A |
Ainger, Sarah | 0115 9513673 | Careers and Employability Consultant (Social Sciences) | |
Akehurst, Harriet | n/a | Advantage Award Learning and Development Adviser | |
Ali, Halimah | 0115 8467374 | Recruitment Co-Ordinator | |
Allen, Diane | 0115 95 13680 | Careers Diagnostic Officer | |
Allen, Barry | 0115 95 13681 | Careers Systems Administrator | |
Armstrong, Anna | 0115 84 67374 | JobZone Deputy Manager | |
Ashenden, Shelley | 0115 7484524 | Senior Careers Adviser (Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences) | |
B |
Balloch, Jen | 0115 74 85485 | Career Connections Manager | |
Barnard, Kirstin | 0115 95 13130 | Senior Careers Adviser Staff/Postgraduate Research Students | |
Bennett, Jill | 0115 84 67720 | Placement Projects and Systems Co-Ordinator | |
Binding, Charlene | 0115 8231559 | Careers Adviser | |
Blant, Julie | 0115 8466478 | Head of Business School Postgraduate Careers | |
Bonner, Katie | 0115 748 5720 | Careers Adviser (Science) | |
Boyington, Sarah | 0115 84 68157 | Careers Diagnostic Team Leader | |
C |
Charman, Paul | 0115 95 13674 | Deputy Director | |
Cleere, Sally | 0115 74 84349 | Postgraduate Careers Consultant (Business School) | |
Colegate, Chris | 0115 74 84522 | Careers and Employability Placement Consultant | |
Cooper, Amba | 0115 84 67374 | JobZone Administrator | |
Cooper, Esther | 01157485852 | Employability Officer | |
Corcoran, Teresa | 0115 84 68102 | Postgraduate Careers Consultant(Business School) | |
D |
Dawkins, Liv | 0115 82 32233 | Recruiter Services Coordinator | |
Dean, Mark | 0115 84 67372 | Business Information Manager | |
Dooley, Bernadette | 0115 748 5039 | Careers Adviser | |
Durke, Sarah | 0115 74 86243 | Nottingham Advantage Award Manager | |
F |
Foxall, Gemma | 0115 95 16608 | Careers Adviser (Medicine and Health Sciences) | |
G |
Glaze-Krayer, Anna | 0115 7485526 | Careers Adviser (Faculty of Science) | |
Gray, Elise | n/a | Advantage Award Administrator | |
Gregory, Jennifer | n/a | Employability Officer | |
H |
Hallam, Kieran | 01158468515 | Payroll Administrator | |
Hall, Sally | 0115 74 85236 | Faculty Careers and Employability Consultant (Science) | |
Harsant, Vicky | 0115 84 66445 | Nottingham Advantage Award Manager | |
Hennelly, Kieron | n/a | Recruitment Administrator | |
Henry, Ewan | 0115 748 5452 | Senior Careers Adviser (Engineering) | |
Hillary, Joss | 0115 95 13669 | Information Officer | |
J |
Jameson-Warren, Christian | n/a | Senior Careers Adviser | |
K |
Kaur, Amrina | 0115 748 5840 | Employability Officer (Faculty of Arts and Professional Services Partnerships) | |
King, Melanie | n/a | Careers Adviser PGRs and ECRs | |
L |
Lee, Caitlin | n/a | Employability Officer | |
Litchfield, Bethany | 0115 95 13683 | Careers Adviser | |
M |
Mackenzie, Rachel | 0115 95 84564 | Careers Adviser (Social Sciences and Arts) | |
Maden, Pauline | 0115 95 13671 | Director | |
Marriott, Jane | 0115 95 13672 | Operations Manager | |
Marriott, Stuart | 0115 95 16810 | Associate Director | |
Mason, Sue | 0115 95 14145 | Post Graduation Careers Consultant | |
Mitchell, Laura | 0115 82 32233 | Recruiter Services Coordinator | |
Morgan, Travis | 0115 95 13683 | Recruitment Sales Executive | |
Moss, Kathryn | 0115 7485351 | Business Information Officer | |
Murchie, Gillian | 0115 95 13684 | Associate Director (Faculty Engagement) | |
N |
Nolan, Caroline | 0115 74 13718 | Faculty Careers and Employability Consultant - Arts | |
O |
Orton, Timothy | 01159515269 | Postgraduate Careers Research Officer (Business School) | |
Owusu, Alex | 0115 748 5766 | Placement Year Manager | |
P |
Parker, Alana | n/a | Employability Officer (Social Sciences) | |
R |
Ray, Katie | n/a | Careers Adviser (Engineering) | |
Roberts, Annie | 0115 95 13680 | Careers Diagnostic Officer | |
Robinson, Elizabeth | 0115 95 13680 | Diagnostic Officer- Reception | |
Rowberry, Sophie | 0115 74 85881 | Operations Officer (Core Operations) | |
S |
Sansom, Kate | 0115 82 32511 | Unitemps Manager | |
Sharpe, Keaton | n/a | Work Experience Officer | |
Sharpe, Leah | 0115 82 32514 | Marketing and Communications Officer | |
Shuck, Annette | 0115 7485177 | Careers Operations Administrator | |
Simcock, Clare | 0115 84 67579 | Postgraduate Careers Support Officer (Business School) | |
Simpson, Thomas | N/A | Advantage Award Information and Communications Officer | |
Singleton, Terry | 0115 84 67818 | IS User Support Officer | |
Skinner, Kylie | 0115 95 14145 | Employer Relations Consultant (Postgraduate Careers, Business School) | |
Smith, Andrew | 0115 74 84538 | Faculty Careers and Employability Consultant (Faculty of Engineering) | |
T |
Thompson, Hannah | n/a | Faculty Careers and Employability Consultant (Medicine & Health Sciences) | |
Thompson, Jackie | 0115 95 13683 | Information and Communications Manager | |
Till, Deborah | 0115 748 5984 | Senior Careers Adviser (Faculty of Arts) | |
Torr, Vicky | 0115 84 67173 | Business Development Manager | |
W |
Ward, Fiona | n/a | Employability Officer | |
Warren, Paris | 0115 823 2233 | Recruiter Services Coordinator | |
White, Anna | 0115 74 87293 | Placement Projects Manager | |
Whitfield, Lucie | n/a | Careers Consultant for PGR and Research Staff | |
Williams, Hayley | 0115 74 84505 | Students' Union Employability Development Manager | |
Woolley, Hannah | n/a | Careers and Employability Consultant: Professional Services Partnerships | |