ESRC PhD student and Part-Time Teacher,
Zareeda holds a first class honours degree in Humanistic Counselling Practice, an MA with merit in Trauma Studies (2018), and an MA with merit in Social Science Research (Social Policy and Social Work) (2023) from the University of Nottingham. She is a qualified person-centred counsellor with professional experience of working with victims of forced marriage. Her counselling experience includes working as voluntary counsellor with traumatised primary school children and volunteering with Rape Crisis for two years. Since January 2018 she has been in private practice, predominantly working with survivors of forced marriage and victims and survivors of rape and childhood sexual abuse. She is passionate about both the elimination of forced marriage and the study of trauma. The Person-Centred methodology is not limited to the therapeutic alliance - this is the approach which best suits her personal and professional values and beliefs.
I am currently teaching seminars on the following modules:
I have also taught workshops on the postgraduate Schools and Society module at the School of Education, University of Nottingham (December 2024, 2023 & 2022).
Zareeda's PhD examines forced marriage and honour based abuse in the United Kingdom.
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