Sign up for the Vice-Chancellor surgery sessions

Sign up for surgery sessions

The Vice-Chancellor is running a number of surgery sessions available to all members of staff at the university. 

To register for a session, please email with your preferred date from the list below and a brief agenda for the meeting. 

You will be contacted within two working days of your request confirming the date and time.

Dates and locations

  • Tuesday 27 August, 1-2.30pm

Surgery sessions are usually held in the Vice-Chancellor’s Office. Appointments may take place via Microsoft Teams if preferred, or where sessions are noted as being virtual.

More information

  • The Vice-Chancellor is happy to see anyone who wishes to attend the surgery. While she will be unable to comment on ongoing or historical grievance, disciplinary or complaint cases, she may follow up on any issues that cause her concern at the appropriate time.
  • Slots will be filled on a first come, first served basis. When all the slots have been booked, we will retain a waiting list in case staff drop out. The waiting list will also get first call for subsequent surgeries
  • The Vice-Chancellor will only be able to devote 10 minutes to each meeting. In some cases there may be a need to follow up at a separate occasion. 
  • To ensure as many colleagues as possible can attend a surgery, we regret that we are unable to book appointments for those who have previously attended a session

University of Nottingham

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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