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Man sitting at his laptop making notes in a notepad


Get employers to take notice of your CV

In a competitive job market a CV is your key marketing tool, but busy employers may only scan for a few seconds before deciding if they want to hear more from you – or not.


By Caroline Nolan, Senior Careers Adviser, Careers and Employability Service

Woman making notes in her notepad


How to write the perfect covering letter

While your CV lists your achievements, skills and interests, your covering letter provides the opportunity to bring them to life and show how they fit the role you're applying to. If you're feeling daunted by the blank page, read our tips on what to cover.


By Cathy Sibley, Careers Adviser, Careers and Employability Service



LinkedIn for beginners

These days your online presence isn’t complete without a LinkedIn profile, and you might have been thinking about it for a while, without knowing where to begin.


By Gemma Foxall, Careers Adviser, Careers and Employability Service

Woman smiling during an interview


Be the brightest STAR when applying for jobs

The STAR technique is the best way to showcase your experiences, whether that is in an application form, covering letter or during an interview. Find out what STAR stands for and an example of how to use it.


By Anna Glaze-Krayer, Careers Adviser, Careers and Employability Service

Man looking at his computer with headphones on


Get prepared for psychometric tests

Psychometric tests might sound scary, but knowing what to expect can be half the battle and will help you to prepare in advance. It helps to see them as an opportunity to stand out from your fellow candidates.


By Katie Ray, Careers Adviser, Careers and Employability Service

Woman walking down stairs with her arms raise triumphantly


Your guide to interview success

At some point, you'll be invited to a job interview and we're here to help you prepare. Our advisers have identified four interview myths to dispel so you're in the right frame of mind to make the most of the advice and resources we have on offer to you.


By Anna Scrivener, Careers Adviser, Careers and Employability Service

Close up view of people pointing at an infograph


Invited to an assessment centre?

You’ve received an invitation to an assessment centre. Give yourself a pat on the back as you have already shown them you have the potential they are looking for in new recruits. This is another chance for you to demonstrate your suitability and knowing what to expect will help you shine.


By Katie Bonner, Careers Adviser, Careers and Employability Service