ORTON, E., AUDSLEY, S., COUPLAND, C., GLADMAN, J.R.F., ILIFFE, S., LAFOND, N., LOGAN, P., MASUD, T., SKELTON, D.A., TIMBLIN, C., TIMMONS, S., WARD, D. and KENDRICK, D., 2021. Real world’ effectiveness of the Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme: an implementation study Age and Ageing. afaa288 MULLA, E., ORTON, E. and KENDRICK, D., 2021. Is proactive frailty identification a good idea? A qualitative interview study British Journal of General Practice. Published Online First: 2 March 2021, BJGP.2020.0178 HILL, T., COUPLAND, C., KENDRICK, D., JONES, M., AKBARI, A., RODGERS, S., WATSON, M.C., TYRRELL, E., MERRILL, S. and ORTON, E., 2021. Impact of the national home safety equipment scheme ‘Safe At Home’ on hospital admissions for unintentional injury in children under 5: a controlled interrupted time series analysis Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Published Online First: 22 June 2021, jech-2021-216613 ORTON, E., LAFOND, N., SKELTON, D. A., COUPLAND, C., GLADMAN, J. R. F., ILIFFE, S., LOGAN, P. A., MASUD, T., TIMBLIN, C., TIMMONS, S. and KENDRICK, D., 2021. Implementation fidelity of the Falls Management Exercise Programme: a mixed methods analysis using a conceptual framework for implementation fidelity Public Health. 197, 11-18 AUDSLEY, S., KENDRICK, D., LOGAN, P., JONES, M. and ORTON, E., 2020. A randomised feasibility study assessing an intervention to keep adults physically active after falls management exercise programmes end Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 6(1), 37 MULLA, E., ORTON, E. and KENDRICK, D., 2020. GP views on the routine identification of older people living with frailty in primary care British Journal of General Practice. 70(Supplement 1), bjgp20X711437 ORTON, E., WATSON, M.C., HAYES, M., PATEL, T., JONES, M., COUPLAND, C., TIMBLIN, C., CARPENTER, H. and KENDRICK, D., 2020. Evaluation of the effectiveness, implementation and cost-effectiveness of the Stay One Step Ahead home safety promotion intervention for pre-school children: a study protocol Injury Prevention. Published Online First: 16 October 2020 DAVIE, G.S., PAL, K., ORTON, E., TYRRELL, E.G. and PETERSEN, I., 2020. Incident Type 2 Diabetes and Risk of Fracture: A Comparative Cohort Analysis Using U.K. Primary Care Records Diabetes Care. Published online ahead of print: 4 November 2020, dc201220 CAMPBELL, M., LAI, E. T. C., PEARCE, A., ORTON, E., KENDRICK, D., WICKHAM, S. and TAYLOR-ROBINSON, D. C., 2019. Understanding pathways to social inequalities in childhood unintentional injuries: findings from the UK millennium cohort study BMC Pediatrics. 19(1), 150 LAFOND, N., MAULA, A., ILIFFE, S., VEDHARA, K., AUDSLEY, S., KENDRICK, D. and ORTON, E., 2019. ‘We got more than we expected.’ Older people’s experiences of falls-prevention exercise interventions and implications for practice; a qualitative study Primary Health Care Research & Development. 20, e103 MOURE-FERNÁNDEZ, A., HOLLINGHURST, S., CARROLL, F., DOWNING, H., YOUNG, G., BROOKES, S., MAY, M., EL-GOHARY, M., HARNDEN, A., KENDRICK, D., LAFOND, N., LITTLE, P., MOORE, M., ORTON, E., THOMPSON, M., TIMMINS, D., WANG, K. and HAY, A.D., 2019. Economic evaluation of the OSAC randomised controlled trial: oral corticosteroids for non-asthmatic adults with acute lower respiratory tract infection in primary care. BMJ Open. (In Press.)
MAULA, A., LAFOND, N., ORTON, E., ILIFFE, S., AUDSLEY, S., VEDHARA, K. and KENDRICK, D., 2019. Use it or lose it: a qualitative study of the maintenance of physical activity in older adults BMC Geriatrics. 19(1), 349 LESTER, L., BAKER, R., COUPLAND, C. and ORTON, E., 2018. Alcohol misuse and injury outcomes in young people aged 10-24 Journal of Adolescent Health. 62(4), 450-456 CARPENTER, H., AUDSLEY, S., COUPLAND, C., GLADMAN, J., KENDRICK, D., LAFOND, N., LOGAN, P., SKELTON, D.A., TIMBLIN, C., TIMMONS, S., WARD, D. and ORTON, E., 2018. PHysical activity Implementation Study In Community-dwelling AduLts (PHISICAL): study protocol Injury Prevention. Published Online First: 05 January 2018, TIMBLIN, C., AUDSLEY, S., CARPENTER, H., COUPLAND, C., GLADMAN, J.R.F., KENDRICK, D., LAFOND, N., LOGAN, P.A., ORTON, E., SKELTON, D.A., TIMMONS, S. and WARD, D., 2018. A logic model for the implementation of a falls management exercise programme. 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