Research Excellence Framework (REF)
The University of Nottingham has been recognised for its transformational research that improves the lives of millions of people, following the publication of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021.
In the Faculty of Arts, more than 88% of our research environment, research publications and research translation work that addresses society’s most complex challenges, have been graded as ‘World Leading’ or ‘Internationally Excellent’.
The Faculty is proud to foster research across a broad range of the Arts and Humanities: American and Canadian Studies; Classics and Archaeology; Cultural, Media and Visual Studies; English; History; Modern Languages and Cultures; Music; Philosophy; and Theology and Religious Studies.
From our nine REF disciplinary submissions five have been placed in the top 10 performing units in the country (using the Grade Point Average as a ranking guide).
This confirms the strength of our research and reflects the investment made in ensuring Nottingham research is globally significant and makes a positive contribution to the world around us.
These results show our research makes a difference to millions of people across a wide range of areas, championing responses to key global challenges, transforming lives and shaping the future.