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Meet the scientists and archaeologists making ancient rock art into 3D reality

Meet the scientists and archaeologists making ancient rock art into 3D reality

A public exhibition on Monday 18 January will give people first-hand experience of new 3D technologies that have enabled archaeologists to breathe life and meaning into images etched into rock thousands of years ago.
Release Date
Last Year
UK teens heavily exposed to alcohol and tobacco images in YouTube music videos

UK teens heavily exposed to alcohol and tobacco images in YouTube music videos

YouTube music videos deliver billions of impressions of smoking and drinking in one year according to a new study by the UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies.
Release Date
Last Year
First all-antiferromagnetic memory device could get digital data storage in a spin

First all-antiferromagnetic memory device could get digital data storage in a spin

Research shows how the 'magnetic spins' of antiferromagnets can be controlled to make a completely different form of digital memory. This could make our devices smaller, faster, more robust and more energy efficient.
Release Date
Last Year
Help the scientists find out why you sound like your parents

Help the scientists find out why you sound like your parents

Researchers need you to submit a voice sample online to find out if aspects of the human voice are passed down through our genes.
Release Date
Last Year
Hitting the 'cellular sweet spot' — new delivery system for regenerative therapies

Hitting the 'cellular sweet spot' — new delivery system for regenerative therapies

Perfecting the delivery of targeted treatments for regenerative medicine.
Release Date
Last Year
Major study to test exercise based therapy in early dementia

Major study to test exercise based therapy in early dementia

Nottingham team to carry out £2.8m trial to see if exercise therapy can prevent falls in people with early dementia and delay progress of symptoms
Release Date
Last Year
Celebrating 80 years of a Nottingham-born beauty brand

Celebrating 80 years of a Nottingham-born beauty brand

A new exhibition at the Weston Gallery at Nottingham Lakeside Arts celebrates the anniversary of the iconic Nottingham-born beauty brand No 7.
Release Date
Last Year
Southeast Asia's haze – call for better public information

Southeast Asia's haze – call for better public information

Academics call for more public information after a study of people's knowledge, attitudes and practices of Southeast Asia's haze.
Release Date
Last Year
Mental health treatment under the NHS is at extreme risk

Mental health treatment under the NHS is at extreme risk

The NHS of 2015 is in danger of being unethical for mental health counsellors to work in, according to a new paper from The University of Nottingham.
Release Date
Last Year
Research team helps BBC 'Trust Me I'm a Doctor' investigate age-related muscle loss

Research team helps BBC 'Trust Me I'm a Doctor' investigate age-related muscle loss

BBC TV's flagship health programme, 'Trust Me, I'm a Doctor', has enlisted the help of a University of Nottingham research team to find out if age-related loss of muscle mass and function can be minimised by a simple but regular home-based exercise programme.
Release Date
Last Year
New test could detect early hearing loss in cystic fibrosis patients

New test could detect early hearing loss in cystic fibrosis patients

Experts in Nottingham are investigating whether a new type of hearing test could successfully detect early hearing loss in people with cystic fibrosis (CF).
Release Date
Last Year
Could bug-busting viruses control food poisoning?

Could bug-busting viruses control food poisoning?

Viruses that can seek and destroy food poisoning bugs in the gut are being investigated by researchers at The University of Nottingham, thanks to a prestigious new grant.
Release Date
Last Year
Honour for University of Nottingham academic

Honour for University of Nottingham academic

A physicist at The University of Nottingham has received a CBE for services to science and medicine.
Release Date
Last Year
Expert evidence helps settle centuries-old territorial dispute

Expert evidence helps settle centuries-old territorial dispute

The evidence given by an expert in rivers from The University of Nottingham has been pivotal in a ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on a centuries-old border dispute between Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
Release Date
Last Year
Superbug colony behaviours revealed in time-lapse video

Superbug colony behaviours revealed in time-lapse video

The superbug MRSA which was previously thought to be a static or non-motile organism has been observed showing signs of active motility by scientists at the Universities of Nottingham and Sheffield.
Release Date
Last Year
Clinical trial explores new ways to help chronic pain sufferers

Clinical trial explores new ways to help chronic pain sufferers

Researchers appeal for arthritis sufferers to join clinical trial to see if medication usually used to treat depression and anxiety can help alleviate pain.
Release Date
Last Year
Stem cell transplantation does not provide significant improvement for Crohn's disease, study finds

Stem cell transplantation does not provide significant improvement for Crohn's disease, study finds

A clinical trial to test the effectiveness of a stem cell therapy among adults with difficult to treat Crohn's disease has found it is not significantly better than conventional treatment in producing sustained disease remission after one year.
Release Date
Last Year
New clues to halting nerve degeneration

New clues to halting nerve degeneration

A discovery into the mechanisms which lead to degeneration and loss of communication among neuron cells - the cells controlling function in the brain and nervous system - could potentially lead to future therapies for neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.
Release Date
Last Year
Turner Prize win for Nottingham architecture tutor

Turner Prize win for Nottingham architecture tutor

An architecture lecturer from The University of Nottingham is part of the design collective, Assemble, which has just won the Turner Prize 2015, Britain's top contemporary art award.
Release Date
Last Year
Crowdsourcing call for 'brown fat' study to tackle diabetes and obesity

Crowdsourcing call for 'brown fat' study to tackle diabetes and obesity

Scientists are asking the public for help in funding new research aimed at harnessing the body's own fat-fighting defences to tackle obesity and diabetes as part of an innovative new crowdsourcing project.
Release Date
Last Year
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