Department of American and Canadian Studies

ACS postgraduate student news

ACS postgraduate student news

PGRs taking part in a wide range of events

ACS PG students have been particularly active over the past few months.
In July, Diletta De Cristofaro, Hannah Murray, Rachel Sykes and Rachel Williams delivered lectures to the Widening Participation Summer Schools.
In September, Alice Lilly did a public interview with the MP Alan Johnson at Waterstones.
In October, Katie Hamilton will be in a public conversation with acclaimed author Margaret Wrinkle at Waterstones; Timo Schrader will give a talk at Read Hear, a live performance event at Nottingham Central Library; Hannah Rose Murray will deliver a paper at a prestigious U.S. conference in Pennsylvania; and Alice Lilly and Rosemary Pearce will talk about photography during a guided tour at Djangoly Art Gallery.
In November, Hannah Murray will chair an event about print culture featuring U.S. visiting speaker Professor Hester Blum and our own Dr. Graham Thompson.

Posted on Tuesday 14th October 2014

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