Current Students
Most of the teaching and learning information for current students can be found on the school's Moodle community page, including module guides, teaching schedules and assessments.
If you're looking to find the student handbook, or information about processes, policies, useful contacts, latest news, careers, placements or anything else, please visit our SSP Student Sharepoint.
As a student of Sociology and Social Policy, please ensure you bookmark our new sharepoint site. It is a one-stop-shop for everything you may need to know during your student journey.
If you have any queries, please contact the school.
Each year we celebrate the achievements of our undergraduate and postgraduate students with a range of awards and prizes.
Moodle Student Information Hubs
You can access your moodle student information hub by level of study:
You will need to use your university login to access the site. If you have any queries, please contact the school.