Development of Access and Participation Professionals (DAPP)
Professional Standards Framework and Accreditation Scheme
This is a professional development opportunity for Widening Participation and Widening Access (WP/WA) Staff. The scheme is delivered in partnership by SCAPP (Scotland’s Community of Access and Participation Practitioners) and the University of Nottingham.
The scheme is open to those with at least one year’s experience in promoting or supporting Widening Participation or Widening Access. It may form part of your job role, or it may be your substantive role. Examples of eligible roles may include:
- Lecturers
- Education and Student Experience Managers
- Inclusion and Diversity Officers
- WA and WP Officers
- School or Departmental Administrators
- Mentors
- School Teachers
- PhD Students
- Recruitment/Admissions Administrators.
The Professional Accreditation Scheme aims to:
- Recognise practitioners’ achievements within WA and WP - increasing the motivation of WA/WP professionals, encouraging their commitment to the principles of WA/WP by supporting them to reflect on their skills and develop their knowledge and expertise by pursuing this unique professional development opportunity.
- Build a Community - providing an environment for WA/WP professionals to share ideas in a supportive forum; where professionals can inspire each other and refine effective practice, encouraging innovation in future WA/WP strategy development.
- Raise the profile of WA and WP - making the sector more robust for the future so that practitioners can move forwards with best practice in mind and with a better critical eye when evaluating their practice.
The Professional Accreditation Scheme offers an opportunity to achieve one of two levels of accreditation: Affiliate or Practitioner.
Participants are encouraged to develop their reflective practice skills, to enable them to evidence and evaluate their work in the realm of fair access. Participants put together a portfolio of evidence and are supported to do this by attending Writing Workshops and online Help Hubs.
A short presentation and video introductions to the Accreditation Scheme can be viewed here, along with testimonials from past participants and details of how you can participate in the scheme: Development of Access and Participation Professionals
Contact us
We welcome questions about DAPP, or expressions of interest from those who would like to be a Participant, or a Peer Reviewer of the Accreditation Scheme.
Enquiries from Scottish Institutions and Organisations:
Enquiries from English Institutions and Organisations: