Jayne Anne Phillips, Monetised War, Militarised Money: A Narrative Poetics for the Financial Turn

LG11 Trent Buidling
Wednesday 9th November 2016 (16:00-17:30)
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Richard Godden is an internationally renowned scholar of twentieth-century American literature. His books include Fictions of Capital: The American Novel from James to Mailer (1990), Fictions of Labor: William Faulkner and the South’s Long Revolution (1997), and most recently William Faulkner: An Economy of Complex Words (2007). This last book was awarded the British Association for American Studies prize for the best book of 2007. Throughout his work, Richard has carefully analysed the relation between economic and literary form and in this talk he will be discussing the American novelist and short story writer Jayne Anne Phillips.

School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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