School of Sociology and Social Policy

Image of Shardia Briscoe-Palmer

Shardia Briscoe-Palmer

Assistant Professor in Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences



Shardia holds a position of Assistant Professor in Sociology and was awarded her doctorate in Political Science and International Studies from the University of Birmingham, with a promising research profile on the intersections or race, gender, and sexualities, with a specialism in Black Masculinities and strong qualitative and quantitative research skills.

Teaching Summary

SOCI/3012 - Exploring Social and Cultural Life Through Film - (Module Convenor)

SOCI/4073 - Foundations in Qualitative Methods - (Module Convenor)

Research Summary

Shardia's research sits within the intersections of race and gender studies, with a specific focus on black masculinities across a spectrum of sexualities. Shardia's own expertise speaks to issues… read more

Recent Publications

Current Research

Shardia's research sits within the intersections of race and gender studies, with a specific focus on black masculinities across a spectrum of sexualities. Shardia's own expertise speaks to issues related to race, gender and socio-political (in)justice in that she explores the problematic representations (colonial legacies as well as contemporary media typologies) and experiences of black men (Caribbean men specifically) as 'other', and the impact of such gender constructions. Shardia is currently revising her research for publication purposes and examines possible relationships with the socio-political economy.

Shardia also holds research expertise is health inequalities relating to Black people and their communities. Shardia is currently a partnership member of the Partnership for Black Peopl's Health , a community-led research project that engages Black African and Black Caribbean communities in research to reduce the widely recognised disproportionate burden of health inequalities they face in all areas of medicine and public health. Research conducted through the partnership has led Shardia to continue work specifically into sexual and reproductive health of Black women, including selfcare and emotional wellbeing.

Shardia completed a research project Dr Julia Bailey (UCL) on the "Black Voices on Contraception Choices" project as an extension of previous research on "Decolonising Contraception" . As part of this research Shardia has conducted online focus groups and created mini digital videos of my findings on the experiences, access, and choices of contraceptive use amongst black communities. The video outcomes will become part of the contraception choices website and provide a community focused understanding and engagement with sexual health services.

Past Research

Shardia has previously been contracted by Wakefield Council, Museums and Castles department to produce an archival research report on the colonial history of Charles Waterton and practices of slavery. The report is due to be published by Wakefield Council, at the beginning of 2022. In 2021, Shardia was contracted as a consultant reviewer in the preparation, research, and analysis of The Remotely Representative House Report (2021)via the Centenary Action Group. The impact of this research report would be in transforming perceptions - and indeed the reality - of how MPs' work can be done remotely and by whom. Additionally, Shardia has written research reports on 'Girls and Gangs: A Critical Analysis, on the role of females in UK Gangs to impact current gang reduction strategies and crime commission initiatives. Shardia has previously conducted research on the project 'Equality and Diversity: Black Minority Ethnic academic attainment and experiences in higher education' to impact university wide recruitments and attainment strategies for BAME students at the University of Birmingham. In addition, Shardia has assisted in research on 'LGBTQ inclusivity in the curriculum', which led to the facilitation of the first international conference of its kind.

School of Sociology and Social Policy

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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