Centre for Cancer Sciences

About us

Over the last few years cancer researchers at the University have been allied to the goal of bringing our research together into a single unit, where students and staff at all stages of their careers can benefit from a dynamic environment. 

The creation of our new Centre for Cancer Sciences will enable bespoke learning and further cancer research; establishing a centre of excellence and laying the foundations for further success.

The centre will be housed in a new £25M building being built on University park, and will contain 50 academic groups working in an interdisciplinary environment with shared facilities and common working space to enhance collaboration. The University is investing in new academic staff and new fellows, along with its ongoing support for existing staff. New Assistant, Associate and Full Professor posts are being advertised in multiple areas of cancer research, and details will be available here shortly.

Our centre will enable researchers to undertake collaborative and interdisciplinary research through the physical co-location of researchers - working together, thinking together, writing together and teaching together. Teams will be able to compete on an international scale over the longer term, and enable the development of a sustainable culture of excellence, leadership and high expectations.

Our research is highly published and highly cited, with Nottingham ranked 8th outside London for cancer research citations.


Cancer is one of the biggest killers in the UK and is a major cause of death worldwide. In the UK, half of us will get cancer, and a quarter die of it.

Preventing cancer, discovering new treatments and finding better ways to diagnose cancer earlier has a major economic, social and health impact on communities around the world. The cancer research industry has become a significant global force in improving health care and quality of life, with hundreds of thousands of scientists worldwide working towards the goal of improving outcomes for patients with cancer, and preventing cancers in those who have not yet developed it.

The University of Nottingham Centre for Cancer Research has found innovative new ways to prevent cancers, find cancers, treat cancers, and train the next generation of cancer researchers. Academic staff have worked together, to raise funding through Life Cycle 4 and Life Cycle 6 for Children’s Brain Tumour Research and Breast Cancer Now.

Funding for cancer research at the University of Nottingham comes from the biggest providers of medical research support, including:

  • MRC
  • NC3Rs
  • Newton Fund
  • Cancer Research UK
  • Breast Cancer Now
  • Prostate Cancer UK
  • The Brain Tumour Charity
  • other smaller charities

Centre for Cancer Sciences

The University of Nottingham
Centre for Biomolecular Sciences
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 823 1546
email: MS-CCS@nottingham.ac.uk