Careers and Employability Service
Services for current students


Student viewing historical images on slides

Did you know that 86% of graduate employers are interested in abilities rather than specific degree subjects*

As a history student, you will develop skills that make you very versatile in the job market. Over the years history graduates have utilised their skills and knowledge in a wide range of career pathways.


What skills will I gain during my degree?

The skills gained from studying history are transferable to a wide range of areas which means that graduates can, and do enter a diverse range of roles and sectors.

A history graduate typically will have the following skills:

  • critical reasoning and analysis
  • problem-solving and critical thinking
  • planning and researching written work
  • gaining evidence and communicating findings in a clear structured manner
  • communication both orally and written
  • objective thinking plus the ability to consider and reflect on a range of viewpoints
  • presenting ideas and information, including collaboratively
  • digital capability

It is important that you can talk about these skills on application forms and in interviews.


What are my career options?

With a flexible combination of skills, history graduates pursue a wide variety of careers, including:

  • law
  • accountancy and finance
  • marketing and public relations
  • journalism
  • information management
  • education

There is no dominant role or sector that history graduates enter; it really is very evenly spread.

Typical employers include national and local government, marketing agencies, banks and accountancy firms, management consultancies, law firms, schools, higher education institutions, television and radio broadcasters and retailers.

It is unusual to go directly into a job that requires history subject knowledge (for example: teaching and archives) until completing a course of further study, which some do straight after graduation, while others gain relevant experience first.

Career paths - explore roles and sectors

Many history graduates (and other subjects) take some time building their career through a series of roles to get to a specific career where they want to be or even to decide what job suits them.

This could be due to a variety of reasons for example:

  • the sector they want to enter requires an entry-level position (for example: heritage, media roles and publishing)
  • they are saving up to fund a postgraduate course or travel and therefore their first destination is a stop gap
  • they want to try different roles and/or sectors out

Careers With, Within and Beyond the USA

Watch our webinar that brings together a panel of UoN alumni with backgrounds or academic interests in the US who have forged successful careers across a variety of sectors and, in some cases, in the US itself.

  • Iona Hampson, BBC Senior Journalist. BA Ancient History and History 

  • Alice Lilly, Institute for Government (think tank). MA and PhD in the Department of American and Canadian Studies

  • Calvin Medcalf, Sanctions Adviser, UK Treasury. History and American Studies

  • James Brookes, Library Director, Virginia Museum of History and Culture. BA and MRes

Login to SharePoint to watch the webinar

  • Alumni: Email us to gain access to the webinar

Icon of a video playing


How can I build my skills and experience?

The opportunities listed are primarily aimed at current students living in the Nottingham area. If you are well into your final year, graduated or are no longer in Nottingham, you can access work and volunteering options in your home area.

Depending on your location and what you want to do, your strategy to develop your skills and experience may vary. You are welcome to have a chat with us, so just arrange an appointment.

Work experience and volunteering

Depending on what area of work or role you might be interested in, and where, there will be specific strategies, from speculative applications to formal processes you need to be familiar with.

Work experience - what, how and when

Nottingham Internship Scheme

We work closely with a huge variety of local and national businesses to bring you an exciting range of internship opportunities, for both current students and recent graduates.


Nottingham Consultancy Challenge

The Nottingham Consultancy Challenge offers the chance for you to gain hands-on experience of managing a short term project for a local business or charity as part of a multi-disciplinary team.  


Nottingham Advantage Award

The Nottingham Advantage Award offers interesting extracurricular modules to develop and reflect on your employability. With over more than 200 modules across our three campus in the UK, China and Malaysia.


Students' Union

The Students’ Union offers a wide range of volunteering options both locally and internationally which you can fit around your studies.

Alternatively you could get involved in a society or sports club - there's so many, you're bound to find one that interests you!


Working with young people

There are three initiatives which will give you the opportunity to work in a local educational setting.  These initiatives support the academic attainment and raise the aspirations of primary and secondary pupils, whilst developing the skills and employability of those involved. 

These are excellent opportunities for students considering teaching, youth work or community engagement as a career.


Exchange programmes overseas

Undertake an exchange semester in another country and broaden your horizons. Talk to your tutors and find out more about the programmes available from the International Office.


Optional placement year

You can now undertake an optional placement year as part of your degree at the end of your penultimate year of study. The placement can be aligned to your degree discipline or related to your career aspirations.  Speak to a career adviser or your school for more information.

If you are no longer at Nottingham, you can access work and volunteering opportunities at home. Depending on your location and what you want to do, your strategy may vary so come and speak to us or arrange a telephone appointment.


Developing your digital skills

Digital skills are highly valued by employers and essential in many career fields, including advertising, publishing, marketing, and general commerce. They range from social media to coding and will definitely enhance your employability. There are various ways to develop your digital skills whilst at university. 


How can I prepare for making job applications?

We can help you with all stages of the application, from reviewing your CV and/or application form to interview coaching and assessment centre practice.

Many graduate recruiters use psychometric tests during the recruitment and selection process. They are common across all sectors and career fields. Practise will really help your performance.

Once you have looked at our application pages, why not book a one-to-one appointment and discuss your plans with one of our advisers. 


Please be aware that study abroad, compulsory year abroad, optional placements/internships and integrated year in industry opportunities may change at any time for a number of reasons, including curriculum developments, changes to arrangements with partner universities or placement/industry hosts, travel restrictions or other circumstances outside of the university's control. Every effort will be made to update this information as quickly as possible should a change occur.


Careers and Employability Service

University of Nottingham
Portland Building, Level D
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 3680
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3679