Monique Steijger-Storm
Room: B22 (South Building)
Tel: +44 (0) 115 8467750
Current Status: Registered
Year of Registration: 2019
Expected Completion Date: /08/2026
Research Topic:Collective sensemaking practices in the context of regulator-mandated change
Research Details:This study aims to provide understanding of the collective sensemaking practices in the context of regulator-mandated change. It will do this by investigating regulator consulting practices and regulated firm responding practices aimed at designing the change, as well as firm level strategizing practices used to consider the firm's strategic options within the underlying intent of the mandated change. This study addresses a gap in the strategy as practice and sensemaking literatures by investigating regulator-mandated change at two interrelated levels: the meso-level phenomena as part of the consultation process, and the micro-level practices as part of regulated companies' strategizing.
Research Supervisor/s: Sue Tempest and
Andrew Wild
Department: Strategy and International Business
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