School of Medicine
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Image of Stam Sotiropoulos

Stam Sotiropoulos

Professor of Computational Neuroimaging, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences


Expertise Summary

Pubmed Search | Google Scholar Profile | ORCID ID | CoNI Lab

I am a Professor of Computational Neuroimaging in the Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre, School of Medicine and I also hold an honorary affiliation with the University of Oxford (Centre for Functional MRI of the Brain).

I am the Head of the Computational Neuroimaging Group at the University of Nottingham. I develop computational methods for exploring brain organisation using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Specifically, I am interested in brain connectivity and brain tissue microstrucure in health and disease. My research focuses on the biophysical modelling and inference of brain connections at different scales mostly using diffusion MRI, but I am also particularly interested in data fusion approaches for combining strengths and bridging the gaps across modalities.

The methodology we develop is made publicly available through FSL, the most widely-used software package for brain image analysis.

I also review for the top journals in the field and I am a member of the Editorial Board of NeuroImage and of Brain Multiphysics. More details on Publons.

Research Summary

Research Interests: Neuroimaging, Brain connectivity/Connectome estimation, Diffusion MRI analysis, Functional MRI analysis, Brain microstructure & Biophysical modeling, Bayesian inference,… read more

Recent Publications

School of Medicine

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

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