BBSRC DTP PhD Student,
I am a BBSRC DTP PhD (Biotech and Bioscience Research Council) student under the supervision of Dr Nicholas Blockley, based in the School of Life Sciences.
I completed my undergraduate in Biological Sciences (Neuroscience) BSc at University of Leicester in 2017. I then completed a MSc in Neuroimaging Methods and Applications at Cardiff University, based at CUBRIC (Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre).
I am currently researching a special kind of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) called pCASL (pseudoContinuous Artrial Spin Labelling), to measure vascular reactivity (blood flow responses) in the brain. Additionally, I am looking into the physiology of blood flow to the brain.
My MSc research involved recording simultaneous EEG-MEG (electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography).
University of NottinghamMedical School Queen's Medical CentreNottingham NG7 2UH
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