Careers and Employability Service
Services for current students

Working abroad

World map with pins in countries

As a vet you can work in a range of environments and for a number of Nottingham graduates, choosing to spend time working overseas is a big draw. This may be for short period of time or they may relocate on a permanent basis. 

We'll guide you through working in different countries and the things you'll need to consider when exploring your options including visa requirements.


Where can I work as a BVM BVS graduate from Nottingham?

With a BVM BVS degree from Nottingham, you'll be qualified to practice in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and the Republic of Ireland. This is because your degree is accredited by or recognised by the:

The University of Nottingham is an accredited Veterinary Education Establishment with the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE), however, this does not give you the automatic permission to work in the EU post-Brexit. See the Working in Europe below for more details.

The University has obtained accreditation from the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). This is a prerequisite for becoming a licensed vet in the US, with some further steps required for licensing.

If you are hoping to work in a country not detailed below, then a good starting point is to search for the relevant veterinary board, awarding body or association for that country.  Through the veterinary board you should be available to find the relevant information for vets wanting to practice in that country.

Working in Europe


Working in the USA


Working in Canada


Working in Australia and New Zealand plus two UoN case studies


Working in South Africa plus UoN case study


Preparing to work abroad 

You will need to explore the various visa requirements and options depending on your personal situation to enable you to have the right to visit, live and work in your country of interest.

Wherever you decide to work, even if it’s an English speaking country, there are bound to be cultural differences. It’s a good idea to prepare yourself for these in advance to help you settle in to life in a new country quicker.

Check out the 42 country guides in GoinGlobal to find out more. 

Log in to MyCareer to access GoinGlobal

It will also be valuable to you to read relevant veterinary/scientific journals which concentrate on particular diseases, species or other unique areas of work to the country you are wishing to work in. You might find this research important should you need to complete an examination to work in a particular country.

When is best?

Depending on who you ask you will get a multitude of different answers to this question. Vets who have gone to work abroad will often say that having worked in the UK for a year or two before you go abroad will allow you to build on your day one competencies and become more confident as a vet in a country and culture with which you are familiar. After a few years in practice you may be more confident to work in another country knowing you have consolidated and further developed your skills and knowledge through a few years of practice in the UK.

The alternative argument is that if you want to work abroad, especially if you are planning to emigrate permanently, then you might want to relocate before you take on responsibilities such as mortgages and family commitments.

If you would like to discuss your options with an impartial careers adviser then book an appointment with us.

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Careers and Employability Service

University of Nottingham
Portland Building, Level D
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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