Research impact
Our research has a significant impact through our research centres, groups and individual academics.
Our work addresses global challenges, Sustainable Development Goals, issues faced by local communities and marginalised groups. It is also interdisciplinary, involves a high number of international collaborations and contributes to highly topical themes in our fields.
Our research is making a difference to entrepreneurial development, healthcare management practices and service delivery, as well as the development of mechanisms to facilitate trade that have contributed to the economy, regionally and nationally. It has led to improved health outcomes for patients and influenced international policies on employee wellbeing, helped identify food insecurity in England and to reduce food poverty.
Internationally, our research has contributed to Sustainable Development Goals in East Africa through interdisciplinary and cutting edge data and methods. It has helped improve government responses to modern slavery risk in global supply chains. Our responsible, collaborative and transformative research has made a huge difference to the lives, prospects and wellbeing of many people.
You can find out more selecting the options below, visiting our department pages, reading our case studies or reading our blog.
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