND A, HOFFMAN K, O'CONNOR R, FORSHAW D and SHAKESPEARE D,, 2015. Facilitating return to work through early specialist health-based interventions (FRESH): protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial: Pilot and Feasibility Studies Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 1(24), WHITEHEAD, P, FELLOWS, K, SPRIGG, N, WALKER, M and DRUMMOND, A, 2014. Who should have a predischarge home assessment visit after a stroke? A qualitative study of occupational therapists' views British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 77(8), 384-391 FLETCHER-SMITH J, DRUMMOND A, SACKLEY C, MOODY A and WALKER M, 2014. Occupational therapy for care home residents with stroke: what is routine national practice? British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 77(5), 265-273 KELLET N, DRUMMOND AER, PALMER T and MUNSHI S, 2014. Impact of transient ischaemic attack and minor stroke on daily life, International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. 21(7), 318-323
ROWE F, BARTON G, BEDSON E, BREEN R, CONROY B, CWIKLINSKI E, DODRIDGE C, DRUMMOND A, GARCIA-FINANA M, HOWARD C, JOHNSON S, MACINTOSH C, NOONAN C, POLLOCK A, ROCKLIFFE J and SACKLEY C, 2014. A randomized controlled trial to compare the clinical and cost effectiveness of prism glasses, visual search training and standard care in patients with hemianopia following stroke; a protocol BMJ open. LEGG L, GLADMAN J, DRUMMOND A, DAVIDSON A and ROBERTSON C, 2014. Reablement for adults referred to home care services. Prospero. DRUMMOND, A.E.R., WHITEHEAD, P., FELLOWS, K., SPRIGG, N., SAMPSON, C.J., EDWARDS, C. and LINCOLN, N.B., 2013. Occupational therapy pre-discharge home visits for patients with a stroke (HOVIS): results of a feasibility randomised controlled trial Clinical Rehabilitation. 27(5), 387-397 VASS C, SAHOTA, O., DRUMMOND, A., KENDRICK, D., GRAINGE, M., SACH, T., GLADMAN, J. and AVIS, M., 2013. REFINE – Reducing Falls In-patieNt Elderly using Bed and Chair Pressure Sensors in Acute Hospital Care:a Randomised Controlled Trial. Age and Ageing. 42(supplement 2), 20-22 RADFORD, K., PHILLIPS, J., DRUMMOND, A., SACH, T., WALKER, M., TYERMAN, A., HABOUBI, N. and JONES, T., 2013. Return to work after traumatic brain injury: cohort comparison and economic evaluation Brain Injury. 27(5), 507–520 COOLE C, EDWARDS C and BREWIN C, 2013. What do clinicians think about hip precautions following total hip replacement? British Journal of Occupational therapy. 76(6), 300-307 WALKER, M.F., SUNDERLAND, A., FLETCHER-SMITH, J., DRUMMOND, A., LOGAN, P., EDMANS, J.A., GARVEY, K., DINEEN, R.A., INCE, P., HORNE, J., FISHER, R.J. and TAYLOR, J.L., 2012. The DRESS trial: a feasibility randomised trial of a neuropsychological approach to dressing therapy for stroke inpatients Clinical Rehabilitation. 26(8), 675-685 FLETCHER-SMITH J, WALKER MF and DRUMMOND AER, 2012. The influence of hand use on dressing outcome in cognitively impaired stroke survivors British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 75(1), 2-9 HOLMES, FORD J, YUILL F, DRUMMOND AER and LINCOLN N, 2012. Attendance at a Psychological Support Group for People with Multiple Sclerosis and Low mood Disability and rehabilitation. 34(15), 1323-1327 DRUMMOND A, WHITEHEAD P, FELLOWS K, SPRIGG N, SAMPSON CJ, EDWARDS C and LINCOLN NB, 2012. Occupational therapy pre-discharge home visits for patients with a stroke: what is national practice? British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 75(9), 396-402 PIGHILLS, A.C., TORGERSON, D.J., SHELDON, T.A., DRUMMOND, A.E. and BLAND, J.M., 2011. Environmental assessment and modification to prevent falls in older people Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 59(1), 26-33 DRUMMOND A, 2011. OT News-presenting at conference At: 19 (3)
LINCOLN, N.B., YUILL, F., HOLMES, J., DRUMMOND, A.E., CONSTANTINESCU, C.S., ARMSTRONG, S. and PHILLIPS, C., 2011. Evaluation of an adjustment group for people with multiple sclerosis and low mood: a randomised controlled trial Multiple Sclerosis Journal. 17(10), 1250-1257 WHITEHEAD P, DRUMMOND A and FELLOWS A, 2011. Research governance andbureaucracy for multi-site studies British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 74(7), 355-358 CONROY, S., KENDRICK, D., HARWOOD, R., GLADMAN, J., COUPLAND, C., SACH, T., DRUMMOND, A., YOUDE, J., EDMANS, J. and MASUD, T., 2010. A multicentre randomised controlled trial of day hospital-based falls prevention programme for a screened population of community-dwelling older people at high risk of falls Age and Ageing. 39(6), 704-710 IRVINE, L., CONROY, S.P., SACH, R., GLADMAN, J.R.F., HARWOOD, R.H., KENDRICK, D., COUPLAND, C., DRUMMOND, A., BARTON, G. and MASUD, T., 2010. Cost-effectiveness of a day hospital falls prevention programme for screened community-dwelling older people at high risk of falls Age and Ageing. 39(6), 710-716 ALI, M., ASHBURN, A., BOWEN, A., BRODIE, E., CORR, S., DRUMMOND, A., EDMANS, J., GLADMAN, J., KALRA, L., LANGHORNE, P., LEES, K.R., LINCOLN, N., LOGAN, P., MEAD, G., PATCHICK, E., POLLOCK, A., POMEROY, V., SACKLEY, C., SUNNERHAGEN, K.S., VAN VLIET, P., WALKER, M. and BRADY, M., 2010. VISTA-Rehab: a resource for stroke rehabilitation trials International Journal of Stroke. 5(6), 447-452 CONROY, S., MASUD, T., COUPLAND, C., DRUMMOND, A., GLADMAN, J., HARWOOD, R., KENDRICK, D., SACH, T., TAYLOR, R., YOUDE, J. and EDMANS, J., 2010. A multicentre RCT of a day hospital falls prevention programme for community dwelling older people (Poster) Age & Ageing. 39(Supplement 1), i33
WHITEHEAD P, FELLOWS K, SPRIGG N AND DRUMMOND AER, 2010. Research governance- there is nothing streamlined about the system. At: BMJ 2010;341;c5633
COOLE, C., WATSON P.J and DRUMMOND A., 2010. Work problems due to low back pain: what do GPs do? A questionnaire survey. Family Practice. 27(1), 31-37
COOLE C, WATSON PJ AND DRUMMOND A., 2010. Low back pain patients’ experiences of work modification; a qualititative study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders: HIGHLY ACCESSED. 11(277),
PHILLIPS J, DRUMMOND A, RADFORD K AND TYERMAN A., 2010. Return to work after traumatic brain injury: recording, measuring and describing occupational therapy intervention. British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 73(9),
DRUMMOND A, 2010. Book foreword At: Occupational Therapy after Stroke- London, Wiley
DRUMMOND A, 2010. Response British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 73(8), 388-389
DRUMMOND A, 2010. Fact or Fiction? Journal of Occupational Therapy. 73(5), 191 VASS, C.D., SAHOTA, O., DRUMMOND, A., KENDRICK, D., GLADMAN, J., SACH, T., AVIS, M. and GRAINGE, M., 2009. REFINE (Reducing Falls in In-patient Elderly): a randomised controlled trial Trials. 10, 83 DRUMMOND A and LEGG L, 2008. ADL works! British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 71(3), 85
DRUMMOND A and LEGG L, 2008. Occupational therapy after stroke; a right not a privilage? Therapy. 5(2), 195-197
LEGG, L., DRUMMOND, A., LEONARDI-BEE, J., GLADMAN, J.R.F., CORR, S., DONKERVOORT, M., EDMANS, J., GILBERTSON, L., JONGBLOED, L., LOGAN, P., SACKLEY, C., WALKER, M. and LANGHORNE, P., 2007. Occupational therapy for patients with problems in personal activities of daily living after stroke: systematic review of randomised trials BMJ Available at: <http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.39343.466863.55> LOGAN PA, MURPHY A, DRUMMOND AER, BAILEY S, RADFORD KA, GLADMAN JRF, WALKER MF, ROBERTSON K, EDMANS JA and CONROY S, 2007. An Investigation of the Number and Cost of Assistive Devices used by Older People who had Fallen and Called a 999 Ambulance. British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 70(11), 475-78 LOGAN PA, SACH T, GLADMAN JRF, MURPHY A, ROBERTSON K, EDMANS JA, RADFORD KA, WALKER MF, DRUMMOND AE, CONROY S, SAHOTA O., 2007. Utilisation and private costs of assistive devices amongst older people who fall: An interview survey. 2007. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 3(20), 138
JONES, P., DRUMMOND, A.E.R. and VELLA, K., 2007. Occupational therapy for paediatric traumatic brain injury: A survey of current practice British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 70(4), 154-160
MASUD, T., COUPLAND, C., DRUMMOND, A., GLADMAN, J., KENDRICK, D., SACH, T., HARWOOD, R., KUMAR, P., MORRIS, R., TAYLOR, R., YOUDE, J. and CONROY, S., 2006. Multifactorial day hospital intervention to reduce falls in high risk older people in primary care: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial [ISRCTN46584556] Trials. 7, 5 PARKER, C. and DRUMMOND, A. E. R., 2006. From Sample to Population: Using and Reporting Inferential Statistics British Journal of Occupational Therapy. VOL 69(NUMB 1), 15-21
LEGG LA, DRUMMOND AE, LANGHORNE P, 2006. Occupational therapy for patients with problems in activities of daily living after stroke (Review): Reprint The Cochrane Collaboration. 1-35
HARRISON-PAUL, J. and DRUMMOND, A. E. R., 2006. A Randomised Controlled Trial of Occupational Therapy in Oncology: Challenges in Conducting a Pilot Study British Journal of Occupational Therapy. VOL 69(NUMB 3), 130-133
DRUMMOND, A.E.R., PEARSON, B., LINCOLN, N.B. and BERMAN, P., 2005. Ten year follow-up of a randomised controlled trial of care in a stroke rehabilitation unit BMJ : British Medical Journal. 331(7515), 491-492 JONES,P. and DRUMMOND,A.E., 2005. Occupational therapy for children with acquired brain injury: a review of the literature British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 68(7), 324-330
POTTER, J, ROBINSON, T, FORD, G, JAMES, M, JENKINS, D, MISTRI, A, BULPITT, C, DRUMMOND, A, JAGGER, C, KNIGHT, J, MARKUS, H, BEEVERS, G, DEWEY, M, LEES, K, MOORE, A, PAUL, S and ,, 2005. CHHIPS (Controlling Hypertension and Hypotension Immediately Post-Stroke) Pilot Trial: rationale and design. Journal of Hypertension. 23(3), 649-55
WALKER, M.F., LEONARDI-BEE, J., BATH, P., LANGHORNE, P., DEWEY, M., CORR, S., DRUMMOND, A., GILBERTSON, L., GLADMAN, J.R.F., JONGBLOED, L., LOGAN, P. and PARKER, C., 2004. Individual patient data meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of community occupational therapy for stroke patients Stroke. 35(9), 2226-2232 LEGG, L., LANGHORNE, P., ANDERSEN, H.E., CORR, S., DRUMMOND, A., DUNCAN, P., GERSHKOFF, A., GILBERTSON, L., GLADMAN, J., HUI, E., JONGBLOED, L., LEONARDI-BEE, J., LOGAN, P., MEADE, T., DE VET, R., STOKER-YATES, J., TILLING, K., WALKER, M. and WOLFE, C., 2004. Rehabilitation therapy services for stroke patients living at home: systematic review of randomised trials Lancet. 363(9406), 352-356 RANKA, J. and DRUMMOND, A., 2004. Occupational therapy intervention for the upper limb following stroke In: Report of a concensus conference on the orthotic management of stroke patients. Avegoor Conference Centre, Ellecom, The Netherlands, 21-26 September 2003. 204-216
DRUMMOND AER, PARKER CJ, GLADMAN JRF, LOGAN PA and ON BEHALF OF THE TOTAL STUDY GROUP, 2001. Development and validation of the Nottingham Leisure Questionnaire (NLQ). Clinical Rehabilitation. 15(6), 647-656 PARKER, C.J., GLADMAN, J.R.F., DRUMMOND, A.E.R., DEWEY, M.E., LINCOLN, N.B., BARER, D., LOGAN, P.A. and RADFORD, K.A., 2001. A multicentre randomized controlled trial of leisure therapy and conventional occupational therapy after stroke Clinical Rehabilitation. 15(1), 42-52 DRUMMOND AER, PARKER CJ and ON BEHALF OF THE TOTAL STUDY GROUP, 2000. Multicentre Trials: Planning and Achieving TOTAL British Journal of Occupational Therapy. VOL 63(PART 10), 476-480
DRUMMOND,A.E., 2000. Leisure rehabilitation. In: EDMANS, JUDI, ed., Occupational Therapy and Stroke Whurr Publishers Ltd, London, UK.
DRUMMOND,A.E., 1998. Research methods for therapists Stanley Thornes.
PARKER, C J, GLADMAN, J R and DRUMMOND, A E, 1997. The role of leisure in stroke rehabilitation. Disability and Rehabilitation. 19(1), 1-5 DRUMMOND,A.E., GLADMAN,J.R., PARKER,C. and LOGAN,P.A., 1997. A shortened version of the Nottingham Leisure Questionnaire Clinical Rehabilitation. 11(3), 267-268
MILLER, N. B., DRUMMOND, A. E. R. and JUBY, L. C., 1997. Carer health after stroke: the influence of stroke unit treatment British/International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. VOL 4(NUMBER 2), 86-90
CONROY S, KENDRICK D, HARWOOD R, COUPLAND C, GLADMAN J, DRUMMOND A, SACH T, YOUDE J, TAYLOR R, AND MASUD T., Preventing falls in older people- a multicentre randomised controlled trial of day hospital based falls prevention services for community dwelling older people at high risk of falls. Age and Ageing. (In Press.)
LEGG L, GLADMAN J, DRUMMOND A, DAVIDSON A and ROBERTSON C, Reablement for adults referred to home care services: Protocol. Prospero. Ref 2014; What’s all the excitement? British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 78(4), 1