School of Medicine
Medical tablets, capsules and caplets flying out of a bottle against a light blue background


Image of David Baldwin

David Baldwin

Honorary Professor of Medicine and Consultant Physician,


  • workRespiratory Medicine Unit, David Evans Centre
    Nottingham City Hospital
    Hucknall Road
    NG5 1PB
  • work01159691169 57462


David Baldwin works as a consultant respiratory physician sub-specialising in lung cancer and mesothelioma and interventional procedures. He is Honorary Professor in the School of Medicine at the University of Nottingham. He is Lead Clinician for Lung Cancer, NHSE and Chair of the UK Clinical Expert Group for Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma. He is Advisor to the UK National Screening Committee, DHSC. He has obtained research grants from a variety of charities and NIHR to a total value of over £35M as applicant and co-applicant. His primary research interests are in CT screening and lung cancer epidemiology. He is leading the novel recruitment work package in the 4-in-the-Lung-Run project. He was lead respiratory physician on the UK CT lung cancer screening trial (UKLS). He has published over 240 papers, including three influential guidelines. He has held the positions of Honorary Secretary of the British Thoracic Society, Clinical Lead on the NICE Lung Cancer Guideline Development Group, Chair of the Quality Standards Group on Lung Cancer, Clinical Director of the East Midlands Cancer Alliance and Chair of the Screening Prevention and Early Diagnosis Group for the National Cancer Research Institute. . He enjoys time with his family and is a keen windsurfer and advanced instructor.

Expertise Summary



I have a broad-based background in medical research, encompassing aspects of asthma pathophysiology, epidemiology, occupational asthma, pulmonary infection, cystic fibrosis, information technology in medicine, lung cancer and a number of smaller projects.

Lung Cancer Research

Over the last 15 years my main research focus has been on lung cancer. I am now involved with a number of important research projects that link with some of my external, national duties.

Screening for Lung Cancer

I have completed several major research trials in lung cancer screening as lead and co-investigator at a national and international level. These studies and others allowed me to lead the national advisory process towards the development of the NHSE programme, the Targeted Lung Health Check. I led the development of the Standard Protocol and the Quality Assurance Standard as evidence based material to support the programme. I continue to advise on this and to do further research. Since 2020 I have been closely involved in the UK National Screening Committee's evaluation that concluded with a positive recommendation for implementation of lung cancer screening in the 4 UK countries in October 2022. I continue to pursue research into optimization including leading research on artificial intelligence and big data.

Epidemiology and Health Services Research

I have been working in collaboration with Professor Richard Hubbard, Division of Epidemiology and Public Health on a number of projects employing large datasets to answer some key questions. This involved the co-supervision of one DM and 4 PhD Fellows. The findings on variation led directly to the development of the National Optimal Lung Cancer Pathway (NOLCP). This was the first of the NHSE/I timed national pathway and led to simitar pathways for other tumour sites. The NOLCP is a major national priority and has bee the subject of GiRFT review form 2020 to 2022. Nottingham now has a national reputation for its contribution to research in this area.

Other lung cancer research

I was an investigator / PI in a number of studies including MesoVATS, Fragmatic, BOOST PIONEER, SABRTooTH, PIT, IDEAL, Sputnik, and severalothers all funded by non-pharma sources. I have an active role on research design and steering committees.



I completed 11 years of post-graduate training and became accredited in general medicine and respiratory medicine in 1996. As a consultant, I practised general (internal) medicine and respiratory medicine until 2011 and now limit this to respiratory medicine. I am based at Nottingham University Hospitals (City Campus). I have experience in all areas of respiratory medicine and have a special interest in lung cancer, pleural disease, and interventional bronchoscopy and thoracoscopy.

Continuing Professional Development

I have registered and completed the CPD record for the Royal College of Physicians since its inception. I continue to comply with CPD requirements with local, national, and international educational activities. As part of my CPD I have attended local courses on counselling (level 1-3), equal opportunities, leading and managing change, teaching improvement, senior management training, Clinical Tutor training, mandatory Trust training, National Cancer Action Team Advanced Communication skills course and Good Clinical Practice (research).

Teaching Summary

I have been actively involved in teaching and training at undergraduate and postgraduate level. In the latter I have held a number of posts at regional and national level including advice to… read more

Research Summary

Epidemiology of lung cancer

Diagnostic and staging clinical pathways in lung cancer

Early diagnosis of lung cancer

CT screening for lung cancer

Selected Publications

I have been actively involved in teaching and training at undergraduate and postgraduate level. In the latter I have held a number of posts at regional and national level including advice to government.


I teach CP3 and CP 5 medical students for an hour each week. I lecture on the CP5 programme. Between 1996 and 2001 I sat on the Medical and Surgical Working Party, a working group supporting the Curriculum Committee. I have previously mentored student and have promoted respiratory medicine at several student careers events. I am a contact for careers advice in the student handbook.


I held the post of RCP District Tutor (College Tutor) from 1997 to 2002 and during this time developed a regular system of protected education sessions covering a general medical curriculum (similar to the now well-established Core Medical Training curriculum). I also created a new training programme for PACES. During this time and after, I hosted the PACES examination at NUH. I lectured at the RCP and at several hospitals on the development of a teaching programme for SHOs. I became assistant regional advisor in 1999 and continued until 2002.

I became Director of Postgraduate Medical Education in 2003 and continued until 2009. During this time I redeveloped the support system provide by the education centre in line with the national development in education including the need for more support for educational supervision and formalised teaching. I wrote the first (in the country) Trust Strategy for Postgraduate Medical Education and this was used as a template at several other NHS Trusts. I became Chair of the regional Clinical Tutors and Medical Education Managers in 2004 and continued until 2009. I was a council member on the National Association of Clinical Tutors and in this role was involved in several advisory roles involving the Department of Health. I was an active member of several Deanery based committees (see committees below).

I developed several teaching courses including teaching days on respiratory medicine, interventional bronchoscopy and lung cancer. As College Tutor I developed an acute medicine course and since then NUH became of the first sites to offer the Federation of Colleges of Physicians and Anaesthetists accredited course "IMPACT" (Ill Medical Patient Acute Care and Treatment) RCP and RCS accredited. I made contributions to the written material and am acknowledged in the manual. I now direct 1 to 2 courses per year and run 1 to 2 instructor training courses per year.


I provide educational and clinical supervision to junior doctors at all levels. At any one time the amounts to 1 to 3 foundation doctors, 2 core medical training and one registrar. I also co-supervise 3 PhD students and was co-supervisor to three students one who obtained a DM from the University of Nottingham and two who obtained PhDs. My supervisory role includes research supervision and advanced clinical and management training.

National and Local Duties to Support Lung Cancer and Respiratory Medicine

I have a number of key roles that fit with my overall aim to improve the care of lung cancer patients and respiratory patients in general.

I am Chair of the Clinical Reference Group for Lung cancer for NHS England (2014- ). This is the key advisory group to NHSE and has been responsible for producing the service specification for lung cancer. The group advised NHS England on all matters relating to lung cancer. The group has an important role in providing expert advice to the CRUK/Macmillan ACE programme.

I am Lead for the East Midlands Strategic Clinical Network Lung Cancer Expert Clinical Advisory Group. This role involves regional implementation of best practice through implementation of guidelines, audit and research.

I was Honorary Secretary to the British Thoracic Society (BTS from 2009-13). This position involved supporting the important role of the BTS and brought me into contact with policy makers in the Department of Health.

I attended a variety of committees including the DH advisory Group on lung cancer and mesothelioma, Lung Cancer Awareness Month and was Chair of the BTS Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma Specialist Advisory Group for 4 years until December 2009. The latter has proved an influential group. It has overseen the production of the BTS Mesothelioma Statement and the forth-coming BTS guidelines for fitness for radical treatment as well as commenting on numerous documents. As Chair I have been involved with much of the work.

I support the work of an NHS Improvement Foundation Pilot (that was discussed at meetings I attended at the DH at an early stage) in Nottingham that is training volunteers to teach others about awareness of early symptoms of lung, breast and bowel cancer. I am on the steering group and run workshops (both in Nottingham and other pilots).

I am a member of the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) lung Cancer Group and the Screening Prevention and Early Diagnosis Group (set up in 2012). Both of these groups are influential in planning and supporting lung cancer and cancer research.


I was Clinical Lead in the NICE management of Lung Cancer Guideline Update, published in April 2011. The guideline was well received. Subsequently I chaired the NICE quality standard Topic expert Group and the Standard was published in March 2012. Draft Commissioning Outcomes Framework indicators have now been submitted to NICE. This has been an excellent opportunity to work with committed colleagues to encourage better standards of care for lung cancer. As a busy clinician, I have found it easy to prioritise subjects into those most likely to make the most difference.

I was a NICE Fellow from 2012 to 2015, which allowed me to learn more about the process of implementation and the growing science behind it. This has enabled me to encourage the commissioning of services that can deliver the standards that have been set.

Past Research

United Kingdom Lung Cancer CT Screening Study (UKLS).

Feasibility Study

Pilot Study



NIHR HTA, 2010-11

NIHR HTA, 2011-2014



Analysis of the National Lung Cancer Audit

(to host a DM Fellow with Prof Hubbard)


Royal College of

Physicians, 2009-2011

Principal applicant

Analysis of multiple datasets to look at aspects of risk of death from lung cancer


University of Nottingham Biomedical Research

Unit 2011-2013


Analysis of factors predicting emergency admission to hospitals and outcome.


Roy Castle Foundation 2013-2016


Prophylactic Irradiation of Tracts


Christie Hospital (RFPB) 2012-PB-PG-1010-23232


Pilot study of metabolomics biomarkers


NUH NHS R&D 2009-

Principal applicant

Developing and testing targeted invitation materials to increase uptake of lung cancer screening in communities at high risk of lung cancer


National Awareness and Early Diagnosis Initiative April 2014-


A study to determine the feasibility and acceptability of conducting a phase III randomised controlled trial comparing stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR) with surgery in paTients with peripheral stage I nOn-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cOnsidered To be at Higher risk of complications from surgical resection.


National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)

Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) [PB-PG-0613-31114] August 2014-

Project Title

Grant Status (Asc)

Primary Staff Contact

Total Issued

Start Date


Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

SELECT Selection of Eligible People for Lung Cancer Screening using Electronic Primary Care DaTa: Development of new risk prediction models



Principal Applicant


Future Research

Yorkshire Lung Cancer Screening Trial


Yorkshire Cancer

2017- 2022


Impact of radiographer immediate reporting of chest X-rays from general practice on the lung cancer pathway (radioX)


CRUK Early Diagnosis Advisory Group

2017- 2019

Co- PI

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for Early Lung Cancer Diagnosis


National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)

Invention for Innovation (i4i) 2017-


FaHRAS Cancer Risk Assessment Software




The effect of adding a personalised smoking cessation intervention to a lung cancer screening programme.


Yorkshire Cancer

2018- 2022


Methods for prevention and early detection of lung cancer after Hodgkin-lymphoma treatment


Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation

April 2020-22


Impact on Quality of life from multi-modality treatment for lung cancer: A randomised controlled feasibility trial of surgery versus radiotherapy in addition to systemic anti-cancer therapy in potentially resectable Stage III-N2 NSCLC






PI local

Readiness of lung cancer screening services to deliver concurrent smoking cessation treatment: Guideline and implementation toolkit development


CRUK Tobacco Advisory Group - Project Award C63992/A27905



Euro 7,999,787

Horizon 2020

Co-applicant, PI Local

The integration and analysis of data using artificial intelligence to improve patient outcomes with thoracic diseases (DART)


Innovate UK


PI Local

DOLCE: Determining the impact of Optellum's Lung Cancer Prediction (LCP) artificial

intelligence solution for lung nodule risk stratification on service utilisation, health

Economics and patient outcomes

NIHR Artificial Intelligence


Chief Investigator / Principal applicant

2021 - 2023

AI assisted Chest X-ray triage for improving diagnostic efficiency and early detection of Lung cancer

SBRI Healthcare Cancer Programme


Chief Investigator


School of Medicine

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

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