Nottingham University Business School
Mature undergraduate students smiling sat at desk

Undergraduate placement year

A placement year is available to the majority of undergraduate students studying at Nottingham University Business School, allowing you to gain essential industry experience before graduating.

Your placement year

Placement years are a great way to put your learning into practice and take place between years two and three of your degree - adding an additional year to your degree course.

Benefits include:

  • improving your employment prospects
  • creating industry contacts and develop professional networks
  • understanding different sectors of business to tailor your future career choices
  • gaining real industry experience
  • having the chance to meet future employers

Undergraduate students talking about their eperiences of undertaking a placement as part of their degree

Make an enquiry


Please be aware that study abroad, compulsory year abroad, optional placements/internships and integrated year in industry opportunities may change at any time for a number of reasons, including curriculum developments, changes to arrangements with partner universities or placement/industry hosts, travel restrictions or other circumstances outside of the university's control. Every effort will be made to update this information as quickly as possible should a change occur.


How it works

Our Placement Team can support you in your search for a suitable placement. This includes:

  • a dedicated Placements Manager to support you with your placement search
  • a variety of employability and skills-based workshops to put you in the best possible position to apply for roles
  • direct connections with the University's Careers and Employability Service to ensure you receive extensive career guidance
  • links with a variety of different employers to keep you up to date with the latest opportunities and roles
  • guiding you to practical volunteering and paid opportunities to bring your professional skills to life and help you get the most from your university experience 
A female sat at a desk smiling, whilst talking to a colleague.

On placement

While on placement, you become an employee of your chosen organisation, while remaining a fully registered student. You pay a reduced tuition fee to the University, you are supported on the placement with regular contact by the Placement Manager and are eligible to apply for student finance and - as the School only supports paid placements - you will receive a salary.

After placement

We will support you to integrate back into your course and make the most of your experience and continue to support your career development.


I learned to work in a pressured environment, which was overwhelming at first, but I got used to it. I now have a better understanding of what role I’d like to be in, and I’m much better equipped to apply for graduate jobs and have much more confidence.
Chelsea Harwood, BSc Management



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Nottingham University Business School

Jubilee Campus

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