Department of American and Canadian Studies

American Studies postgraduate and Centre for Race and Rights research associate wins prestigious award

Hannah-Rose Murray has won a Royal Historical Society conference grant for 2015-16

Hannah will use the grant to present at the American Studies Association conference in October, this year held in Toronto. Titled The Foul Spirit of Slavery: Racism and Ferguson in a Transatlantic Context, her paper is part of a panel called Re/Producing Ferguson in Europe: Protest Movements from the Streets to the Classroom. She was invited to be part of this panel after publishing her piece on Ferguson and transatlantic protest for the Race and Rights blog series. In addition she was been invited to be a Royal Historic Society Postgraduate Speaker, where UK History departments outside the London metropolitan area can bid for funds from the Society to support travel and accommodation for a visiting speaker. Congratulations to Hannah! 

Posted on Monday 20th July 2015

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