A |
Ahmed, Mahbuba | +44 115 74 87053 | Spmic Receptionist/Administrator |  |
Akbar, Ali | n/a | Research Fellow in Quantum Sensing and Optical Magnetometry |  |
Akimov, Andrey | 0115 846 7175 | Principal Research Fellow |  |
Alappadan Paul, Jan | +44(0)115 84 66003 | Research Radiographer MRI |  |
Almaini, Omar | 0115 846 7901 | Professor of Astrophysics |  |
Amin, Oliver | n/a | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Aragón-Salamanca, Alfonso | 0115 951 6230 | Professor of Astronomy |  |
Armour, Andrew | 0115 951 5127 | Professor of Physics |  |
Asghar, Michael | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Avgoustidis, Anastasios | 0115 74 84056 | Associate Professor |  |
B |
Bailey, James | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Bamford, Steven | 0115 74 84054 | Associate Professor |  |
Batchelor, Ella | 0115 74 86778 | Administrator Centre for Astronomy & Particle Theory |  |
Bellhouse, Callum | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Benedict, Keith | 0115 951 5128 | Associate Professor, Deputy Head of School |  |
Berrington, Adam | n/a | Beacon Early Career Research Fellow |  |
Beton, Peter | 0115 951 5129 | Professor of Physics |  |
Bhumbra, Shobita | +44 115 95 15132 | Electronics Technical Specialist |  |
Bianconi, Matteo | n/a | Research Fellow in Astrophysics |  |
Boitor, Radu | 0115 74 86433 | Research Fellow in Multimodal Spectral Imaging of Basal Cell Carcinoma |  |
Bolton, James | 0115 95 15132 | Professor of Astrophysics |  |
Bortolotti, Laura (she/her) | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Boto, Elena | n/a | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Botterill, Nick | 0115 951 5194 | Senior Technical Manager and Facilities Manager |  |
Bowler, Henry | 0115 95 14751 | Administrator Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre |  |
Bowley, Roger | 0115 95 15131 | Emeritus |  |
Bowtell, Richard | 0115 951 4737 | Director of Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre/Professor of Physics |  |
Bradford, Jonathan | +44 115 84 66008 | Research Fellow |  |
Bradley, Chris | n/a | MRI Scanner Operator |  |
Brandner, Kay | 0115 84 68818 | UKRI Future Leaders Fellow, Assistant Professor |  |
Briggs, Christopher | n/a | Teaching Assistant |  |
Brookes OBE, Matt | 0115 95 15188 | Professor of Physics |  |
Buchanan, Charlotte | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Bunney, Cameron | n/a | EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellow |  |
Burrage, Clare | 0115 84 67903 | Professor of Physics |  |
C |
Caines, George | +44 115 84 66003 | Project Manager |  |
Campion, Richard | 0115 951 5189 | Principal Research Fellow |  |
Cerreia Vioglio, Paolo | 01157486278 | Dnp Mas Nmr Facility Manager- Senior Research Fellow |  |
Chapman, Emma | 0115 74 87529 | Senior Royal Society Fellow |  |
Chauhan, Jas | 0115 846 6205 | Senior Technical Specialist |  |
Cheng, Tin | 0115 95 84858 | Research Fellow |  |
Conaboy, Luke | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Cooper, Andrew | 0115 82 31320 | Lead Research Radiographer |  |
Cooper, Nathan | 0115 95 14868 | Research Fellow |  |
Copeland, Edmund | 0115 951 5164 | Professor of Physics |  |
Cottam, Nathan | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Cowell, Louise | 0115 95 14747 | Administrator/SPMIC Receptionist |  |
Cox, Eleanor | 0115 84 67774 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
D |
Daniel, Alex | 0115 84 66881 | Research Fellow |  |
Davies, Pamela | 0115 951 5374 | Administrator/Physics Receptionist |  |
Davis, Alister | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Dellschaft, Neele | 0115 84 67774 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Devine, Brian | (+44) (0) 115 74 86027 | Teaching Associate |  |
Devlin, Sionnach | n/a | Senior Technician |  |
Dewey, Rebecca | 07762187556 | Senior Research Fellow in Neuroimaging |  |
Dye, Simon | 0115 74 84055 | Professor of Astrophysics |  |
E |
Eaves CBE FRS FLSW FInstP, Laurence | 0115 951 5136 | Research Professor |  |
Eaves CBE FRS FLSW FInstP, Laurence | n/a | Research Professor |  |
Edmonds, Kevin | 0115 846 7058 | Associate Professor & Reader in Physics |  |
Edwards, Mick | 0115 95 18326 | workshop/Laboratory Assistant |  |
F |
Fernholz, Thomas | 0115 951 4753 | Associate Professor |  |
Fernholz, Olga | +44 (0) 115 7486 720 | I am the careers lead for the School of Physics and Astronomy and placements manager arranging internships and year in industry placements for physics students. I am also a teaching associate teaching professional and business skills to physics students. |  |
Fildes, Jessikah | n/a | Research Assistant |  |
Fisher, Martyn | n/a | Head of Operations |  |
Francis, Sue | 0115 846 6518 | Professor of Physics |  |
Fromhold, Mark | 0115 951 5192 | Professor of Physics |  |
G |
Gallagher, Bryan | n/a | Emeritus Professor |  |
Gammon-Smith, Adam | n/a | Associate Professor |  |
Gao, Hua | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Garrahan, Juan P. | 0115 846 7713 | Professor of Physics |  |
Gascoyne, Lauren | 0115 95 14739 | Research Fellow |  |
Gasiorowska, Aggie | 0115 951 3082 | Administrator/Physics Receptionist |  |
Giannakopoulos, Thanasis | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Gillman, Edward | 0115 74 84751 | Research Fellow |  |
Glatthard, Jonas | n/a | Research Associate in Theory of Mechanical Systems in The Quantum Regime |  |
Golden-Marx, Jesse | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Gould, Oliver | 01157487531 | Dorothy Hodgkin Fellow |  |
Gowland, Penny | 0115 951 4754 | Professor of Physics |  |
Grant, Kimberley | n/a | Project Manager (Edi) |  |
Gray, Meghan | 0115 846 7315 | Professor of Astronomy |  |
Green, Anne | n/a | Professor of Physics |  |
Gunn, Elisha | n/a | Education and Student Experience Senior |  |
H |
Hackermueller, Lucia | 0115 84 68824 | Associate Professor |  |
Hamdiyah, Ayoub | 01158468823 | Research Fellow |  |
Hatch, Nina | n/a | Professor of Astronomy |  |
Hawker, Philip | 0115 951 8331 | Assistant Professor |  |
Haywood, Brett | 0115 95 18276 | SPMIC Technical Officer |  |
Henini, Mohamed | 0115 951 5195 | Professor of Applied Physics |  |
Heywood, Sarah | n/a | Senior Technician |  |
Hill, Richard | 0115 74 86275 | Associate Professor |  |
Hill, Ryan | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Hoad, Caroline | 0115 846 6003 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Holmes, Niall | 0115 82 30372 | Mansfield Research Fellow |  |
Horsewill, Anthony | n/a | Emeritus Professor of Physics |  |
Hutchinson, George | 0115 84 67775 | Research Associate |  |
J |
Jackson, Emily | +44 115 74 86812 | Senior Administrator |  |
Jafarizadeh, Arash | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
James, Tyler | n/a | Research Associate (Atomic Manipulationand Scanning Probe Microscopy) |  |
Jungwirth, Tomas | 0115 951 5139 | Research Professor |  |
Junqueira, Filipe | n/a | Research Associate |  |
K |
Kaviani, Mehri | 0115 951 8276 | Research and Teaching job |  |
Kemp, Neil | +44 115 74 87634 | Associate Professor in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics |  |
Kent, Tony | 0115 951 5143 | Professor of Physics |  |
Kenton, Andrew | 0115 95 18326 | Senior Technical Specialist |  |
Kiraly, Brian | n/a | Assistant Professor in Experimental Nanoscience |  |
Kolcu, Tutku | n/a | Research Associate |  |
Kuchner, Ulrike | 0115 84 68814 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
L |
Lang, Ben | n/a | Research Fellow in Photonic Crystal Lasers |  |
Leggett, Jim | 0115 95 18274 | TECHNICAL SPECIALIST - OPM MEG |  |
Lesanovsky, Igor | 0115 84 68818 | Professor of Physics |  |
Lethbridge, Sean | n/a | Research Associate |  |
Leung, Chun | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Lieu, Maggie | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Li, Weibin | 0115 748 6751 | Associate Professor |  |
M |
Mair, Jamie | n/a | Research & Teaching Fellow |  |
Makarovskiy, Oleg | 0115 84 68820 | Associate Professor |  |
Maltby, David | 0115 846 8815 | Research Fellow |  |
Mao, Yong | 0115 951 5145 | Associate Professor |  |
Marsh, Daniel | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Martin, Garreth | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Meeks, Sharon | 0115 951 5163 | Senior Administrator - PA to Head of School |  |
Mellor, Christopher | 0115 951 5147 | Associate Professor & Reader in Physics |  |
Milligan, Peter | 0115 84 67729 | Senior Operations Manager Health & Safety |  |
Mishra, Swagat Saurav | n/a | Research Associate |  |
Morgan-Tansley, Peter | 0115 951 3585 | IT Research Technician |  |
Moriarty, Philip | 0115 951 5156 | Professor of Physics |  |
Morley, Chris | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Moss, Adam | 0115 74 84057 | Lecturer |  |
Mougin, Olivier | 0115 95 18276 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Mullinger, Karen | 0115 951 4752 | Associate Professor |  |
Munday, Paul | 0115 74 86026 | Technician |  |
N |
Napier, Tommy | 0115 95 18326 | TECHNICAL SPECIALIST |  |
Nicholas, Rosemary | n/a | Research Associate |  |
Notingher, Ioan | 0115 951 5172 | Professor of Physics |  |
Novikov, Sergei | 0115 951 5138 | Professor of Physics |  |
O |
O'Shea, James | 0115 951 5149 | Associate Professor & Reader in Physics |  |
Owen, Freya | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Owers-Bradley, John | n/a | Emeritus Professor |  |
P |
Padilla, Tony | 0115 95 15159 | Professor of Physics |  |
Parry, Philip | 0115 84 68813 | Astronomy Research Support Officer |  |
Patane, Amalia | 0115 951 5185 | Professor of Physics and Director of Research |  |
Pearce, Frazer | 0115 951 5160 | Professor of Physics |  |
Pearson, Jonathan | 0115 95 15167 | Electronic Engineering/Laboratory Technician |  |
Peters, Andrew | 0115 846 8946 | Principal Technical Specialist, Manager and National Facility Manager |  |
Potapov, Alexey | 0115 951 4739 | Assistant Professor in Magnetic Resonance |  |
Powell, Stephen | +44 115 74 84726 | Associate Professor |  |
Prestwich, Ben | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
R |
Rier, Lukas | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Rose, Dominic | 0115 74 84751 | Research Fellow |  |
Rushforth, Andrew | 0115 95 15153 | Associate Professor |  |
Russell, Helen | 0115 74 87529 | Anne McLaren Fellow and STFC Rutherford Fellow |  |
S |
Saffin, Paul | 0115 951 5133 | Professor of Physics |  |
Salter, Stuart | 0115 951 4742 | SPMIC Technical Specialist |  |
Saywell, Alex | 0115 74 87414 | Principal Research Fellow |  |
Sellami, Khouloud | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Sharp, James | 0115 95 15142 | Associate Professor |  |
Shaw, Ross | n/a | Research Associate |  |
Sims, Dominic | +44 (0)115 846 8241 | Partnerships and Business Development Manager - Quantum Technologies |  |
Smith, Mike | 0115 95 15162 | Assistant Professor |  |
Sobhan, Rashed | +44 115 84 67775 | Research Fellow |  |
Solomon, Andrew | 0115 74 86121 | TECHNICAL SPECIALIST |  |
Sotiriou, Thomas | 0115 9514983 | Professor of Gravitational Physics, Head of Section Mathematical Physics |  |
Stefanyszyn, David | n/a | Nottingham Research Fellow |  |
Swift, Michael | 0115 951 5134 | Associate Professor & Reader in Physics |  |
T |
Taak, Sanjeev | 0115 951 5178 | Technician - Cryogenic liquids and Gas handling/Engineering |  |
Taylor, Ian | 0115 951 5167 | Technical Manager |  |
Todarello, Elisa | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Turyanska, Lyudmila | n/a | Associate Professor |  |
V |
Varley, Deborah | 0115 74 84098 | Teaching Associate |  |
Vishwakarma, Pramod | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
W |
Wadley, Professor Peter | +44 (0) 115 74 84858 | Professor of Physics and Royal Society University Research Fellow |  |
Walker, Sam | n/a | Technical Specialist (Mechanical) |  |
Wang, Feiran | n/a | SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW |  |
Weir, Mike | 0115 74 87597 | Assistant Professor |  |
Wolfe, Sarah | 0115 95 18276 | Clinical Research Facility Manager |  |
Wongcharoenbhorn, Kosit | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Woolley, Matthew | 0115 74 86126/95 15178 | TECHNICAL SPECIALIST |  |
Y |
Yan, Wenjing | 0115 84 66008 | Assistant Professor |  |
Young, Matthew | 0115 74 87257 | Laboratory Technician |  |