Media interviews
TV and radio broadcasters are able to conduct interviews with academics and University spokespeople through the Press Office. These can be conducted in person, over the phone or through the University's In:Quality or Quicklink facility. The Media Hub, located on Jubilee Campus, is also available for members of staff looking for somewhere to conduct interviews.
Broadcasters can search the Media Guide to Expertise by using the search facility to find the details of the relevant University of Nottingham expert before contacting the Press Office. Interviews will be organised by the relevant Media Relations Manager.
Quicklink TV camera
The Quicklink Studio-in-a-Box offers a dedicated 24/7 on-campus TV studio through which the University can showcase the expertise of its academics on a wide range of topical issues — from British politics and flu outbreaks to climate change and US gun control.
In:Quality facility
The In:Quality facility enables University staff to take part in down-the-line radio interviews without the need to physically travel to a broadcaster’s own studio.
The facility offers broadcast industry-standard equipment that can provide a high-quality and reliable digital audio connection.
The University also provides additional ISDN line facilities at its Sutton Bonington Campus which can be booked via the Press Office.
Jubilee Campus In:Quality sip address: nottingham.codec.01@sip.audio
Jubilee Campus Quicklink TV camera skype address: quicklink11119101@outlook.com
Sutton Bonington ISDN line - 01509 672 841
Further information
For more information and to book any of our facilities, please contact the Press Office:
- 0115 951 5798 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm UK-time)