SPCR Research Fellow, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences
Gillian Campbell is a clinical academic physiotherapist. She qualified asa physiotherapist in 1995 from University College London, was awarded a Post-graduate Diploma in Women's Health from the University of Bradford in 2002, and completed her PhD in the Institute of Biomechanics at the University of Nottingham in 2011. She continues to work clinically in an outpatient setting managing patients with sports injuries, musculoskeletal conditions and pelvic health symptoms.
She is a member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Current Research Lead of the organisation of Pelvic Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy
Previous Vice-chair and Editor-in-chief of the Journal of POGP
Conservative managEMent of Pelvic floOr disorders for Women: barriERs to engagement. (The EMPOWER Study)
A three phase study using mixed methodology (primarily qualitative) to investigate barriers for women seeking help for symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction. https://xerte.nottingham.ac.uk/play_49670
PREvalence of pelvic floor Dysfunction In reCreational aThletes (The PREDICT survey) 2022
A cross-sectional internet based survey to investigate the prevalence of symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction in women who take part in sport at recreational levels and in in those who do not. Aiming to identify any association between exercising recreationally and experiencing symptoms.
Physiotherapy management of urinary incontinence in athletic women: a feasibility study. (The Positive Study) 2021
A mixed methods three phase study investigating the feasibility of conducting a future trial of physiotherapy as management of urinary incontinence in athletic women. Directly recruiting via gyms and sports clubs.
An investigation into the strain in patellar tendons using ultrasound (PhD) 2011
Calibration of a speckle tracking software algorithm to track strain in tendons, applied to track the strian in patellar tendons under isometric load at a range of knee flexion angles with a view to determining any shear forces that might exist within the body of the tendon.
B236, Medical SchoolQueen's Medical Centre Nottingham, NG7 2HA
telephone: +44 (0)115 95 15559 email: mhssupport@nottingham.ac.uk