School of Sociology and Social Policy

Image of Hannah Wilkinson

Hannah Wilkinson

Assistant Professor in Criminology, Faculty of Social Sciences



I joined the School of Sociology and Social Policy as an Assistant Professor of Criminology in September 2022. My research interests lie in the areas of war, state violence and social harm.

I have worked with third-sector organisations and charities to support ex-military people who have been imprisoned, and share research in accessible ways with local communities and practitioners. My research, teaching, and wider activism are anchored to social justice.

Professional memberships include the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, where I recently became a coordinator of the Crimes of the Powerful working group; the European Society of Criminology; the British Society of Criminology; and the University of Nottingham Centre for the Study of Post-Conflict Societies.

I am also an External Examiner for Criminology programmes at the University of Stirling, Scotland.

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9569-4775

ResearchGate Profile

Expertise Summary

My work is broadly interested in state harm and 21st century warfare. More specifically, my doctoral research explored British veterans' experiences of the US and UK led 'war on terror', as well as military to civilian transitions amid a time of violent austerity. In addition to the theoretical lens of harm (zemiology), I use Bourdieusian 'field theory' to trace forms of capital throughout the life course. My research seeks to understand how identities and experiences are shaped through interactions with state institutions. I have recently published work on the harmful traces of criminalisation and imprisonment for ex-military communities.

I use narrative and creative visual methods, including photo and object elicitation. After teaching the mechanics of atrocity, my research interests are grounded in philosophies seeking to understand the complexity of mass state violence, human suffering and resistance.

Teaching Summary

I convene the third-year Criminology module, War and State Violence (SOCI3042). In addition to criminological, sociological and philosophical theories of atrocity and resistance, the module is… read more

Research Summary

I am currently working on publications from my doctoral research, exploring military to civilian transitions and former British soldiers' experiences of delivering state violence in the 'war on… read more

Selected Publications

School of Sociology and Social Policy

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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