A |
Abdalla, Magdy | 01332 724 724 | General Practitioner Teaching Fellow |  |
Abdulkadir, Sami | n/a | Software Developer |  |
Abhishek, Abhishek | n/a | Professor of Rheumatology |  |
Abiakam, Nkemji | n/a | Clinical Trial Manager |  |
Ablewhite, Joanne | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Abramson, Janine | 01332 724690 | research nurse |  |
Acheson, Austin | 0115 823 1147 | Clinical Associate Professor in Colorectal Surgery |  |
Ackbarally, Yasmin | 0115 823 1504 | Clinical Sub Dean |  |
Adhikaree, Jason | n/a | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Agius, Steven J | n/a | Associate Professor of Medical Education |  |
Aithal, Guru | 0115 823 1031 (PA) | Professor of Hepatology |  |
Aitkenhead, Alan | n/a | Emeritus Professor |  |
Akeroyd, Michael | 0115 74-86928 | Professor of Hearing Sciences |  |
Akyea, Ralph Kwame | 0115 74 86834 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Aldiss, Peter | n/a | Nottingham Research Fellow |  |
AlHashil, Najla | +44 (0) 115 82 30947 | PhD Candidate |  |
Ali, Kay | n/a | Clinical Course Coordinator |  |
Ali, Arfan | n/a | Data Coordinator |  |
Allport, Tobey | n/a | Data Coordinator |  |
Allsop, Linda | 0115 82 30209 | EA to Head of School and Head of Operations and Women's Staff Network Events Officer |  |
Altaf, Ireena | n/a | Education Centre Coordinator - Admissions |  |
Amer, Saad | 01332 724 612 | Professor of Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine |  |
Amoaku, Winfried | 0115 951 5151 | Clinical Assoc Prof & Reader in Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences |  |
Anderson, Susan | n/a | Deputy Head of School of Life Sciences |  |
Anderson-Dowling, Jessica | n/a | Data Co-ordinator (Fixed Term) |  |
Aravinthan, Aloysious D | 01158231214 | Associate Professor in Hepatology |  |
Arcelus, Jon | n/a | Emeritus Professor in Mental Health and Wellbeing |  |
Arkill, Kenton | n/a | Associate Professor in Endothelial and Vascular Imaging |  |
Asher, Laura | +44 (0) 115 82 31368 | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Ashworth, Jennifer | n/a | Anne McLaren Fellow |  |
Astbury, Stuart | 01158231151 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Atherton, Philip | 01332 724 725 | Professor of Clinical, metabolic & Molecular Physiology |  |
Atwal, Sarb | 01332 724 694 | Education Centre Course Coordinator |  |
Auer, Dorothee | 0115 823 1178 | Professor of Neuroimaging |  |
Avery, Tony | n/a | Professor of Primary Health Care |  |
Ayling, Kieran | 01158466908 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Azoui, Kaotar | n/a | Medical Education Fellow - Clinical Phase Curriculum Delivery |  |
B |
Baig, Kamran | n/a | Honorary Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Bains, Manpreet | 0115 823 1360 | Associate Professor |  |
Baker, Nicky | 0115 823 1041 | Senior Technician - Core Laboratory |  |
Baldwin, David | 01159691169 57462 | Honorary Professor of Medicine and Consultant Physician |  |
Banks, Kate | n/a | Information Developer/Analyst |  |
Barr, Helen | 07812269099 | Associate Professor Respiratory Medicine |  |
Barrow, Jennifer | 0115 823 0718 | PhD student |  |
Bartram, Joanne | 0115 8231606 | Senior Unit Manager |  |
Bassett, Robert | n/a | Digital Media Coordinator |  |
Batchelor, Jonathan | 0115 8466947 | Consultant Dermatologist |  |
Bates, Sarah | n/a | Widening Participation/Admissions Coordinator |  |
Bates, David | 0115 823 1135 | Professor of Oncology and Non Executive Director of NUH NHS Trust |  |
Bath, Philip | 0115 823 1765 | Stroke Association Professor of Stroke Medicine/Head of Division of Clinical Neuroscience |  |
Batt, Mark | 0115 919 4400 | Consultant Sport & Exercise Medicine |  |
Bayraktutan, Ulvi | 0115 82 31764 | Associate Professor |  |
Beachy, Eliya | n/a | Senior Administrative Coordinator |  |
Beck, Tim | n/a | Associate Professor in Federated Systems and Bioinformatics |  |
Beeston, Helen | n/a | UCAT Test Delivery Manager |  |
Begum, Zorba | n/a | Trial Coordinator |  |
Belfield, Katie | 01158231113 | Research Fellow |  |
Bell, Brian | 07584481179 | Research Fellow |  |
Bello, Toyin | n/a | Medical Statistician (Fixed Term) |  |
Benecke, Janin | n/a | |  |
Benest, Andrew | 0115 8231142 | Associate Professor in Cancer Sciences |  |
Berrington, Adam | n/a | Beacon Early Career Research Fellow |  |
Berry, Katie | n/a | Trial Coordintaor |  |
Berry, Kirsty | 0115 951 6833 | Course Coordinator - Cancer Sciences |  |
Betts, Helen | 0115 9709172 | Principal Radiochemist (NUH)/ Honorary Assistant Professor |  |
Birchenall, Megan | n/a | Clinical Trials Manager |  |
Bispham, Jayson | 07866 885985 | Operational Procurement Partner |  |
Blake, Clare | n/a | Professional Doctorate Administrator |  |
Bloor, Ian | n/a | Research Technician |  |
Bogdanovica, Ilze | +44 115 31381 | Associate Professor in Public Health |  |
Bolton, Charlotte | via TEAMS | Clinical Professor of Respiratory Medicine |  |
Booth, Vicky | n/a | Associate Professor |  |
Borg, Louise | n/a | Lean Team Administrator |  |
Boulter, Melanie | 01158231565 | Senior Quality Assurance Manager |  |
Bowker, Katharine (Kate) | n/a | Research Governance Officer |  |
Bradley, Emma | 0115 8231945 | Executive Assistant |  |
Bradshaw, Lucy | 0115 823 1496 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Bramley, Beverly | n/a | Research Projects Officer |  |
Braybrooke, Rebecca | 0115 8231314 | Research Facilitator/Project Manager |  |
Brennan, Johanna | n/a | Undergraduate Admissons Officer (Faculty of Social Sciences) |  |
Brigden, Isabelle | n/a | Student Support Coordinator |  |
Britnell, Kathy | 01332 724628 | Anatomy Teaching Prosector |  |
Brooks, Jothy | 0115 823 1329 | CLAHRC Finance Manager |  |
Brooks, Joanne | n/a | Clinical Trial Manager |  |
Broughton-Pipkin, Fiona | 0115 823 1892 | Emeritus Professor of Perinatal Physiology |  |
Brown, Beverley | n/a | Clinical Trial Manager |  |
Brown, Jason | n/a | Problem Based Learning Facilitator |  |
Brown, Kenneth | 0115 823 0212 | Medical Research Fellow |  |
Browne, Kevin | 0115 823 2210 | Director of Centre for Forensic and Family Psychology |  |
Bruce, Cydney | n/a | Medical Statistician / PhD Student |  |
Brueton, Kim | n/a | Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator |  |
Buchanan, Heather | 0115 846 7520 | Associate Professor in Health Psychology |  |
Buck, Amanda | 0115 82 31772 | Senior Clinical Trial Researcher (Stroke) |  |
Budge, Helen | 0115 823 1090 | Professor of Neonatal Medicine, Deputy Head of the School of Medicine, Director of Clinical Academic Training |  |
Burgoyne, Victoria | 01332 724675 | Finance Assistant |  |
Burkitt, Joanne | 0115 823 1115 | Divisional Secretary |  |
Burns, Rachel | n/a | Clinical Phase Administrator, Medicine |  |
Burns, Lynsey | 0115 8231593 | Quality Assurance Manager |  |
Bush, Debbie | 0115 823 1141 | GI Clinical Physiologist |  |
C |
Campbell, Corri | n/a | Medical Statistician |  |
Campbell, Emma | n/a | Research Fellow on RAPID Eczema Trials |  |
Campbell, Kasia | 0115 748 4508 | Research Fellow |  |
Card, Timothy | 0115 823 1346 | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Carleton-Boylan, Gillian | 01158231356 | Assistant Professor |  |
Carson, Julie | 0115 8230448 | Clinical Associate Professor in Primary Care Education |  |
Carter, Wayne | 01332 724738 | Associate Professor |  |
Castle, Shelby | n/a | Database Systems Developer |  |
Chadborn, Neil | 01158232471 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Chalkley, Lisa | n/a | |  |
Chapman, Rebecca | n/a | Technical Specialist - Research, Children's Brain Tumour Research Centre |  |
Chappell, Michael | n/a | Professor of Biomedical Imaging and Deputy Head of School |  |
Chappell, Hollie | n/a | Data Coordinator |  |
Chattopadhyay, Kaushik | +44 115 823 1342 | Associate Professor in Evidence Based Healthcare |  |
Chellaswamy, Rebecca | n/a | Clinical Sub Dean |  |
Chen, Yan | 0115 8231895 | Professor of Digital Screening |  |
Cheng, Emily | n/a | Trial Co-Ordinator |  |
Chester, Mark | 01332 724 711 | Clinical Research Fellow in Obstetrics and Gynaecology |  |
Chettle, Gail | 0115 82 31503 | People Services Manager |  |
Cheung, Kwok-Leung | +44 (0)1332 724 881 | Deputy Head of Education and Director of The BMBS Medicine Programmes |  |
Chilton, Aimee | n/a | Student Experience Administrator |  |
Choonara, Imti | n/a | Emeritus Professor in Child Health |  |
Chou, Shihning | 01158466623 | Associate Professor of Forensic Psychology |  |
Church, Helen R | n/a | Clinical Assistant Professor |  |
Clancy, Georgia | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Clarke, Phil | 0115 8231136 | Technical Services Operations Manager |  |
Clark, Lynn | n/a | Communications and Digital Design Manager |  |
Clark, Miranda | 01157487082 | Senior Trial Manager |  |
Clayton, Nina | n/a | Database Systems Developer |  |
Clements, Debbie | 0115 82 31167 | Postdoctoral Research Associate |  |
Clifford, Rachel | 01158231653 | Anne McLaren Senior Research Fellow |  |
Coleman, Jamie | n/a | Clinical Adviser |  |
Coleman, Tim | 0115 823 0204 | Professor of Primary Care |  |
Collett, Amanda | 0115 823 1501 | Head of Education and Student Experience |  |
Collier, Pam | 0115 823 1135 | TECHNICAL SPECIALIST - RESEARCH |  |
Collinge, Hannah | 01159515815 | Manager Registry and Academic Affairs |  |
Collins, Lilly | 0115 8231600 | Clinical Trial Manager |  |
Cooper, Kevin | n/a | Head of Operations, Pharmacy & Psychology |  |
Cooper, Nicola | n/a | Professor of Medical Education |  |
Corsetti, Maura | 011598231409 | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Coulson, Neil | n/a | Professor of Health Psychology |  |
Coupland, Carol | 0115 846 6916 | Professor of Medical Statistics in Primary Care |  |
Cox, Edward | n/a | Health Economist |  |
Coyle, Beth | 0115 823 0719 | Professor of Brain Tumour Microenvironment |  |
Coyle, Tracey | n/a | Trial Administrator |  |
Crooks, Colin | 0115 823 1058 | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Crossland, Hannah | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Cullen, Mort | n/a | Education Centre / Course Administrator |  |
Curetti, Zaira | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
D |
Dainty, Rosemary | 0115 82 31031 | Assistant to Professor C J Hawkey - Snr Administrator, Nottingham Digestive Diseases Centre |  |
Daniels, Jane | 07958541660 | Professor of Clinical Trials |  |
Darby, Janet | 0115 823 0225 | Research Fellow |  |
Daunt, Wendy | n/a | Clinical Trial Manager |  |
Davies, Nathan | n/a | NIHR Doctoral Fellow |  |
Davis, Tim | 01159249924 Ext 64337 | Honorary Professor in Trauma and Orthopaedics |  |
Daykin, Tom | n/a | Administrator |  |
Daykin, Karen | 0115746823 | Trial Coordinator |  |
Del Buono, Jo | n/a | Follow Up Coordinator |  |
Delahoy, Harriet | 0115 823 1499 | People Services Coordinator |  |
Dening, Tom | 0115 748 4230 | Professor of Dementia Research |  |
Denning, Chris | 0115 823 1236 | Director of the University of Nottingham Biodiscovery Institute |  |
Dewey, Rebecca | 07762187556 | Senior Research Fellow in Neuroimaging |  |
Dickinson, Anne | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Din, Ushnah Shujah Ud | 01332 724 634 | Clinical Research Fellow |  |
Dineen, Rob | 0115 823 1173 | Professor of Neuroradiology |  |
Doody, Gill | n/a | Emeritus Professor |  |
Dooley, Richard | +44 (0)115 82 31545 | Database Systems Developer |  |
Dow, Claire | n/a | Academic Unit Administrator |  |
Drouvin, Florence | via Teams | Project Manager |  |
Dua, Harminder | 0115 849 3354 | Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences |  |
Duff, Simon | 0115 823 2213 | Director of Stage II Training in Forensic Psychology |  |
Durrant, Lindy | n/a | |  |
Dutton, Brittany | n/a | Clinical Trials Manager |  |
Dyche, Chloe | n/a | Trial Co-Ordinator |  |
E |
Eckersley-Wright, Francesca | 01158230529 | Student Experience Coordinator |  |
Edwards, Kim | 0115 823 1114 | Interim Associate Pro Vice Chancellor for Teaching and Curriculum Leadership, Professor of Sport Exercise and Nutrition Education |  |
Elhassan, Hiba | n/a | Clinical Research Fellow (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) |  |
Elriedy, Mohamed | n/a | Director of Simulation |  |
Elsheikh, Somaia | 01159249924 Ext 61169. | Consultant Dermatopathology and Honorary Associate Professor |  |
Elwick, Hannah | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
England, Tim | 01332 724 668 | Professor of Stroke Medicine |  |
Enki, Doyo | n/a | Senior Quantitative Methods Advisor and Researcher |  |
Evangelou, Nikos | 0115 8231449 | Clinical Professor of Neurology |  |
Evans, Dai | n/a | Lead Clinical Adviser |  |
Evans, Ellie | 0115 823 0211 | Primary Care Senior Programme Administrator |  |
Evans, Tom | n/a | Clinical Associate Professor of Education and Director of Assessments |  |
Evans, Lisa | 0115 8231493 | Data Manager |  |
Everitt, Steph | 0115 82 30695 | People Services Manager in the School of Medicine |  |
F |
Fackrell, Kathryn | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Fan, Jasmine | n/a | Postgraduate Taught Programmes Manager |  |
Farrands-Bentley, Rose | n/a | Biomedical Research Centre- Musculoskeletal, Surgery, Inflammation and Recovery Theme |  |
Fiaschi, Linda | 0115 82 31563 | Principal Research Fellow |  |
Field, Anna | n/a | Data Administrator |  |
Finelli, Mattéa | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Fiolka, Jane | n/a | Project Coordinator Curriculum Review Project |  |
Fletcher, Ruth | n/a | Administrative Assistant |  |
Fogarty, Andrew | n/a | Clinical Associate Professor & Reader in Clinical Epidemiology |  |
Frain, Anastasia | 01332 724630 | General Practitioner Teaching Fellow |  |
Frain, John | 01332 724630 | Director of Clinical Skills |  |
Frakich, Nanci | +44 1158231041 | Human Tissue Technical Manager |  |
Franks, Hester | n/a | Clinical Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant in Medical Oncology |  |
French, Blandine | n/a | PI on an ESRC new investigator grant |  |
Fuller, Amy | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
G |
Garjani, Afagh | n/a | |  |
Garratt, Jill | 0115 924 9924 70604 | Research Nurse BRU |  |
Garsed, Klara | 0115 924 9924 | Research Fellow |  |
Gaston, Kevin | 0115 82 31395 | Professor of Cancer Sciences |  |
Gates, Amanda | 01332 724687 | Technical Specialist - Clinical Measurement |  |
Gavin, Fiona | 0115 846 6483 | Lecturer in Occupational Psychology |  |
Gilbert, Katie | n/a | Medical Education Fellow – Clinical Curriculum Delivery |  |
Gill, Bethany | 0115 823 1585 | CLINICAL TRIAL MANAGER |  |
Gilmour, Alan | 0115 82 31932 | Core Technician |  |
Gohil, Rita | 0115 823 0265 | Administrator for the Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Clinical Academic Group |  |
Golding-Day, Miriam | 0115 8230323 | Research Fellow |  |
Goodwin, Sharon | n/a | Senior Administrative Coordinator |  |
Grainge, Matthew | 0115 823 0456 | Associate Professor in Medical Statistics |  |
Gran ( née Ratib), Sonia | 0115 8468631 | Associate Professor of Medical Statistics |  |
Gran, Bruno | 0115 8231442 | Consultant Neurologist, Honorary Professor |  |
Gray, Tom | 115 823 1631 | Musculoskeletal Research Administrator259321 |  |
Green, Allison | 0115 846 7071 | Assistant Operations Manager, Divisions of Primary Care/Psychiatry & Applied Psychology/Rehab & Ageing |  |
Green, Andy | 0115 8231407 | ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR |  |
Green, Sharon | 0115 823 0269 | Clinical Secretary |  |
Griffin, Tina | n/a | Clinical Trial Manager |  |
Griffiths, Amanda | 0115 8231294 | Professor of Occupational Health Psychology |  |
Groom, Maddie | 0115 82 30267 | Professor of Neurodevelopmental Conditions |  |
Grove, Jane | 0115 82 31151 | Associate Professor |  |
Grundy, Richard | 0115 823 0620 | Professor of Paediatric Neuro-oncology and Cancer Biology |  |
Guha, Neil | 0115 924 9924 | Professor of Hepatology |  |
Guo, Boliang | 0115 823 1423 | Medical statistics |  |
H |
Hagan, Pam | 0115 823 1444 | Professor of Medical Education and Director of Student Wellbeing |  |
Hagyari-Donaldson, Paulina | n/a | Research Assistant |  |
Hall, Charlotte | 0115 823 2438 | Principal Research Fellow |  |
Hall, Rob | 01158231069 | Research Fellow |  |
Hall, Sophie | 07817139077 | Research Fellow |  |
Hall, Ian | 0115 823 1064 | Professor of Molecular Medicine |  |
Hamilton, Tiffany | 01158231060 | Senior Clinical Trials Manager - Stroke Trials Unit |  |
Hampshire, Mandy | 0115 823 0028 | Director of BMBS Admissions / Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Hanagan, Lindsey | n/a | Quality Assurance Manager |  |
Hannan, Nicholas | n/a | Associate Professor of Translational Stem Cell Biology |  |
Hardman, Jonathan | 0115 823 1002 | Professor & Consultant in Anaesthesia |  |
Hardy, Steven | 0115 82 31654 | Senior Research Development Manager |  |
Harrison, Eleanor | n/a | Clinical Trial Manager |  |
Harrison, Helen | N/A | Problem Based Learning Facilitator |  |
Harrison, Katie | n/a | People Services Coordinator |  |
Harrison, Tim | 0115 823 1714 | Professor and Honorary Consultant |  |
Harrison, Samantha | n/a | Clinical Trial Manager |  |
Hartley, Douglas | 0115 924 9924 x63933 | Professor of Otology & Consultant ENT Surgeon |  |
Hartshorne, Liz | n/a | Senior Clinical Trials Manager |  |
Harvey, Benjamin | n/a | Trail Coordinator |  |
Harvey, Jane | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Havard, Diane | 0115 8231775 | Senior Clinical Trials Manager |  |
Haydock, Rebecca | n/a | Clinical Trial Manager |  |
Haywood, Lee | n/a | Web application/database programmer |  |
Hazle, Dawn | 01158232617 | Technical Administrator |  |
Hearson, Glenn | n/a | Clinical Trials Database Manager |  |
Heffernan, Eithne | n/a | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Henry, Suzanne | 0115 924 9924 64415 | Research Nurse BRU |  |
Henshaw, Helen | 0115 8232606 | Principal Research Fellow |  |
Hepburn, Trish | 0115 823 1561 | Senior Medical Statistician |  |
Heptinstall, Stan | 0115 823 1013 | Professor of Thrombosis and Haemostasis |  |
Hewson, David | 0115 823 1001 | Associate Professor of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine |  |
Hickey, Louise | 01332 724613 | Assistant Professor in Biomedical Science |  |
Hilken, Nick | 0115 8231488 | Senior Systems Manager |  |
Hill, Trevor | 0115 82 31152 | Research Assistant |  |
Hitcham, Lucy | n/a | PhD Student |  |
Hitchen, Rosie | 0115 8230441 | Primary Care Administrator |  |
Hoare, Derek | 0115 82 32630 | Associate Professor in Hearing Sciences |  |
Hobbs-Iskandar, Hayley | n/a | Teaching Associate/PBL Facilitator |  |
Hodgson, Jessica | n/a | Faculty Associate PVC (Education and Student Experience), Professor of Medical Education and Director of Quality and Governance |  |
Hodkinson, Duncan | n/a | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Hollis, Chris | 0115 823 0269 | Professor of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry and Director, NIHR MindTech MIC |  |
Holman, Jack | 0141 242 9683 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Holmes, Christopher | n/a | Medical Statistician |  |
Hopwood-Carr, Paula | 0115 823 0215 | Primary Care Team Manager |  |
Horsepool, Natalie | n/a | Coordinator |  |
Houdmont, Jonathan | 07977 142 860 | Assistant Professor of Occupational Health Psychology |  |
Huang, Lixiao | n/a | Trial Coordinator |  |
Huang, Yue | 0115 823 1354 | Research Fellow/Data Analyst |  |
Hudman, Diane | n/a | Associate Professor & Director of Undergraduate Studies |  |
Hudson, Mark | 0115 846 8314 | Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychology |  |
Hughes, Thomas | n/a | Communications Coordinator |  |
Humes, David | 0115 823 1153 | Clinical Associate Professor in GI Surgery |  |
Hussain, Basharat | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
I |
Idris, Iskandar | 01332 724668 | Professor of Diabetes and Metabolic Medicine |  |
Ikhile, Ifunanya | n/a | Deputy Director of Examinations and Assessments |  |
Ilyas, Mohammad | 0115 82 30735 | Professor of Pathology |  |
Ito-Jaeger, Sachiyo | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Iyen, Barbara | 0115 846 6588 | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
J |
Jachens, Liza | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Jack, Ruth | 0115 7486679 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Jackson, Andrew | 0115 82 31860 | Head Host-Tumour Interactions Group, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Translational Medical Sciences Unit |  |
Jacob, Sanu | n/a | Assistant Professor in Physiology and Cardiovascular Science |  |
Jadidi, Roya | 07468451981 | Research Fellow |  |
Jain, Kamini | n/a | Clinical Research Fellow |  |
Jaison, Steffy | n/a | Education Centre Administrator |  |
James, Marilyn | n/a | Professor of Health Economics |  |
Jang, Woo Taek | n/a | Trial Coordinator |  |
Jarrett, Hugh | n/a | Senior Trial Manager |  |
Jayaraman, Sheela | n/a | Professor of Cancer Sciences and Gene Regulation |  |
Jiang, Mandy | n/a | Medical Statistician |  |
John, Larissa | n/a | Trial Administrator |  |
Johnson, Christine | n/a | Community SubDean |  |
Johnson, Jennie | n/a | PRIMIS Business Implementation Lead |  |
Johnson, Natasha | n/a | Data Administrator |  |
Johnson, Simon | 0115 823 1063 | Professor of Respiratory Medicine; Head of Division of Respiratory Medicine |  |
Jones, Matthew | n/a | Assistant Professor in Health Economics |  |
Jones, Katy | 0115 82 30418 | Assistant Professor |  |
Jones, Nia | n/a | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Jumbu, Govind | 0115 924 9924 64429 | Database Manager |  |
Juszczak, Ed | n/a | Professor of Clinical Trials & Statistics in Medicine |  |
K |
Kaewkangsadan, Viriya | 0115 82 31169 | Postgraduate Research Student |  |
Kai, Joe | 0115 74 87201 | Clinical Professor |  |
Kaiser, Marcus | n/a | Professor of Neuroinformatics |  |
Karantana, Alexia | +44 (0) 115 82 31115 | Clinical Associate Professor in Hand Surgery |  |
Katshu, Mohammad Zia Ul Haq | +44-(0)-0115 823 1287 | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Keane, Matthew | n/a | Health Economist |  |
Kehrel, Beate | 49 2518356725 | Honorary Professor |  |
Kellaway, Sophie | +44 (0) 115 82 30459 | Assistant Professor |  |
Kelly, Anthony (Tony) | 0115 82 31696 | Research Metrologist Knee Pain in the Community Study |  |
Kendrick, Denise | 0115 846 6904 | Professor of Primary Care Research |  |
Kerama, Cheryl | n/a | Clinical Trial Manager |  |
Khan, Raheela | 01332 724664 | Professor of Cellular Physiology |  |
Khanum, Aliyah | n/a | Trial Coordinator |  |
Koenig, Jennifer | n/a | Associate Professor |  |
Kontou, Eirini | n/a | Clinical Psychologist |  |
Kowalewska, Kasia | n/a | Trial Coordinator |  |
Krumbholz, Katrin | 0115 74-86941 | Scientific Programme Leader |  |
Kurlak, Lesia | n/a | Clinical Trial Manager in Stroke medicine, main responsibility MAPS-2 |  |
L |
Lad, Sarju | n/a | Clinical Phase Administrator, Placements Team - SOM |  |
Lamley, Jonathan | via TEAMS | Head of Operations, School of Medicine |  |
Langley, Tessa | n/a | Associate Professor in Health Economics |  |
Lansbury, Louise | 31251 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Lavens, Andrew | 0141 242 9665 | Systems Administrator |  |
Lawson, Sophie | n/a | Quality Coordinator |  |
Layfield, Carron | 0115 846 8631 | Senior Research Manager |  |
Lee, Sieun | n/a | Precision Imaging Fellow |  |
Leighton, Paul | 0115 84 68629 | Associate Professor of Applied Health Services Research |  |
Leka, Stavroula | n/a | Emeritus Professor of Work & Health Policy |  |
Leonard, Gwen | n/a | Clinical Course Coordinator: Placements Team: SoM |  |
Leonardi-Bee, Jo | 0115 823 1388 | Professor |  |
Lever, Sandra | n/a | Finance Assistant |  |
Lewis, Mickey | 0115 7487105 | Clinical Trial Manager |  |
Lewis, Sarah | 0115 823 1387 | Research and teaching |  |
Liddle, Elizabeth | 0115 748 4013 | Associate Professor in Translational Mental Health |  |
Liddle, Peter | 0115 748 4013 | Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry |  |
Lingaya, Melanie | 0115 924 9924 ext 64429 | Sample Technician |  |
Lintern, Simon | n/a | Digital Learning Advisor |  |
Lobo, Dileep | 0115 823 1155 | Professor of Gastrointestinal Surgery |  |
Lockwood, Joanna | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Loesche, Wolfgang | 49 36419326775 | Special Associate Professor |  |
Logan, Richard | 0115 823 0452 | Professor of Epidemiology |  |
Logan, Pip | 0115 823 0235 | Professor of Rehabilitation Research |  |
Long, Annabelle | n/a | Research Assistant |  |
Loseto-Gerritzen, Esther | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Ludvigsen, Anna | n/a | Problem Based Learning Facilator |  |
M |
Macarthur, Donald | 0115 924 9924 xt 84739 | Honorary Clinical Associate Professor in Neurosurgery |  |
Macarthur, Donald | 0115 970 9102 | Consultant Paediatric Neurosurgeon |  |
Madhusudan, Srinivasan | 01158231850 | Professor of Medical Oncology |  |
Mahida, Yashwant | n/a | Professor of Medicine |  |
Ma, Sandy | 07511743502 | Health Economist |  |
Manasoko, Elisha | n/a | Trial Coordinator |  |
Marciani, Luca | 0115 823 1248 | Professor of Gastrointestinal Imaging |  |
Marshall, Denise | 0115 8231207 | Clinical Research Facilitator |  |
Marshall, Heidi | 0115 823 0212 | Early Years EPC & GEM ECE Course Administrator |  |
Marshall, Andrew | n/a | Senior Information Developer/ Analyst |  |
Marshall, Fiona | n/a | NIHR ARC EM Research Fellow |  |
Marson, Ben | 07812278686 | Clinical Associate Professor in Paediatric Orthopaedics |  |
Martin, Faye | 0115 8231600 | Research Coordinator |  |
Martin, Maia | n/a | Senior Administrative Coordinator |  |
Martin, Stewart | 0115 82 31846 | Professor of Cancer and Radiation Biology |  |
Maston, Barbara | 0115 84 68631 | Research Administrator |  |
May, Chien | n/a | Clinical Trials Database Developer |  |
May, Tania | 0115 823 0215 | Clinical Teaching Fellow |  |
McCambridge, April | N/A | Research Coordinator |  |
McClure, Sarah | 0115 8231590 | Trial Manager |  |
McConnell, Rebecca | n/a | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Mccoy, Allan | n/a | Assistant Professor of Sociology and Public Health |  |
McDermott, Orii | n/a | Senior Research Fellow |  |
McGann, Emily | n/a | Trial manager for the SATURN trial |  |
McIntosh, Owen | 07929 666 450 | Senior Operations Manager - Technical Services |  |
McIntyre, Alan | 0115 823 1547 | Professor of Molecular Oncology |  |
McKeever, Tricia | 0115 823 1721 | Professor of Epidemiology and Medical Statistics |  |
McKevitt, Hayley | 0115 8231560 | Quality Assurance Manager, Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit |  |
McLoughlin, Sean | 0115 8231752 | Musculoskeletal Research Administrative Assistant |  |
McPhee, Maggie | 01158468621 | Research Co-ordinator |  |
Mcshefferty, David | 0141 242 9676 | Research Support Officer |  |
McWilliams, Daniel | 0115 823 1942 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow |  |
Meakin, Garry | 0115 82 31587 | Senior Trial Manager - Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit |  |
Meersmann, Thomas | 951 4741 | Professor of Translational Imaging |  |
Merry, Cathy | 07880828138 | Professor of Stem Cell Glycobiology |  |
Metcalf, Fran | n/a | Monitoring & Quality Manager |  |
Michalopoulou, Eleni | 0115 82 31891 | Team Leader |  |
Miller, Suzanne | n/a | Senior Clinical Studies and Project Manager |  |
Mistry, Damini | n/a | Trial Manager |  |
Mitchell, Merradith | n/a | Clinical Course Coordinator |  |
Mitchell, Eleanor | n/a | Associate Professor of Clinical Trials |  |
Moir, Elizabeth | n/a | Clinical Examinations Co-Ordinator |  |
Monaghan, Tanya | 0115 9249924 | Clinical Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant in Gastroenterology |  |
Montgomery, Alan | 0115 82 31612 | Professor of Medical Statistics and Clinical Trials |  |
Moody, Sebastian | n/a | Clinical Trials Coordinator |  |
Moppett, Iain | 0115 823 0959 | Professor of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine |  |
Moran, Gordon | +44 (0)115 9249924 ext 80608 | Professor of Gastroenterology |  |
Morling, Jo | 0115 823 1812 | Professor of Public Health & Epidemiology | Honorary Consultant in Public Health | Deputy Director of Lifespan and Population Health |  |
Morrell, Tim | n/a | Senior Information Developer/Analyst |  |
Morris, Richard | 0115 8230274 | Postgraduate researcher |  |
Morriss, Richard | 0115 823 0427 | Professor of Psychiatry and Community Mental Health |  |
Moss, Beth | n/a | Senior Administrative Coordinator - Assessments |  |
Moss, Robert | n/a | Senior Operations Manager |  |
Motswagole, Omphemetse | n/a | Data Co-Ordinator |  |
Mukherjee, Abhik | 01159249924 | Clinical Associate Professor Histopathology |  |
Mundey, Manjeet | n/a | Senior Research Development Manager |  |
Murden, Rachel | 0115 8231508 | People Services Coordinator |  |
Murray, Aaron | n/a | Associate Professor in Anatomy |  |
Murray, Rachael | 0115 823 1389 | Professor of Population Health |  |
N |
Naylor, Graham | 0141 242 9666 | Professor of Hearing Sciences, Section Director |  |
Ndungu, Antony | n/a | Ph. D student |  |
Newby, Christopher | n/a | Senior Medical Statistician |  |
Nichols, Tom | n/a | Clinical Adviser |  |
Nicholson-Scott, Louise | n/a | Clinical Trial Manager |  |
Nixon (Georgiadi), Elena | 0115 823 0428 | Assistant Professor of Applied Neuropsychology |  |
Noor, Hadia | n/a | Trial Coordinator |  |
Norman, Rose | n/a | Postgraduate Research Administrator |  |
Norris, Andrew | 0115 970 9195 | Consultant Anaesthetist & Honorary (Clinical) Associate Professor |  |
O |
O'Brien, David | n/a | Vice Dean of Clinical Affairs |  |
O'Dowd, Emma | n/a | Clinical Associate Professor in Respiratory Medicine |  |
Ofori, Bernard Appiah | n/a | Trial Coordinator |  |
Ogollah, Reuben | +44 (0) 115 82 31583 | Associate Professor of Medical Statistics and Clinical Trials |  |
Ojha, Shalini | n/a | Professor of Neonatal Medicine and Deputy Director of Clinical Academic Training Programme |  |
Oliver, Kerry | n/a | Managing Director (PRIMIS) |  |
Ollivere, Benjamin | n/a | Professor of Orthopaedic Trauma, Associate Faculty Pro Vice Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange |  |
Olsen, Paula | 0115 74 85226 | Lab Manager |  |
Omoomian, Yasamin | n/a | Clinical Trial Manager |  |
O'Neill-Burdell, Elaine | n/a | Senior Operations Manager - Education & Student Experience |  |
Opazo Breton, Magdalena | n/a | NOTTINGHAM RESEARCH FELLOW |  |
Ordóñez Morán, Paloma | n/a | Associate Professor in Stem Cell Biology & Cancer Sciences |  |
Orrell, Martin | 0115 8231291 | Director - Institute of Mental Health / Head, Division of Psychiatry and Applied Psychology |  |
Orton, Elizabeth | 0115 846 6930 | Professor of Public Health, Director of Lifespan and Population Health |  |
Orton, Sophie | 0115 748 4043 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Oswin, Emma | n/a | Operations Co-ordinator, PRIMIS |  |
P |
Palaniyappan, Naaventhan | 01158231033 | Clinical Associate Professor in Hepatology |  |
Panayiotidis, Tony | 0115 846 6431 | Business Implementation Lead |  |
Parker, Imogen | n/a | Clinical Trial Manager |  |
Partlett, Christopher | 01158231616 | Assistant Professor of Medical Statistics and Clinical Trials |  |
Partridge, Malcolm | n/a | Chief Pharmacist & Clinical Director of Medicines Management |  |
Patel, Bakula | n/a | Director of Clinical Communication Skills. Clinical Associate Professor in Medical Education |  |
Patel, Dipa | n/a | Postgraduate Taught Programmes Officer (Medical Education Centre) |  |
Patel, Jamie | n/a | Research Technician |  |
Patel, Tina | 0115 82 32343 | Research Coordinator |  |
Patel, Shireen | 0115 823 1434 | Research Fellow |  |
Patel, Poulam | 0115 82 31850 | Professor of Clinical Oncology |  |
Pavlovskaya, Galina | 0115 84 68131 | Associate Professor, Translational Imaging |  |
Pearce, Fiona | 0115 8231376 | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Pearson, Richard | 0115 823 1119 | Assistant Professor |  |
Pedley, Adam | n/a | Clinical Trial Manager / Research Fellow |  |
Pepper, Pamela | 0115 823 0455 | Research Programme Co-ordinator |  |
Perez Vallejos, Elvira | 07881280369 | Professor of Digital Technology For Mental Health |  |
Perry, Christina | n/a | Problem Based Learning Facilitator |  |
Phillips, Bethan | 01332 724676 | Professor of Translational Physiology |  |
Phillips, Julie | 0115 8230401 | Research Occupational Therapist |  |
Phillips, Lucy | 0115 7486676 | Clinical Trial Manager |  |
Pinner, Gillian | n/a | Emeritus Professor |  |
Plows, Suzy | 0115 823 0818 | Manager of Centre For Interprofessional Education and Learning |  |
Pollard, Katie | n/a | Senior Operations Manager - Programmes |  |
Porte, Joanne | 0115 823 1723 | Assistant Operations Manager |  |
Potter, Louise | n/a | Clinical Associate Professor and Director of The Clinical Phase (Advanced Clinical Practice) |  |
Prayle, Andrew | 0115 82 30252 | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Pringle, Mike | n/a | Emeritus Professor of General Practice |  |
Prior, Malcolm | 0115 84 68265 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Prior, Michael John | n/a | Researcher |  |
Pycroft, Linda | 0115 82 31161 | EA to Professor Kimberley Edwards, Chair of Quality and Standards Committee |  |
Q |
Quinlan, Philip | 07773039576 | Professor of Digital Engineering and Health Informatics |  |
Qureshi, Nadeem | 0115 846 6900 | Clinical Professor |  |
R |
Radford, Kate | 0115 823 0226 | Professor of Rehabilitation Research |  |
Radford, Shellie | n/a | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Radhi, Masar | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Radmore, Anna | n/a | Student Experience Co-Ordinator |  |
Rahman, Ruman | 0115 82 30993 | Professor of Molecular Neuro-Oncology |  |
Raine-Fenning, Nicholas | 0115 823 0700 | Clinical Associate Professor & Reader in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery |  |
Raju, John Fen | n/a | Counsellor & Psychological Supporter |  |
Rakha, Emad | 01159691169 Ext 56416 | Professor and Consultant Pathologist |  |
Rakhra, Jasmine | n/a | Postgraduate Research Administrator |  |
Ramage, Judith | 0115 8231854 | Associate Professor Cancer Immunology, Course Director for MSc in Cancer Immunology and Biotechnology, Teaching Lead for Division of Cancer and Stem Cells |  |
Rankin, Debbie | 01332 724601/ 24631 | Research Technician |  |
Rawding, Liz | +44 (0) 115 9516833 | Continuing Education Administrator |  |
Reith Hall, Gareth | 0115 823 1646 | Senior Digital Learning Manager |  |
Richardson, Adrian | n/a | Assessments Manager (Clinical Phase) |  |
Richardson, Helen | 07855 114685 | Senior Operations Manager Rke |  |
Richens, David | n/a | Honorary Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Rick, Caroline | n/a | Associate Professor |  |
Ritchie, Alison | 0115 823 1028 | Senior in Vivo Research Manager |  |
Roadevin, Cristina | n/a | Health Economist |  |
Robertson, Jake | n/a | Trial Administrator |  |
Robertson, Lucy | n/a | Research Assistant |  |
Robinson, John | n/a | Clinical Adviser |  |
Robinson, Karen | 0115 823 1094 | Associate Professor |  |
Robinson, Lindsay | n/a | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Rodgers, Sarah | n/a | Head of Research Services (Primis) |  |
Roe, James | 0115 82 32476 | Research Fellow |  |
Rose, Vicenta | 0115 8232608 | BRC Hearing theme - Operations Lead |  |
Rowlinson, Jonathan | 01158230718 | Research Technician |  |
Rowlinson, Lindsey | 0115 823 0213 | Student Services Senior Administrator / QMC / CP3 Primary Care Attachment |  |
Rubinstein, Martin | 0115 924 9924 | Honorary Consultant Lecturer |  |
Rumsey, Chris | 0115 823 1488 | Database System Developer |  |
Russell, Nicholas | n/a | Database Systems Developer |  |
Ryder, Steve | n/a | Consultant Physician in Hepatology and Gastroenterology |  |
S |
Sabir, Louise | via MS Teams Chat | Administrator Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee |  |
Sachdev, Pooja | 07812 269868 | Clinical Associate Professor in Paediatric Endocrinology |  |
Sadiq, Shabina | 01158231594 | Clinical Trial Manager |  |
Sahota, Gurvinder | n/a | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Sandhu, Harpreet | n/a | Clinical Skills Teaching Fellow |  |
Santos, Angeli | 0115 8466639 | Director, Mental Health and Clinical Neurosciences, School of Medicine; Associate Professor in Applied Psychology |  |
Sayal, Kapil | 0115 823 0264 | Professor of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry |  |
Sayers, Ian | 0115 823 1066 | Professor of Respiratory Molecular Genetics |  |
Scammell, Brigitte | n/a | Emeritus Professor |  |
Schröder, Thomas | 0115 846 8181 | Professor of Clinical Psychology and Psychological Therapies, |  |
Scott, Helen | n/a | Trial Co-Ordinator |  |
Scullard, Summer | ext 30055 | GP, Clinical Skills Teaching Fellow |  |
Seedhouse, Claire | 0115 8231822 | Associate Professor |  |
Selby, Nick | 01332 7 24665 | Professor of Nephrology |  |
Sereda, Magdalena | 01158232625 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Shafayat, Aisha | 0115 8231578 | Clinical Trial Manager |  |
Shah, Sonali | n/a | Associate Professor in Disability and Life Course Research |  |
Shams Nateri, Abdolrahman | 0115 823 1306 | Associate Professor in Cancer Genetics & Stem Cells |  |
Shanmugasundaram, Prema | n/a | Medical Statistician |  |
Sharkey, Don | 0115 823 0602 | Professor of Neonatal Medicine and Technologies |  |
Sharpe, Claire | n/a | Dean of Education |  |
Sharp, Ruby | n/a | Digital Learning Coordinator |  |
Shaw, Teresa | 0115 823 1082 | Technician |  |
Sheehan, Christina | 0115 8230455 | REDUCE Programme Manager/Research Support Officer |  |
Shehzad, Muzna | n/a | Research Assistant |  |
Shepherd, Kate | 0758 598 4358 | Senior Operations Manager - Technical Services |  |
Shepherd, Vic | 0115 924 9924 70605 | Senior Research Nurse BRU |  |
Shields, Jacqui | n/a | Professor in Cancer Immunology |  |
Sidney, Laura | 0115 82 30459 | Assistant Professor/Senior Research Fellow |  |
Simpkin, Isabelle | n/a | Academic Unit Coordinator |  |
Simpson, Kim | n/a | Technical Lead, D Floor |  |
Simpson, Rosalind | 0115 8432436 | Associate Professor |  |
Simpson, Richard | n/a | Principal Clinical Vascular Scientist and Honorary Assistant Professor |  |
Singh, Pargat | n/a | Problem Based Learning Facilitator |  |
Skelton, Gemma | n/a | NMRC Research Centre Manager |  |
Skinner, Helen | +44 (0)115 970 9480 | Laboratory Aide |  |
Smith, Sandra | 0115 8232634 | Research Assistant |  |
Smith, Ken | 01332 724700 | Professor of Metabolic Mass Spectrometry; Manager, Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometry Facility |  |
Smith, Coral | 01332 724690 | Paediatric research |  |
Smith, Laurie | n/a | Trial Co-Ordinator |  |
Smith, Sherie | 0115 82 30079 | Cochrane Systematic Reviewer |  |
Smith, Stuart | 0115 823097 | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Sneade, Jonathan | 31527 | Data Analyst |  |
Sollini, Joseph | n/a | Nottingham Research Fellow |  |
Somerset, Sarah | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Sotiropoulos, Stam | 0115 8231027 | Professor of Computational Neuroimaging |  |
Spangenberg, Peter | 49 3641205620 | Honorary Professor |  |
Spas, Susanne | n/a | Trial Coordinator |  |
Spendlove, Ian | 0115 8231713 | Associate Professor of Cancer Immunology and Course Director for MSc Oncology |  |
Spiller, Robin | 07824328319 | Professor of Gastroenterology |  |
Sprange, Kirsty | n/a | Assistant Professor of Clinical Trials |  |
Sprigg, Nikola | 0115 823 1778 | Professor of Stroke Medicine |  |
Spriggs, Ruth | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Stanley, Rhiannon | n/a | Postgraduate Taught Programmes Administrator |  |
Stapleton, Sandip | n/a | Research Governance Officer |  |
Stephens, Peter | 0115 823 1135 | Laboratory Aide |  |
Stewart, Claire | n/a | Dean and Head of School of Medicine |  |
Steytler, Michaela | n/a | Trial Co-Ordinator |  |
Stockdale, Nicki | n/a | Research Governance Co-Ordinator |  |
Stocks, Joanne | n/a | Assistant Professor in Rehabilitation Technology |  |
Storr, Sarah | 01158231859 | Assistant Professor in Cancer Sciences |  |
Summerfield, Angela | 0115 8231600 | Unit Manager, Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit |  |
Su, Yuanfei | n/a | Medical Statistician |  |
Swiderski, Mikolaj | n/a | Research Associate |  |
Swinden, Rich | 0115 8231603 | Data Manager |  |
Szatkowski, Lisa | n/a | Associate Professor in Medical Statistics |  |
Szypula, Kasia | n/a | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
T |
Taal, Maarten | 01332 724918 | Professor of Medicine |  |
Taggar, Jaspal | 0115 823 0445 | Professor of Primary Care & Medical Education |  |
Tanasescu, Radu | n/a | Consultant Neurologist, Honorary Clinical Associate Professor of Neurology, MRC CARP |  |
Tang, Ping | n/a | Postgraduate Taught Education and Student Experience Administrator |  |
Tarr, Stella | 0115 82 31487 | Senior Data Manager |  |
Tata, Laila J | 0115 823 1353 | Professor of Epidemiology |  |
Tatler, Amanda | x87556 | Principal Research Fellow / Associate Professor |  |
Tavakol, Mohsen | 0115 823 0218 | Professor of Psychometrics and Medical Education |  |
Taylor, Ian | 07460 314508 | Trail Administrator |  |
Taylor, Helen | 0115 82 30246 | Personal Assistant to Professor Marion Walker |  |
Taylor, Amelia | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Thandi, Sukhwinder | n/a | Senior Quality & Governance Manager |  |
Thomas, Kim | n/a | Professor of Applied Dermatology Research & Co-Director of the Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology |  |
Thomas, Shirley | 0115 846 7484 | Associate Professor |  |
Thompson, Alex | 011582 31234 | Associate Professor Translational Stem Cell Technology |  |
Thompson, Sophie | n/a | Counsellor & Psychological Supporter |  |
Thompson, Claire | n/a | Trial Administrator |  |
Thomson, Ross | +44 (0) 115 74 86677 | Research Fellow |  |
Thomson, Louise | 0115 7484314 | Associate Professor |  |
Thorley, Rebecca | 0115 8231361 | Trial Manager |  |
Thornton, Luke | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Thornton, Jim | 01158231892 | Emeritus professor |  |
Thrasivoulou, Maria | n/a | Counsellor & Psychological Supporter |  |
Thuma, Leila | 0115 823 1597 | Trial Coordinator |  |
Thust, Steffi | 0115 924 9924 ext 32865 | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Tiwari, Kshitij | n/a | Database Systems Developer |  |
Tomasik, Abby | 0115 82 30230 | Academic Unit Coordinator |  |
Topcu, Gogem | 0115 8231299 | Programme Manager (NEuRoMS) |  |
Travis, Lorna | n/a | People Services Coordinator |  |
Trusson, Diane | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Tully, John | n/a | Clinical Associate Professor in Forensic Psychiatry |  |
Tyrrell, Edward | +44 (0) 115 823 1418 | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
U |
Ukoha-Kalu, Blessing | n/a | Assistant Professor in Biomedical Sciences |  |
V |
Valdes, Ana | 0115 823 1954 | Professor |  |
Vanderstreaten, Shannon | n/a | Postgraduate Taught Course Coordinator |  |
Venn, Andrea | n/a | Honorary Associate Professor |  |
Vickers, Sarah | n/a | Digital Learning Officer |  |
Vidovic, Nikolina | n/a | Senior Course Administrator |  |
Vinogradova, Yana | 0115 846 6939 | Principal Research Fellow |  |
Viramontes Horner, Daniela | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Vyas, Harish | n/a | |  |
W |
Wakefield, Natalie | 0115 8231615 | UK Trial Managers' Network Manager |  |
Walker, Kate | 0115 82 31581 | Clinical Professor In Obstetrics |  |
Walsh, David | 0115 823 1751 | Director, Pain Centre Versus Arthritis |  |
Warburton, Sam | 0115 924 9924 70612 | Clinical Support Worker BRU |  |
Ward, Becca | n/a | Trainee Clinical Trial Manager |  |
Ward, Jennifer | 0115 8231334 | Project Manager |  |
Warrington, Shaun | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Wedderburn, Katy | n/a | Student Experience Manager |  |
West, Joe | 0115 823 1345 | Professor of Epidemiology; Honorary Consultant Gastroenterologist |  |
Weston, Jane | 86902 | HR Administration Officer |  |
White, Jennifer | 0115 823 1586 | Trial Manager |  |
Whiting, Daniel | n/a | Clinical Associate Professor in Forensic Psychiatry |  |
Whitmer, William M | 0141 242 9667 | Senior Investigator Scientist |  |
Whitton, Aimee | n/a | Teaching Associate in Biomedical Science |  |
Widdowson, Lynn | 01158231622 | Executive Assistant |  |
Wiggins, Ian | n/a | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Wilcox, Robert | n/a | Emeritus Professor |  |
Wildsmith, Tracey | 0115 823 1072 | Research Nurse BRU |  |
Wilkinson, Daniel | 01332 724850 | Principal Research Fellow in Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometry |  |
Wilkinson, Marcus | 0115 823 0212 | Clinical Teaching Fellow |  |
Wilkinson, Nicola | n/a | Postgraduate Taught Education and Student Experience Administrator |  |
Williams, John | 01332 724641 | Anaesthesia |  |
Williams, Hywel | +44 (0) 115 84 68631 | Professor of Dermato-Epidemiology & Co-Director of the Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology |  |
Wilmot, Emma | n/a | Clinical Associate Professor in Diabetes and Endocrinology |  |
Wilne, Sophie | 0115 9709727 | Consultant of Paediatric Oncology |  |
Wilson, Emma | 0115 8231348 | Professor of Public Health |  |
Wilson, Karen | n/a | PRIMIS Operations Co-Ordinator |  |
Wilson, Lolita | 01159566581 | Laboratory Manager(Geo-Nutrition) |  |
Wolfe, Sarah | 0115 95 18276 | Clinical Research Facility Manager |  |
Woodhouse, Lisa | 0115 82 31670 | Medical Statistician |  |
Wood, Joanne | teams | Unit Co-ordinator |  |
Woo, Ho Yeung (Damen) | n/a | PhD Student |  |
Worth, Karen | 0115 823 0212 | Clinical Assistant Professor |  |
X |
Xing, Yue | (44)0115 8231176 | Research Fellow |  |
Xi, Yuhuang | n/a | Trial Coordinator |  |
Y |
Yates, Jen | n/a | Assistant Professor in Mental Health |  |
Z |
Zafar, Madina | n/a | Student Support Coordinator |  |
Zhang, Weiya | 0115 823 1750 | Professor of Epidemiology |  |
d |
das Nair, Roshan | +44(0)115 8230589 | Professor of Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology |  |