School of Biosciences
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Visit us on campus - Open days 2018 

We have no further open days for 2018, but if you would like to come and visit the School of Biosciences please get in touch. 

We welcome prospective students, their families and friends to come and find out more about studying biosciences, the courses available and university life at the University's Sutton Bonington Campus. 

Open days are your chance to discover why Nottingham is a great place to live, study and work. You can speak to subject tutors about the course, meet current students, find out about the course you want to study and see all of our accommodation and other award-winning facilities

Get in touch

Welcome to our world






 Offer-holders days

These events are for undergraduate offer-holders only and booking is essential. Offer-holders will receive an invitation by email to book on to the events.  

  • If you don’t have login details for the MyNottingham system or have forgotten your login details, please send your enquiry via this online form.

Join our virtual visit day





School of Biosciences

University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington Campus
Nr Loughborough
LE12 5RD, UK

For all enquiries please visit:

Find us
Campus map
Room Locations on Campus [pdf file]