Nottingham University Business School
A male student raising his hand in class


The Accounting Department at Nottingham University Business School has an unusual but perfect blend of professionally qualified accountants with industry experience working alongside thought leaders and shapers in accounting research who have published world leading and internationally excellent research outputs.

This means that you will learn not only the latest innovative ideas in accounting, but will be well equipped for a career in accounting practice.

Studying for accounting with us is an exciting experience. According to the American Accounting Association, accounting is the process of identifying, measuring and communicating financial information about an entity to permit informed judgments and decisions by those who use the information. As an accounting student at the University of Nottingham, you will learn about these areas of handling financial information with an option of specialising in areas where you have the most interest in. 


The Accounting Department contributes significantly to the BSc Accountancy (Flying Start) and BSc Finance, Accounting and Management degrees. BSc Accountancy is delivered in partnership with PwC and the ICAEW, and incorporates three paid work placements with PwC plus a very high level of accreditation towards the ACA qualification. BSc Finance, Accounting and Management is broader in scope, and is offered both with and without a placement year option, as well include accreditations by ICAEW, ACCA, CIMA, and CIPFA. 


Please be aware that study abroad, compulsory year abroad, optional placements/internships and integrated year in industry opportunities may change at any time for a number of reasons, including curriculum developments, changes to arrangements with partner universities or placement/industry hosts, travel restrictions or other circumstances outside of the university's control. Every effort will be made to update this information as quickly as possible should a change occur.


Our BSc Accountancy programme has achieved a Lord Dearing Award in 2020 reflecting its high-quality teaching and student experience. The Accounting department was also nominated for 2021 Lord Dearing Award reflecting the high calibre of its staff and their support for students.

With our extensive relationships with professional institutions, graduates from BSc Finance, Accounting, and Management will receive accreditations from ICAEW, ACCA, CIMA, and CIPFA, helping you to progress further in your career. Our MSc in Accounting and Finance students often progress into high rewarding jobs in industry or towards our PhD programme with strong research skills.

Finally, if you are considering a PhD, we are the right home for you, if you want to be mentored by experts who are passionate about research work. 


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Nottingham University Business School

Jubilee Campus

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