School of Medicine
Medical tablets, capsules and caplets flying out of a bottle against a light blue background


Image of Jane Daniels

Jane Daniels

Professor of Clinical Trials, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences



Jane's early career was in molecular biology: first in allergology, then in relation to infectious diseases. She left the laboratory in 1998 and became a trial coordinator in the newly created Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit (BCTU). As an experienced academic trialist, she established the BCTU as the leading trials unit for women's health research in the UK.

In 2017, Jane moved to become Professor of Clinical Trials and Deputy Director of the Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit, where she has continued to develop her portfolio of research in women's health. She is the Chief Investigator for GBS3, a massive cluster randomised trial of maternal testing for Group B Streptococcus, to determine if a policy of universal testing will reduce neonatal infection. She is the Co-Chief Investigator for POISE and BLUSH, working with UCL and NCTU lead for the DEVA trial and STARSHIP trials.

Expertise Summary

Evaluation of diagnostic and screening tests, randomised trials of medical and surgical treatments, systematic reviews and meta-analysis. My focus is within obstetrics, gynaecology and neonatalogy but enjoy working in any clinical area.

Selected Publications

School of Medicine

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

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