School of Sociology and Social Policy

Image of Toluwanimi Jaiyebo

Toluwanimi Jaiyebo

Postgraduate Researcher,



Toluwanimi Jaiyebo is currently undertaking a PhD in the School of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Nottingham supervised by Dr. Alison Gardner and Dr. Roda Madziva. Her research aims to answer the question: how can capacity development between organisations in the global south and global north within the modern slavery response sector be decolonised? It hopes to produce a practical model, of decolonised capacity-strengthening within the antislavery sector.

Toluwanimi holds a BA in Politics and Law from the University of Kent (2011), an LLM in International Human Rights Law and Practice from the University of York (Centre for Applied Human Rights) in 2013 and is a qualified legal practitioner (2014). Her previous research experience was in public health, specifically HIV prevention and care for key population groups in Nigeria (gay men and other men who have sex with men, sex workers, transgender people, people who inject drugs and prisoners and other incarcerated people).

She is currently completing her PhD in Sociology part-time and continues to work as part of The Salvation Army global modern slavery and human trafficking response team. Her role involves supporting Salvation Army churches in Africa, Asia, South Pacific, and Latin America to respond to modern slavery and human trafficking within their communities.

Research Summary

Behaviour change within anti trafficking prevention work - within community conversations and anti-trafficking projects Faith based responses to modern slavery and human… read more

Selected Publications

School of Sociology and Social Policy

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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