Title | Author | Journal |
Debt and Depression: Causal Links and Social Norm Effects |
John Gathergood |
The Economic Journal |
How Do Consumers Respond to House Price Declines? |
John Gathergood |
Economics Letters |
An Instrumental Variable Approach To Unemployment, Psychological Health And Social Norm Effects |
John Gathergood |
Health Economics |
A multidimensional analysis of adaptation in a developing country context |
A Barr and DA Clark |
Adaptation, Poverty and Development |
In the lab and the field: Punishment is rare in equilibrium |
Simon Gaechter |
Behavioral and Brain Sciences |
Vertical Integration, Market Foreclosure and Quality Investment |
R Hernan-Gonzalez and P Kujal |
Portuguese Economic Journal |
Managing a Duopolistic Water Market with Confirmed Proposals: An experiment |
A Garcia-Gallego, N Georgantzis, R Hernan-Gonzalez and P Kujal |
Revista Internacional de Sociologia |
How do Markets Manage Water Resources? An Experiment |
A Garcia-Gallego, N Georgantzis and R Hernan-Gonzalez |
Environmental and Resource Economics |
Cognitive effort in the Beauty Contest Game |
P Branas, T Garcia and R Hernan-Gonzalez |
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization |
Culture does account for variation in game behaviour |
J Henrich, R Boyd, R McElreath, M Gurven, PJ Richerson, J Ensminger, M Alvard, A Barr, C Barrett, CF Bolyanatz, J-C Cardenas, E Fehr, HM Gintis, F Gil-White, EL Gwako, N Henrich, K Hill, C Lesorogol, JQ Patton, FW Marlowe, DP Tracer and J Ziker |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2012;109(2): E32-E33 |
Bridging the gender divide: An experimental analysis of group formation in African villages |
A Barr, M Dekker and M Fafchamps |
World Development 2012; 40(10):2063-2077 |
Religion, Markets and Society: An Introduction |
Robert Hoffmann and Jonathan H.W. Tan |
Homo Oeconomicus 2012;29(1):7-11 |
Institutional Design and Voting Power in the European Union |
Maria Montero; edited by Marek A. Cichocki and Karol Życzkowski |
International Game Theory Review;2012;14 (02):1280001-1-1280001-5 |
A Cooperative Instinct |
Simon Gächter |
Nature 2012;489:374-375 |
Carrot or Stick? |
Simon Gächter |
Nature 2012;483;39-40 |
The Behavioral Validity of the Strategy Method in Public Good Experiments |
Urs Fischbacher, Simon Gächter and Simone Quercia |
Journal of Economic Psychology 2012;33(4):897-913 |
Voting under the Threat of Secession: Accommodation versus Repression |
Vincent Anesi and Philippe De Donder |
Social Choice and Welfare
Signaling without a Common Prior: Results on Experimental Equilibrium Selection |
Michalis Drouvelis, Wieland Muller and Alex Possajennikov |
Games and Economic Behavio r 2012;74:102-19
Peer Effects in Pro-Social Behavior: Social Norms or Social Preferences? |
Simon Gächter, Daniele Nosenzo and Martin Sefton |
Journal of the European Economic Association; 2013;11(3):548–573 |
Voting Power in the EU Council of Ministers and Fair Decision Making in Distributive Politics |
Le Breton, M., Montero, M. and Zaporozhets, V. |
Mathematical Social Sciences |
Risk Pooling, Risk Preferences and Social Networks |
Attanasio, O., A. Barr, J.C. Cardenas, G. Genicot and C. Meghir |
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. 2012;4:134-167 |
Who shares risk with whom under different enforcement mechanisms? |
Barr, A., M. Dekker and M. Fafchamps |
Economic Development and Cultural Change 2012;60:677-706 |
A Coalitional Theory of Unemployment Insurance and Employment Protection |
Vincent Anesi and Philippe De Donder |
Economic Theory 2013;52: 941-977 |
Secessionism and Minority Protection in an Uncertain World |
Vincent Anesi |
Journal of Public Economics 2012;96:53-61 |
A New Old Solution for Weak Tournaments |
Vincent Anesi |
Social Choice and Welfare 2012;39:919-930 |
The Impact of Social Comparisons on Reciprocity |
Simon Gächter, Daniele Nosenzo and Martin Sefton |
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2012;114(4):1346-1367 |
Are Bygones Bygones? |
Robin Cubitt, Maria Ruiz-Martos and Chris Starmer |
Theory and Decision 2012;75:185-282 |
Demand Bargaining and Proportional Payoffs in Majority Games |
Maria Montero and Juan J. Vidal-Puga |
Games and Economic Behavior |
A Theory of Voting Patterns and Performance in Private and Public Committees |
Daniel Seidmann |
Social Choice and Welfare |
Endogenous Entry in Contests |
John Morgan, Henrik Orzen and Martin Sefton |
Economic Theory 2012;51;435-463 |
Game Harmony: A Behavioral Approach to Predicting Cooperation in Games |
Daniel J. Zizzo and Jonathan H.W. Tan |
American Behavioral Scientist, R. Bhat and A. Etzioni (eds.), special issue on “Behavioral Economics: Toward a New Paradigm” |
Understanding Perpetual R&D Races |
Yves Breitmoser, Jonathan H.W. Tan, and Daniel J. Zizzo |
Economic Theory |
Which is the More Predictable Gender? Public Good Contribution and Personality |
Marco Perugini, Jonathan H.W. Tan, and D.J. Zizzo |
Economic Issues |
Who Makes a Good Leader? Cooperativeness, Optimism and Leading-by-Example |
Simon Gächter, Daniele Nosenzo, Elke Renner and Martin Sefton |
Economic Inquiry 2012;50:953-967 |
Gift Exchange and Workers' Fairness Concerns - When Equality Is Unfair |
Johannes Abeler, Steffen Altmann, Sebastian Kube and Matthias Wibral |
Journal of the European Economic Association |
Trust and the Reference Points for Trustworthiness in Gulf and Western Countries |
Iris Bohnet, Benedikt Herrmann and Richard Zeckhauser |
Quarterly Journal of Economics |
Choice Under Uncertainty in Developing Countries |
Glenn W. Harrison, Steven J. Humphrey and Arjan Verschoor |
The Economic Journal |