Nottingham University Business School
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Kilugala Malimi

Room: B22 (South Building)
Tel: +44 (0) 115 8467750

Current Status: Registered
Year of Registration: 2018
Expected Completion Date: /09/2021

Primary Funding Source:
The Vice-Chancellor's Scholarship for Research Excellence (International) and NUBS Scholarship

Research Topic:
Three essays on the interaction between public policies, productivity, risk, rural finance, and welfare development.

Research Details:
My three essays widely cover the interaction between public policies, rural finance, risk, and welfare development in sub-Saharan Africa. (1) The first paper focuses on productivity-welfare nexus among rural smallholders in Tanzania; (2) The second paper focuses on vulnerability, input subsidy and food security nexus: A case of maize and rice farmers in Tanzania; (3) the third paper will potentially explore the role of financial inclusion on household welfare.

Research Supervisor/s: Lina Song and Jing Zhang

Department: Industrial Economics

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