Faculty of Arts

Taking Utilitarianism Seriously

Taking Utilitarianism Seriously explains common moral and political ideas—including the significance of democracy, or moral rights—in terms of the importance of well-being.

The idea that ethics is ultimately all about promoting well-being is often taken for granted in public discussion, but is widely criticised by philosophers. This book takes a fresh look at utilitarianism, arguing that it has the resources to respond to the most common criticisms of it.

Chris Woodard explains how utilitarianism can account for moral rights, for the importance of justice and equality, and for the significance of democracy and legitimacy.

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Book cover for Taking Utalitarianism Seriously6 September 2019

Oxford University Press

Philosophers routinely dismiss utilitarianism for bad reasons. In this book I try to improve the quality of debate about it, by showing where its strengths and weaknesses really lie.
Chris Woodard
Professor of Moral and Political Philosophy

Find out more about Chris Woodard

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This research was funded by the Leverhulme Trust.


Faculty of Arts

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