Department of American and Canadian Studies

American Studies postgraduate and Centre for Race and Rights co-director wins prestigious award

Timo Schrader has won a Royal Historical Society conference grant for 2015-16

Timo will use the grant to present at the American Studies Association conference in Atlanta, one of the largest and most esteemed conferences in the field of American History. Titled “‘We are a Spirit Republic:’ The Role of Community Institutions in Negotiating Puerto Rican Citizenship,” the paper demonstrates the role of community institutions in negotiating and complicating Puerto Rican citizenship. It explores the idea of a translocational institution that moves between spaces both imaginary and physical to subvert ideas of nationhood and post-colonialism. He will present alongside two scholars working on Puerto Rican community activism in urban settings. In addition he has been invited to be a Royal Historic Society Postgraduate Speaker, where UK History departments outside the London metropolitan area can bid for funds from the Society to support travel and accommodation for a visiting speaker. Congratulations to Timo!

Posted on Tuesday 8th December 2015

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