A |
Alexander, Steve | 0115 82 30182 | Associate Professor of Molecular Pharmacology |  |
Ali, Tayyba | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Allan, Beverley | 0115 8283054 | Associate Professor |  |
Allers, Thorsten | 0115 823 0304 | Professor of Archaeal Genetics |  |
Anderson, Susan | n/a | Deputy Head of School of Life Sciences |  |
Archer, David | 0115 951 3313 | Emeritus Professor |  |
Armour, John | n/a | Emeritus Professor |  |
Atkinson, Steve | 0115 8467954 | Associate Professor of Molecular and Cellular Bacteriology |  |
Avery, Simon | 0115 951 3315 | Professor of Eukaryotic Microbiology |  |
Awuah-Mensah, Georgina | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
B |
Bagia, Seema | n/a | Technician |  |
Baker, Jillian | 0115 82 30085 | honorary consultant in respiratory medicine and molecular pharmacologist |  |
Barker, Richard | 0115 95 13223 | School Facilities Officer |  |
Beavan, Alan | n/a | Research Associate |  |
Bednarek, Danielle | n/a | Senior Administrator |  |
Begitt, Andreas | 0115 82 30298 | Research Fellow |  |
Behnke, Jerzy | 13208 | Emeritus Professor of Experimental Parasitology |  |
Bennett, Andrew | 0115 82 30113 | Associate Professor of Molecular Biology/Biochemistry |  |
Benselin, Jennifer | n/a | Data and Project Co-ordinator |  |
Billeter-Clark, Rudi | 0115 82 30168 | Associate Professor of Anatomy |  |
Blatov, Igor | n/a | Senior Technician |  |
Blockley, Nicholas | 0115 82 30146 | Assistant Professor |  |
Blount, Benjamin | +44 (0) 115 84 30159 | Assistant Professor |  |
Bolt, Ed | 0115 82 30194 | Professor of Molecular Biology |  |
Bonev, Boyan | 0115 82 30177 | Professor of Biophysics |  |
Boote, Leia | 0115 82 30179 (PREP ROOM)/ 0115 82 30171 (LAB) | Dissection Room Manager |  |
Brady, Declan | 0115 95 15151 | Senior Technician |  |
Briddon, Steve | 0115 82 30089 | PRINCIPAL RESEARCH FELLOW |  |
Bridge, Tom | n/a | Research Finance Officer |  |
Briggs, Deb | n/a | Senior Technician |  |
Briggs, James | (0115) 82 30310 | Logistics Officer |  |
Bright, Anthony | n/a | Teaching Associate - Anatomy Education |  |
Brock, Matthias | 0115 951 3230 | Assistant Professor |  |
Brook, David | 0115 823 0345 | Professor of Human Genetics |  |
Brookfield, John | 0115 823 0392 | Professor Emeritus |  |
Brown, Angus | 0115 82 30173 | Associate Professor of Neuroscience |  |
Brown, William | 0115 823 0386 | Associate Professor and Reader |  |
Brown, Sara | 30434 | Technician |  |
Bryant, Jack | 01157486784 | Nottingham Research Fellow |  |
Buxton, Sarah | 0115 82 30314 | Technician |  |
C |
Cahyani, Inswasti | n/a | Lecturer in Biochemistry undergraduate degree program |  |
Camara, Miguel | n/a | Emeritus Professor of Molecular Microbiology |  |
Canals Buj, Meritxell | 0115 82 30467 | Professor of Cellular Pharmacology |  |
Carlile, Matthew | 0115 82 30363 | DEEP Seq Technician |  |
Carrothers, Claire | 0115 8230075 | Senior Research Development Manager |  |
Cavey, James | 0115 82 30216 | Technician |  |
Challa, Swapnika | n/a | Research Technician |  |
Chan, Sue | 0115 82 30150 | Associate Professor of Pharmacology |  |
Chapman, Victoria | 0115 82 30136 | Professor of Neuropharmacology |  |
Chappells, Jennie | 0115 8230143 | Bequest Coordinator |  |
Charlton, Steven | 0115 8230165 | Professor of Molecular Pharmacology and Drug Discovery |  |
Chatfield, Jodie | 0115 82 30300 | Technical Services Manager |  |
Chaudhury, Sultan | n/a | Postgraduate Student |  |
Chiari, Ylenia | n/a | Associate Professor |  |
Chisholm, Kim | n/a | Anne Mclaren Research Fellow |  |
Chouhan, Anisha | n/a | Education and Student Experience Manager |  |
Clark, Alice | n/a | Teaching Associate Biochemistry |  |
Claxton Stevens, Benedict | n/a | PhD Student |  |
Coleman, Chris | 01158230105 | Assistant Professor of Infection Immunology |  |
Cole, Mark | 0115 82 31479 | Assistant Professor |  |
Cooper, Samantha | 0115 82 30080 | Assistant Professor |  |
Cooper, Scott | 0115 82 30111 | Advanced Technical Specialist |  |
Cornock, Ruth | 0115 82 32010 | Research Technician |  |
Crittenden, Peter | 0115 9513211 | Leverhulme Emeritus Professor |  |
Crossland, Hannah | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Crowley, Darren | 0115 8230363 | MRes student |  |
Croxall, Nicola | 30740 | Research Technician |  |
D |
Dajas-Bailador, Federico | (0115) 82 30108 | Associate Professor |  |
Daniel, Emilie | n/a | Teaching Support Technician |  |
Davison, Angus | 0115 8230322 | Professor of Evolutionary Genetics & Head of COMGEN Division |  |
Davison, Ruth | 0115 8213300 | Head of Operations, School of Life Sciences |  |
Dawson, Simon | 0115 82 30121 | Assistant Professor and Lecturer in Biochemistry |  |
De Vivo, Nicola | 0115 82 30250 0115 82 30157 | Technician |  |
Dean, Laura | 07551654612 | Research Fellow |  |
Dottorini, Tania | n/a | Professor in Bioinformatics |  |
Dubern, Jean | 0115 (0)82 32027 | Research Fellow |  |
Ducker, Charles | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Duncan, Josh | n/a | Research Associate |  |
Durrant, Alexandra | n/a | PhD Student |  |
Durrant, Kate | 0115 951 3218 | Associate Professor of Behavioural Ecology |  |
Dyer, Paul | 0115 951 3203 | Professor of Fungal Biology |  |
E |
Ebling, Fran | n/a | Emeritus Professor of Neuroendocrinology |  |
Ebrahimi Hariry, Reza | n/a | Assistant Professor (Teaching & Curriculum Leadership) |  |
Edwards, Harry | n/a | Research Associate |  |
Ellerby, Julie | 0115 951 5151 19015 30073 | Central Support Technician (Specialist) |  |
Eltaher, Hoda | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Erdelyi, Viola | n/a | PhD Student |  |
F |
Fairclough, Lucy | 0115 82 30729 | Professor of Immunology |  |
Farr, Tracy D | 0115 823 0977 | Associate Professor of Neuroscience |  |
Faulds-Pain, Alexandra | n/a | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Fenn, Jonathan | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Fone, Kevin | n/a | Emeritus Professor |  |
Fowler, Maxine | 0115 82 31156 | Senior Research Technician |  |
Friel, Claire | 00 44 115 82 30138 | Associate Professor in Protein Biochemistry |  |
G |
Gadelha, Catarina | 0115 8230378 | Associate Professor |  |
Galloway, Steven | 0115 7484632 | Photographic Technician |  |
Garle, Michael | 0115 82 30187 | Medical School Technician |  |
Gawronska, Helen | 0115 951 5151 19015 | Technician |  |
Georgiou, Marios | 0115 823 0115 | Assistant Professor of Cell Biology |  |
Gering, Martin | 0115 82 30356 | Assistant Professor |  |
Ghaemmaghami, Amir | 01158230730 | Professor of Immunology & Immuno-bioengineering & Director of Research |  |
Ghanizadeh Tabriz, Atabak | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Gibson, Guy | (0115 82) 31015 | Senior Operations Manager - People . & Governance |  |
Glenn, Jacqueline | 0115 82 30080 | Technician |  |
Goodacre, Sara | 0115 82 30334 | Professor of Evolutionary Biology and Genetics |  |
Goode, Alice | n/a | Senior Research Officer for Biomembrane NMR group |  |
Goulding, Joëlle | 0115 82 30458 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Gray, Stephen | 01158 230110 | Assistant Professor of Genome Dynamics |  |
Green, Alex | 0115 8232373 | Research Administrator |  |
Greenhaff, Paul | 0115 82 30133 | Professor of Muscle Metabolism |  |
Griffin, Ruth | 0115 74 86120 | Assistant Professor |  |
Groenen, Marleen | 0115 82 30080 | Cell Culture Technician |  |
Guetta-Baranes, Tamar | 01158230757 | Research Technician |  |
H |
Hanotte, Olivier | 0115 951 3256 | Professor of Genetics |  |
Hardie, Kim | 0115 8467958 | Professor and Deputy co-director of National Biofilm Innovation Centre |  |
Harlow, Paul | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Hartikainen, Hanna | +44 1158287479 | Assistant Professor |  |
Hartman, Tom | 0115 74 84631 | Assistant Professor |  |
Harvey-Cowlishaw, Tyler | 0115 82 30758 | Apprentice Technician |  |
Hathway, Gareth | 0115 8230152 | Professor |  |
Heap, John | n/a | Professor |  |
Heeb, Stephan | 0115 95 13042 | Assistant Professor |  |
Heer, Jagdish | n/a | Technician |  |
Hepworth, Bernadette | 0115 95 13096 | Teaching Technical Manager LSB |  |
Herbert, Kevin | 95/13224 | Technician |  |
Hill, Stephen | 0115 82 30082 | Professor of Molecular Pharmacology |  |
Holliday, Nick | 0115 82 30084 | Associate Professor of Pharmacology |  |
Holmes, Nadine | n/a | Technical Specialist |  |
Huett, Alan | 0115 82 30330 | Assistant Professor |  |
Hughes, Jaime | n/a | Senior Technical Specialist |  |
Hume, Alistair | 01158230102 | Assistant Professor |  |
Hurst, Amy | n/a | Placements and Study Abroad Manager |  |
Hutchinson, Paulina | 01158230885 | Postgraduate & Postdoctoral Research Development Officer |  |
I |
Impedovo, Alex | n/a | Teaching Associate - Anatomy Education |  |
J |
Jackson, Hannah K | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Jacques, Matthew | n/a | Assistant Professor in Sports & Exercise Science |  |
James, Richard | n/a | Emeritus Professor of Microbiology |  |
Jassi, Kishan | 0115 82 30155 | Operations Manager |  |
Jia, Wenjing | internal ext 19019 | Teaching Support Technician |  |
Joanisse, Sophie | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Jones, Christopher | 0115 951 5151 19014 806221 | Teaching Laboratory Manager |  |
Jowett, Jamie | 0115 74 84835 | Teaching Support Technician |  |
K |
Kalsheker, Noor | n/a | Emeritus Professor Clinical Chemistry |  |
Kämmerling, Lisa | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Keeton, Mia | n/a | Teaching Support Technician |  |
Kendall, Dave | n/a | Emeritus Professor |  |
Kerr, Ian | 0115 82 30122 | Associate Professor |  |
Killelea, Tom | n/a | Senior Teaching technician |  |
King, Barnabas | 30001 | Assistant Professor in Virology |  |
King, Madeleine | 0115 82 30402 | Assistant Professor |  |
Knight, Helen Miranda | 0115 82 30769 | Associate Professor in Brain Genomics |  |
Koers, Eline | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Kokolski, Marie | n/a | Associate Professor |  |
Kokolski, Matthew | 0115 95 13241 | Senior Technician |  |
L |
Lambert, Carey | n/a | NBIC Research Fellow |  |
Lane, Rob | +44 (0)1158230467 | Associate Professor of Molecular Pharmacology |  |
Latif, Liaque | 0115 9513304 | Medical School Technician |  |
Lawler, Karen | 0115 9513422 | Research Technician |  |
Layfield, Robert | 0115 82 30107 | Professor of Protein Biochemistry |  |
Leach, Lopa | 0115 82 30175 | Professor of Vascular Biology |  |
Li, Li | 0115 82 30394 | SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW |  |
Lloyd, Robert ("Bob") | n/a | Professor Emeritus |  |
Loose, Matt | 0115 82 30358 | Professor of Developmental and Computational Biology |  |
Loughna, Siobhan | 0115 82 30178 | Associate Professor of Cardiac Development |  |
Lou, Hao | 0115 95 15151 | PhD Student |  |
Luckett, Jeni | 0115 74 86734 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
M |
MacColl, Andrew | 0115 9513410 | Professor of Evolutionary Ecology |  |
Macdonald, Ian | n/a | Emeritus Professor of Metabolic Physiology |  |
Maiellaro, Isabella | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Majerus, Tamsin | 0115 8232041 | Associate Professor and Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) |  |
Mallah, Shahida | 01158230156 | Assistant Professor |  |
Mallinson, Joanne | 0115 82 19107 | Senior Research Technician |  |
Markus, Robert | 1158232021 | Senior Technician |  |
Markus, Zsuzsa | n/a | Technician |  |
Marshall, Melanie | n/a | Human Studies Technician |  |
Martinez-Pomares, Luisa | 0115 82 30772 | Head of IIM Division |  |
Martin, Naomi | +44 (0)115 82 30107 (direct line) 30107 (internal) | Assistant Professor in Immunology |  |
McClure, Patrick | 0115 82 31633 | Assistant Professor |  |
McMahon, David | 0115 95 13201 | Director of Photography & Imaging Biological Photography |  |
Mellor, Ian | 0115 9513257 | Assistant Professor in Molecular Neuroscience |  |
Merrick, Deborah | 0115 82 30117 | Associate Professor in Anatomy and Head of Anatomy |  |
Milbourn, Colette | n/a | BBSRC DTP PhD Student |  |
Millns, Paul | 0115 82 30154 | Medical School Technician |  |
Minton, Nigel | n/a | Emeritus Professor |  |
Mitchell, Laura | 0115 8230375 | Research Technician |  |
Moore, Chris | x30665 | Technologist in Specialist Genomics |  |
Murray, Ewan | 01159515089 | Research Fellow |  |
N |
Nicholson, Colin | 0115 82 31569 | Research Technician |  |
Noel-Barker, Natasha | n/a | Anatomy educator for undergraduate medicine and sports and exercise science students |  |
O |
O'Connell, Mary | 0115 7487196 | Professor |  |
Okesola, Babatunde | 01158230344 | Nottingham Research Fellow and Principal Investigator in the Okesola lab |  |
Okun, Michael | n/a | Associate Professor of Neuroscience |  |
Olafuyi, Shola | +44 115 82 30189 | Assistant Professor |  |
Oldfield, Neil | 0115 74 86122 | Assistant Professor |  |
Onion, David | 0115 82 30736 | Flow Cytometry Facility Manager |  |
Ono, Jasmine | n/a | Assistant Professor in Evolutionary Functional Genomics |  |
Osadolor, Uche | n/a | Assistant Professor (Teaching & Learning) in Pharmacology & Physiology |  |
Othman, Othman Ahmad | 01157484098 | Assistant Professor of Pharmacology (Teaching and Curriculum Leadership) |  |
Owojuyigbe, Tobi | 01158 231627 | Research Portfolio & Operations Manager |  |
P |
Palmer, Tim | 0115 8231629 | Strategic Information and Data Analyst |  |
Pardon, Marie-Christine | 0115 82 30149 | Assistant Professor in Translational Neuroscience |  |
Peach, Chloe | 0115 82 30114 | Assistant Professor in Molecular Pharmacology |  |
Pelzel, Christin | 19006 | Teaching Support Technician |  |
Penfold, Christopher | 0115 8467957 | Lecturer and Course Director for MSc in Molecular Medical Microbiology |  |
Proudman, Richard | 0115 82 30080 | Technical Manager/Technical Specialist - Molecular Pharmacology |  |
R |
Radford, Paul | 0115 82 30320 | Senior Research Technician |  |
Ralevic, Vera | 0115 82 30183 | Associate Professor & Reader in Cardiovascular Sciences |  |
Randall, Michael | 0115 82 30185 | Professor of Pharmacology |  |
Rathbone, Alex | n/a | Senior Technical Specialist |  |
Reader, Tom | 0115 951 3213 | Associate Professor |  |
Reid, William | 0115 82 30073 | Senior Equipment Technician |  |
Renault, Andrew | 0115 95 13227 | Assistant Professor |  |
Renshaw, Jane | n/a | People Services Officer |  |
Richens, Joanna | 30283 | Senior Research Technician |  |
Rich, Laura | n/a | Assistant Professor in Neuroscience & Neuroscience Course Director |  |
Rippon, Benjamin | n/a | Senior Teaching Technician (Sport & Exercise Science) |  |
Roberts, Richard | 0115 82 30190 | Associate Professor and Lecturer in Pharmacology |  |
Roberts, Clive | n/a | Head of School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences |  |
Rodgers, Julie | 0115 95 15151 | Central Support Technician (Co-ordinator/Specialist) |  |
Rumah, Bashir | +447448016815 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow |  |
Russell-Smith, Melanie | n/a | Receptionist/Administrator |  |
S |
Sablitzky, Fred | n/a | Emeritus Professor of Genetics |  |
Saleem, Mohammad Shahzad | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Sarmad, Sarir | 30195 | Senior Teaching Technician |  |
Scott, Daniel | n/a | Nottingham Research Fellow |  |
Serres, Sebastien | 01158230394 | Assistant Professor in Metabolic Biochemistry |  |
Sewell, Herb | n/a | Professor Emeritus |  |
Shakib, Farouk | n/a | Emeritus Professor of Experimental Allergy |  |
Shaw, Barry | 0115 951 5151 19090 | Senior Technical Specialist |  |
Shaw, Peter | n/a | Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry |  |
Sheridan, Graham | 0115 82 30957 | Assistant Professor in Neuroscience |  |
Simpson, Liz | 0115 8230128 | Principal Research Fellow |  |
Simpson, Tim | ex 13269 | Associate Professor of Biochemistry |  |
Skipworth, Martin | 0115 82 30564 | IT Support Assistant |  |
Smith, Paul | 0115 82 30135 | Associate Professor |  |
Smith, Andrew | n/a | Stores Operative |  |
Smith, Hannah | n/a | Education and Student Experience Officer |  |
Sockett, Liz | n/a | Emeritus Professor FRS |  |
Solis, Wendy | n/a | PA to Head of School/Head of Operations |  |
Steinert, Joern | 07429369539 | Assistant Professor in Neuroscience |  |
Stevenson, Eloise (Ellie) | n/a | Governance Quality and Compliance Manager |  |
Stevenson, Oxana | n/a | Central Support Technician |  |
Stewart, Rob | n/a | Digital Learning Manager |  |
Stockdale, Jen | 0115 823 0124 | Assistant Professor |  |
Swift, Karen | 0115 82 32027 | Medical School Senior Technician |  |
T |
Tarr, Alexander | 0115 74 86468 | Associate Professor in Molecular Virology |  |
Taylor, Moira | 0115 9516104 | Associate Professor of Human Nutrition (Dietetics) |  |
Taylor, Christopher | 0115 8232041 | Research Fellow |  |
Taylor, Georgina | n/a | Apprentice Technician |  |
Terada, Tasuku | n/a | Assistant Professor in Exercise Science |  |
Tewari, Rita | 0115 823 0362 | Professor of Parasite Cell Biology |  |
Thomas, David | n/a | Senior Administrator |  |
Tighe, Paddy | 0115 82 30734 | Professor of Molecular Immunology |  |
Till, Rob | 0115 82 30317 | Medical School Technician |  |
Tindale, William | 0115 | Teaching Support Technician |  |
Tointon, Kevin | 0115 8230073 | Senior Equipment Engineer |  |
Toledo-Rodriguez, Maria | 44 (0) 115 82 31 478 | Associate Professor |  |
Tooth, David | 0115 82 30126 | Senior Technician |  |
Trueman, Rebecca | (0115 82) 30077 | Associate Professor |  |
Tsintzas, Kostas | 0115 82 30127 | Professor of Human Physiology |  |
Turner, David | n/a | Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant Microbiologist |  |
Tyne, William | n/a | Teaching Associate - Sport and Exercise Psychology |  |
V |
Veprintsev, Dmitry | +44 (0) 115 82 30671 | Professor of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology |  |
Vinkemeier, Uwe | 0115 82 30249 | Action Medical Research Professor of Cell Biology |  |
W |
Wade, Christopher M. | 0115 823 0391 | Lecturer |  |
Ward, Ian | 0115 82 30297 | Senior Technician |  |
Warren-Westgate, Laurence | n/a | Assistant Professor in Sport, Exercise and Health Psychology |  |
Watson, David | 0115 8230157 | Senior Technical Specialist |  |
Westerman, Matt | n/a | Technical Teaching Specialist |  |
Wheatley, Sally | 0115 8230104 | Assistant Professor |  |
Whittaker, Jack | n/a | PhD Student in Microbiology |  |
Wickham-Smith, Charles | n/a | Research Associate |  |
Wickstead, Bill | 0115 8230383 | Associate Professor |  |
Wilkinson, Rob | n/a | Assistant Professor in Developmental Genetics |  |
Williamson, James | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Williams, Paul | n/a | Emeritus Professor of Molecular Microbiology |  |
Wilson, Myles | n/a | Technician |  |
Winzer, Klaus | 0115 8232247 | Associate Professor; PGT Senior Tutor |  |
Wong, Sara | n/a | PhD Student |  |
Woodhams, Steve | +4411582 30154 | Research Fellow |  |
Woolard, Jeanette | 0115 823 1481 | Professor of Cardiovascular Physiology and Pharmacology |  |
Wooldridge, Karl | 0115 82 30743 | Associate Professor and Course Director for MSc Clinical Microbiology |  |
Wright, Victoria | 0115 82 30665 | Senior Experimental Officer |  |
Y |
Yant, Levi | n/a | Professor of Evolutionary Genomics |  |
Yeh, Vivien | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Z |
Zhang, Ying | 0115 7486119 | ASSISTANT PROFESSOR |  |