NATHAN COOPER, SOMAYA MADKHALY, DAVID JOHNSON, BENJAMIN HOPTON, DANIELE BALDOLINI and LUCIA HACKERMUELLER, 2023. Dual-frequency Doppler-free spectroscopy for simultaneous laser stabilization in compact atomic physics experiments Phys. Rev. A. 108, 013521 KATE CLEMENTS, BENJAMIN ELDER, LUCIA HACKERMUELLER, MARK FROMHOLD and CLARE BURRAGE, 2023. Detecting Dark Domain Walls arXiv preprint. 2308.01179
RICHARD HOWL, NATHAN COOPER and LUCIA HACKERMÜLLER, 2023. Gravitationally-induced entanglement in cold atoms arXiv preprint. 2304.00734
VINEETHA NANIYIL, YIJIA ZHOU, GUY SIMMONDS, NATHAN COOPER, WEIBIN LI and LUCIA HACKERMÜLLER, 2022. Observation of collectivity enhanced magnetoassociation of 6Li in the quantum degenerate regime New Journal of Physics. 24, 113005 S.H. MADKHALY, L.A. COLES, C. MORLEY, C.D. COLQUHOUN, T.M. FROMHOLD, N. COOPER and L. HACKERMUELLER, 2021. Performance-Optimized Components for Quantum Technologies via Additive Manufacturing PRX Quantum. 2, 030326 COOPER, N., COLES, L. A., EVERTON, S., MASKERY, I, CAMPION, R. P., MADKHALY, S., MORLEY, C., O'SHEA, J., EVANS, W., SAINT, R., KRUGER, P., ORUCEVIC, F., TUCK, C., WILDMAN, R. D., FROMHOLD, T. M. and HACKERMULLER, L., 2021. Additively manufactured ultra-high vacuum chamber for portable quantum technologies ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING. 40, 101898 E. DA ROS, N. COOPER, J. NUTE and L. HACKERMUELLER, 2020. Cold atoms in micromachined waveguides: A new platform for atom-photon interactions Phys. Rev. Research. 2, 033098 NATHAN COOPER, ELISA DA ROS, CHAD BRIDDON, VINEETHA NANIYIL, MARK T. GREENAWAY and LUCIA HACKERMUELLER, 2019. Prospects for strongly coupled atom-photon quantum nodes Scientific Reports. 9, 7798 R. HOWL, D. BRUSCHI, L. HACKERMUELLER and I. FUENTES, 2017. Gravity in the quantum lab Advances in Physics: X. 3, 1383184 NATHAN COOPER, ELISA DA ROS, JONATHAN NUTE, DANIELE BALDOLINI, PIERRE JOUVE, MATTHIAS LANGER and LUCIA HACKERMUELLER, 2017. Collimated dual species oven source and its characterisation via spatially resolved fluorescence spectroscopy Journal of Physics D. 51, 105602 RICHARD HOWL, CARLOS SAB'IN, LUCIA HACKERMÜLLER and IVETTE FUENTES, 2017. Quantum decoherence of phonons in Bose-Einstein condensates Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 51(1), 015303 M. SYAFWAN, P. KEVREKIDIS, A. PARIS-MANDOKI, I. LESANOVSKY, P. KRUEGER, L. HACKERMUELLER and H. SUSANTO, 2016. Superfluid flow past an obstacle in annular Bose-Einstein condensates Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 49, 235301 LI, Y., WU, J., FENG, G., NUTE, J., PIANO, S., HACKERMUELLER, L., MA, J., XIAO, L. and JIA, S., 2015. Enhanced Raman sideband cooling of caesium atoms in a vapour-loaded magneto-optical trap LASER PHYSICS LETTERS. 12(5), C. SABIN, WHITE, A., HACKERMUELLER, L. and FUENTES, I., 2014. Impurities as a quantum thermometer for a Bose-Einstein condensate Scientific Reports. 4, 6436 PARIS-MANDOKI, A., JONES, M., NUTE, J., WU, J., WARRIAR, S. and HACKERMUELLER, L., 2014. Versatile Cold Atom Source for Multi-Species Experiments Review of Scientific Instruments. 85, 113103 SCHNEIDER, U., HACKERMÜLLER, L., RONZHEIMER, J.P., WILL, S., BRAUN, S., BEST, T., BLOCH, I., DEMLER, E., MANDT, S., RASCH, D. and ROSCH, A., 2012. Fermionic transport and out-of-equilibrium dynamics in a homogeneous Hubbard model with ultracold atoms Nature Physics. 8(3), 213-218 WILL, S., BEST, T., SCHNEIDER, U., HACKERMULLER, L., LUHMANN, D.-S. and BLOCH, I., 2010. Time-resolved observation of coherent multi-body interactions in quantum phase revivals Nature. 465(7295), 197-201 HACKERMÜLLER, L., SCHNEIDER, U., MORENO-CARDONER, M., KITAGAWA, T., BEST, T., WILL, S., DEMLER, E., ALTMAN, E., BLOCH, I. and PAREDES, B., 2010. Anomalous expansion of attractively interacting fermionic atoms in an optical lattice Science. 327(5973), 1621-1624 HORNBERGER, K, GERLICH, S, ULBRICHT, H, HACKERMULLER, L, NIMMRICHTER, S, GOLDT, IV, BOLTALINA, O and ARNDT, M, 2009. Theory And Experimental Verification Of Kapitza-Dirac-Talbot-Lau Interferometry New Journal Of Physics. 11, - BEST, T., WILL, S., SCHNEIDER, U., HACKERMÜLLER, L., VAN OOSTEN, D., BLOCH, I. and LÜHMANN, D.S., 2009. Role of interactions in 87Rb-40K Bose-Fermi mixtures in a 3D optical lattice Physical Review Letters. 102(3), 030408 SCHNEIDER, U., HACKERMÜLLER, L., WILL, S., BEST, T., BLOCH, I., COSTI, T.A., HELMES, R.W., RASCH, D. and ROSCH, A., 2008. Metallic and insulating phases of repulsively interacting fermions in a 3D optical lattice Science. 322(5907), 1520-1525 ARNDT, M, BERNINGER, M, DEACHAPUNYA, S, GERLICH, S, HACKERMULLER, L, MAJOR, AG, MARKSTEINER, M, STEFANOV, A and ULBRICHT, H, 2008. On The Prospects Of Interferometry And Deflectometry For Characterizing Large Molecules Eur. Phys. J. 159, 1-9 HACKERMULLER, L, HORNBERGER, K, GERLICH, S, GRING, M, ULBRICHT, H and ARNDT, M, 2007. Optical Polarizabilities Of Large Molecules Measured In Near-Field Interferometry Applied Physics B. 89, 469-473 GERLICH, S, HACKERMULLER, L, HORNBERGER, K, STIBOR, A, ULBRICHT, H, GRING, M, GOLDFARB, F, SAVAS, T, MUERI, M, MAYOR, M and ARNDT, M, 2007. A Kapitza-Dirac-Talbot-Lau Interferometer For Highly Polarizable Molecules Nature Physics. 3(10), 711-715 MARKUS ARNDT, LUCIA HACKERMUELLER and KLAUS HORNBERGER, 2006. Interference Experiments with Molecular Quantum Waves Physica Plus. 8,
MARKUS MARKSTEINER, GREGOR KIESEWETTER, LUCIA HACKERMUELLER, HENDRIK ULBRICHT and MARKUS ARNDT, 2006. Cold beams of biomolecules for quantum optics Acta Phys. Hung. B. 26, 87-94
REIGER, E, HACKERMULLER, L, BERNINGER, M and ARNDT, M, 2006. Exploration Of Gold Nanoparticle Beams For Matter Wave Interferometry Optics Communications. 264(2), 326-332 MARKUS ARNDT, LUCIA HACKERMUELLER, KLAUS HORNBERGER and ANTON ZEILINGER, 2005. Coherence and decoherence experiments with fullerenes. In: V.M. AKULIN, A. SARFATI, G. KURIZKI and S. PELLEGRIN, eds., Decoherence, entanglement, and information protection in complex quantum systems Kluwer. 329-352
MARKUS ARNDT, LUCIA HACKERMUELLER and KLAUS HORNBERGER, 2005. Interferenzexperimente mit molekularen Quantenwellen Physik in unserer Zeit. 37, 24 - 29
ARNDT, M, HACKERMULLER, L and REIGER, E, 2005. Interferometry With Large Molecules: Exploration Of Coherence, Decoherence And Novel Beam Methods Braz. J. Phys.. 35, 216-223
STIBOR, A, HORNBERGER, K, HACKERMULLER, L, ZEILINGER, A and ARNDT, M, 2005. Talbot-Lau Interferometry With Fullerenes: Sensitivity To Inertial Forces And Vibrational Dephasing Laser Physics. 15(1), 10-17
MARKUS ARNDT, LUCIA HACKERMUELLER, KLAUS HORNBERGER and ANTON ZEILINGER, 2004. Organic molecules and decoherence experiments in a molecule interferometer. In: P. BLANCHARD and G. DELL'ANTONIO, eds., Multiscale Methods in Quantum Mechanics Birkhaeuser. 1-10
HACKERMULLER, L, HORNBERGER, K, BREZGER, B, ZEILINGER, A and ARNDT, M, 2004. Decoherence Of Matter Waves By Thermal Emission Of Radiation Nature. 427(6976), 711-714 HACKERMULLER, L, HORNBERGER, K, BREZGER, B, ZEILINGER, A and ARNDT, M, 2003. Decoherence In A Talbot-Lau Interferometer: The Influence Of Molecular Scattering Applied Physics B. 77, 781-787 HACKERMULLER, L, UTTENTHALER, S, HORNBERGER, K, REIGER, E, BREZGER, B, ZEILINGER, A and ARNDT, M, 2003. Wave Nature Of Biomolecules And Fluorofullerenes Physical Review Letters. 91(9), - HORNBERGER, K, UTTENTHALER, S, BREZGER, B, HACKERMULLER, L, ARNDT, M and ZEILINGER, A, 2003. Collisional Decoherence Observed In Matter Wave Interferometry Physical Review Letters. 90(16), - MARKUS ARNDT, LUCIA HACKERMUELLER and ANTON ZEILINGER, 2002. Molecule Interferometry as a potential tool for nanoctructuring applications Proceedings of the 4th EC/NSF Workshop on Nanotechnology, Tools and Instruments for Research and Manufacturing.
BREZGER, B, HACKERMULLER, L, UTTENTHALER, S, PETSCHINKA, J, ARNDT, M and ZEILINGER, A, 2002. Matter-Wave Interferometer For Large Molecules Physical Review Letters. 88(10), -