I am a condensed matter theorist interested primarily in non-equilibrium quantum dynamics, particularly quantum quenches of lattice models. I am also interested in topologically ordered systems, quantum computation and machine learning. My current research focus is on using quantum computers and tools from machine learning to study many-body quantum physics.
I was award an ERC Starting Grant in 2023.
In 2020 I was awarded a research fellowship from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851. Previously I was at the Technische Universität München in the group of Frank Pollmann. Before this I was a research associate at Imperial College London with Prof. Myungshik Kim and Dr. Johannes Knolle. This position was part of a collobaration between Imperial College and Samsung to simulate quantum systems with the IBM quantum computers. I completed my PhD entitled "Disorder-free Localization" at the University of Cambridge with Dr. Dmitry Kovrizhin. Before that I studied for a Masters in Physics at Cambridge, and did my undergraduate studies at the University of Leeds.
Teaching Summary
I am currently teaching the following modules at the University of Nottingham:
- PHYS4041 - Introduction to Practical Quantum Computing
- PHYS4038 - Scientific Programming in Python (led by Mike Smith)
Previous courses:
- Advanced methods in quantum many-body theory (topic: topological quantum field theory) - TU Munich 2020
I have taught at the following graduate schools:
- ETN Tensor Network School 2023 - Abingdon (topic: Tensor networks to quantum circuits and back again)
- Topological Matter School 2022 - San Sebastián (topic: Non-abelian anyons: the basics of topological quantum field theory)
- School on Topological Phases in Condensed Matter and Ultracold Atoms Systems (IESC) 2022 - Cargèse (topic: Non-abelian anyons: the basics of topological quantum field theory)
- IMPRS-MPSSE Summer School 2021 - MPI-PKS Dresden (topic: Quantum computing on NISQ devices)
Research Summary
I am primarily interested in non-equilibrium dynamics of quantum many-body systems. My recent focus is on using quantum computers and tools from machine learning to study condensed matter physics.
You can find more details on my personal website