Professor of Physics, Faculty of Science
I am particularly interested in how the physics of the very Early and Late Universe could be tested by observations of both the largest scales (astronomy) and the smallest scales in the universe… read more
I am particularly interested in how the physics of the very Early and Late Universe could be tested by observations of both the largest scales (astronomy) and the smallest scales in the universe (particle physics). The overlap of these areas is known as particle cosmology. It offers the hope that we can test paradigms such as string theory, the Inflationary universe, cosmic strings, dark energy as well as understand the nature of the initial singularity in the universe. More details about the research can be found on the groups \href{}{particle physics webpages}. Publications : My \href{}{INSPIRE page} has a full list of my publications including links to .pdf copies the papers. -- hello!
\href{PHYS3010 - Principles of Dynamics}{} \href{PHYS4016 - Modern Cosmology}{}
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