I have been principal (PI) or co-investigator (Co-I) on center/project grants to the tune of >£25M from UK research councils (MRC, BBSRC), charities (DMT), industry (pharma/nutritional) and EU sources. Since 2005, I have published ~300 peer-reviewed articles (H-index 74 (Google Scholar), with ~27,000 citations, an i10 index of 177, and 8 invited books / chapters. I received prestigious early career awards (e.g., American Physiological Society New investigator 2010) and am regularly invited to speak at both national (e.g., Physiological Society, ISENC) and international (e.g., ICFSR, Cachexia, IUPS) conferences in addition to conducting various consultancies and speech invitations via Pharma. I am founding Editor-in-Chief of Physiologia, Senior Editor for Applied Physiology, Nutrition & Metabolism and section Editor-In-Chief for Nutrients. I lead the Centre of Metabolism, Ageing & Physiology (CoMAP); a lab supporting, at any one time, ~4 technicians, ~15 clinical/non-clinical students & ~3 post-docs. Our lab is a non-core mass spectrometry facility specializing in diverse stable isotope applications, and metabolomics and proteomics ( Our team are housed at Derby medical school under the auspices of our UK MRC-Versus Arthritis Centre of Excellence for Musculoskeletal ageing, and Nottingham National institute for health (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre. I am a member of the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) Population and Systems Medicine (PSMB) Board grant panel.
University Webpage:
Google Scholar Profile:
Expertscape Ranking on "Skeletal Muscle":
Expertise Summary
Physiology | Moleacular Medicine | Stable Isotopes | Mass Spectrometry | Cell Biology | Chronic Diseases | OMICs
Teaching Summary
I teach on both the Graduate Entry Medical Course and the BSc in Medical Physiology and Therapeutics in areas of general physiology, anatomy, molecular biology, OMICS.
Research Summary
Research synopsis: My past work has focused on the identification of central mechanisms regulating metabolism in human musculoskeletal tissues, and where appropriate, using more tractable in vitro… read more
Selected Publications
Current Research
Research synopsis: My past work has focused on the identification of central mechanisms regulating metabolism in human musculoskeletal tissues, and where appropriate, using more tractable in vitro cell or where appropriate, in vivo animal models. Combining molecular biology, stable isotope methodologies and detailed in vivo human physiology, I have been a key part of a team that has discovered a number of fundamental parameters that govern alterations in protein metabolism with age and disease. In particular, I have led the molecular analysis in the majority of my publications and over more recent years in becoming laboratory PI, been responsible for grant income, research direction and development of state-of-the-art physiological experiments. The current direction of my work involves the combining of detailed molecular physiology with the application of carbon/ deuterium stable isotope methodologies and more recently, the integration of OMIC (genomic/ metabolomic) techniques to discover predictors of, and the basis for, musculoskeletal decline in ageing and disease.