Nottingham University Business School
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Heppy Millanyani

Bachelor in Communication Science (University of Padjadjaran), Master in Marketing Management (Catholic University of Parahyangan)

Room: B22 (South Building)
Tel: +44 (0) 115 8467750

Current Status: Completed
Year of Registration: 2015
Expected Completion Date: /09/2018

Primary Funding Source:
Directorate General of Resources for Science, Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia Scholarship

Research Topic:
The Interplay between online consumer reviews and firm's interventions from three actors' perspectives

Research Details:
Social media has an important impact on tourism practice and theory. Right now, consumer search for information on social media and as a consequences, marketers have also adopting social media on their marketing communication strategy. There are a lot of tourism marketer who engage with the tourists, replying tourists' comments and addressing negative feedback on the social media. My research will concern on finding out the perception of tourists about these marketer's initiatives

Research Supervisor/s: Scott McCabe and Jillian Rickly

Department: Marketing

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