Journey to Justice schools and colleges outreach programme

Saturday 1st April (00:00) - Thursday 1st June 2017 (00:00)

Journey to Justice (Nottingham) April-June 2017

Aspart of the Nottingham Journey to Justice exhibition and in partnership with Galleries of Justice, Cultures, Languages and Area Studies outreach is delivering a range of events and activities for schools and colleges. These activities are inspired by and linked to the Journey to Justice stories of the fight for social justice from the Civil Rights war in the U.S. to the challenges and issue local people in Nottingham face today.

  • Journey to Justice secondary schools’ programme as part of the Nottingham Journey to Justice exhibition and in partnership with Galleries of Justice and Midlands3Cities PhD students and funded by British Association for American studies . Devised in partnership with M3C students and colleagues from Central College and the city council, this programme will be delivered by two M3C students to twenty disadvantaged 14-18 year olds and tie in with the Journey to Justice (Nottingham) exhibition themes and issues. It will culminate in an event co-managed by the pupils at the exhibition opening on 1st April. (March-April 2017)
  • Journey to Justice primary family learning events funded by Cascade and working with two local primary schools, pupils and their families will have the chance to visit the exhibition for a private viewing and undertake some family learning activities around the themes of social justice and civil and human rights. (April 2017)
  • Journey to Justice teachers’ half day workshop is an opportunity to link local teachers into the exhibition and its rich learning potential. Delivered by staff and PhD students from Midlands3Cities and funded by Cascade this half day of learning will challenge, stimulate and inspire, providing teachers with ideas and resources to take back to their History, PSE or Politics classrooms.

Department of American and Canadian Studies

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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