The Nottingham BBSRC Doctoral Training Partnership recognises and prioritises its responsibility to operate in a way which creates equality of opportunity for all of our applicants and students, supporting the recruitment of a diverse student cohort and running an inclusive programme.
We will do this through:
- AMPlify: an applicant mentoring scheme to support applicants from black and black mixed backgrounds
- a Guaranteed Interview Scheme for applicants from black and black mixed backgrounds
- the anonymisation of name, gender, age and previous institution of study in application assessments
- placing a focus on motivation and potential in our application assessment criteria
- advertising PhD opportunities as widely as possible, aiming to eliminate jargon from our advertising and showcase diverse role models in our imagery
- ensuring all of our interview panellists have undertaken unconscious bias training
- including equality, diversity and inclusion focussed training in our programme, for both students and their supervisors
- careful monitoring of EDI data, including data on socio-economic background of candidates and caring responsibilities
- undertaking Equality Impact Assessment of all of our activities
- listening to our students' feedback and including them in the governance of the programme through our Student Forum
- dedicated Welfare and EDI Officers working in the DTP administration team