School of Biosciences
Services for business

Working with business

Whatever the size of your organisation, we can help to give you the competitive advantage that you need to successfully develop and grow your business.


We offer a range of business services including contract research, consultancy and staff training through specialist courses.

Please be aware that study abroad, compulsory year abroad, optional placements/internships and integrated year in industry opportunities may change at any time for a number of reasons, including curriculum developments, changes to arrangements with partner universities or placement/industry hosts, travel restrictions or other circumstances outside of the university's control. Every effort will be made to update this information as quickly as possible should a change occur.


Explore our services

Collaborate on research and development

Research and development of innovative products and processes can be undertaken either on a contract basis, with deliverables and milestones tailored to your business requirements, or on a collaborative basis by accessing public funding.

Contact us to find out to which option would work best for your business.


Secure funding for collaborative projects

There are a number of funding routes through UK Research and Innovation, such as BBSRC Industrial Partnership Awards (IPA) and Innovate UK Agri-Tech Catalyst, Smart Grants and Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) that enable collaborative projects.

Contact us to find out which funding would meet your business needs.


Access facilities, equipment and technical expertise

We have a range of facilities, equipment and technical expertise to help meet your business needs. These can be accessed as part of a research project and under a services agreement.

Contact us to find out more about service agreements.

Our facilities


Engage with academic consultancy

There are many ways our academic consultants can work with your organisation such as carrying out feasibility studies, providing expert analysis and interpretation of results.

Contact the dedicated Academic Consultancy team to get started.

School of Biosciences research


Grow your business through innovation

Our Food Innovation Centre is a specialist consultancy service delivering innovation to manufacturers in the food and drink sector.

Food Innovation Centre


Benefit from our student talent through internships

Students can bring fresh ideas, knowledge and expertise into your organisation.

Student internships can vary from short projects of 2 - 3 months to full year placements and provide a very cost-effective way of delivering high quality testing, analysis, research and planning.

Nottingham Internship Scheme


Continuing professional development

We have a range of flexible short courses designed for individuals working in the agricultural and food sector who want to enhance their knowledge and skills in specific areas such as sensory science and brewing science.

Short courses in brewing and sensory science



School of Biosciences

University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington Campus
Nr Loughborough
LE12 5RD, UK

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Room Locations on Campus [pdf file]