Cancer Research Nottingham

Skin Cancer / Melanoma

For further information please follow the links to individual researcher profiles:  

Dr Fiona Bath-Hextall Non Melanoma Skin Cancer (NMSC); focusing on interventions for the treatment of NMSC; interventions for improving knowledge of skin cancer and risk factors of skin cancer such as smoking and arsenic
Prof Poulam Patel Kidney cancer; malignant melanoma; clinical trials in cancer; cancer vaccines; dendritic cell biology; host tumour interactions 
Prof Lindy Durrant Engineering Antibodies for Cancer Therapy;  NUTAC (Nottingham University Therapeutic Antibody Centre); Cancer Vaccine Design 
Dr Andrew Jackson Influence of tumour microenvironment on dendritic cells and macrophage; intracellular signalling pathways of APC and polarisation of T-cell responses; immunoregulatory role of ER-stress responses; cancer vaccines
Dr Louise Lansbury Treatment of the second most common skin cancer: Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the skin
Dr Srinivasan Madhusudan
DNA repair; base excision repair; APE1 inhibitors; stratified medicine; cancer clinical trials
Dr Stewart Martin   Prognostic and predictive biomarkers; lymphatic biology and metastasis;  radiation biology/radiotherapy; calpains and calpastatin  
Dr Ioan Notingher Development of new optical and spectroscopic methods for studying biological materials at a nano and micro-scale; understanding the interaction of cells with cancer drugs
Prof Hywel Williams Clinical trials; systematic reviews; epidemiology of atopic eczema